View Full Version : Fletching and Woodcutting question

26-11-2010, 10:01 AM
I'm level 60 fletching and 56 woodcutting atm and want to get to 75 for both in around 17 days (when my member ends)

I need to fletch 15,739 maple longbows (u) and can do around 2-3k a day so I'd be 75 by the end of next week so I'm not really worried about that

and with wc I'm gonna cut willows until I can cut ivy and then cut ivy until 75

Are they the best ways or should I start doing maples at 60??

26-11-2010, 11:32 AM
willows r faster

29-11-2010, 08:22 AM
Willows are defiantly faster until around level 75 when ivy starts becoming 65-70k experience per hour, and maples are slower than willows, so i'd stick with those.


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