View Full Version : Should we bring back capital punishment?
05-12-2010, 10:55 PM
Yes or no?
My opinion is yes. Although I think a long and safe process of checks and re-checks should be held. But really we should be getting rid of;
Drug dealers
It will free up our prisons too :)
05-12-2010, 10:59 PM
Yes, the morality argument that will most likely be brought up I will nip in the bud right now; if you are against killing and murder (the death penalty) then you must also accept that abortion and euthanasia should also be against the law as they also kill, just that they kill the innocent rather than the guilty. If you cannot accept this and these are not your views ie. you are against the death penalty but for euthanasia/abortion then you do not have an argument of morality, in which case I would then ask; why do you support the murder of innocents and not the murder of the guilty?
I support all three - my views are consistent on this issue.
05-12-2010, 11:02 PM
In theory, it's a good idea. But if someone's accused falsely, and killed?
05-12-2010, 11:09 PM
In theory, it's a good idea. But if someone's accused falsely, and killed?
That's why there would need to be several re-trials ect. The last man killed via death penalty in Britain was falsely accused. But the system has changed since then and he would have never been killed under today's laws. He would probably have been charged with breaking and entering at most.
05-12-2010, 11:21 PM
That's why there would need to be several re-trials ect. The last man killed via death penalty in Britain was falsely accused. But the system has changed since then and he would have never been killed under today's laws. He would probably have been charged with breaking and entering at most.
With modern-day forensics, I would have to agree that the ratio of false accusations have dropped dramatically, but if you look at the USA, there are still people killed by the death penalty, and afterwards, with the development of new technology, are found to be innocent. The thing with any crime is, you can never 100% prove that one person committed it - there's always a small margin for error.
05-12-2010, 11:37 PM
Capital punishment should have been brung back along time ago now.
It should only be used when there is enough evidence though, such as DNA tests etc.
05-12-2010, 11:41 PM
Murderers, rapists, terrorists? Yes. Drug dealers? No. I'd say you'd have to be completely certain that the person was responsible before executing them.
05-12-2010, 11:56 PM
Murderers, rapists, terrorists? Yes. Drug dealers? No. I'd say you'd have to be completely certain that the person was responsible before executing them.
Drug dealers do worse than rapists. That's my view anyway...they're both awful but would you rather have your life messed up by a drug dealer (who is often a criminal through other means such as assault ect.), making you spend money on drugs, and ruining your life raped, ok it's nasty, you have a permanent scar in your mind but after a while (and I don't mean this saying rape is not as bad as is in some ways worse) it does eventually seem like a distant memory. I know a rape victim. She said once she had got over with it, the guy got caught and she saw him put behind bars, she got on with her life as if nothing ever happened. Whereas I know people who take drugs and they don't want to..but they have to because they can't stop - it's too dangerous, and they blame the dealer who first persuaded them.
To be honest it might decrease crime levels in the UK as I feel it is quite a big deterrent. It seems to work OK, in some states in America.
Personally I think Britain is way too lenient on criminals, whereas in some countries it would not be tolerated full stop, the gangs and certain individuals know they will get away with it all together or get off lightely. I don't think that capital punishment maybe the answer, maybe strict deportation for petty criminals, foreign of course. (which would obviously require radical immigration updates) and much harsher prison sentences. But Britain won't do that, it costs money to keep people in jail!.......
06-12-2010, 12:46 AM
We have it here. It all depends really, if you call yourself a Christian and you believe in God then how is it right to kill people at all? Conflicting beliefs make the decision hard to make.
06-12-2010, 12:47 AM
The problem with capital punishment is that you can be never 100% sure the person commited the crime. There was a fantastic movie made about this issue a while back. It started with ''the life of David....''can't remember the full name unfortunately.
Drug dealers do worse than rapists. That's my view anyway...they're both awful but would you rather have your life messed up by a drug dealer (who is often a criminal through other means such as assault ect.), making you spend money on drugs, and ruining your life raped, ok it's nasty, you have a permanent scar in your mind but after a while (and I don't mean this saying rape is not as bad as is in some ways worse) it does eventually seem like a distant memory. I know a rape victim. She said once she had got over with it, the guy got caught and she saw him put behind bars, she got on with her life as if nothing ever happened. Whereas I know people who take drugs and they don't want to..but they have to because they can't stop - it's too dangerous, and they blame the dealer who first persuaded them.
I don't think you can ever compare a drug dealer to a rapist... i mean technically both can do damage to the body but its still ridiculous. If so anyways then i mean the entire government would be in jail or dead if capital punishment was around. The people who run your country are the biggest drug dealers around, pharmaceuticals are one of (if not the biggest) money-makers in the US and Canada and most likely the UK aswell. (Also i've never met a drug dealer who persuaded anyone to take anything... usually thats your peers job - either way you can say no...)
Anyways not to get off topic i don't think capital punishment should be around at all; no one should decide who lives and who dies - yes someone may have killed another which goes agaisnt this but, killing them gives them the easy way out.
06-12-2010, 07:25 AM
The problem with capital punishment is that you can be never 100% sure the person commited the crime. There was a fantastic movie made about this issue a while back. It started with ''the life of David....''can't remember the full name unfortunately.
Derek Bentley?
06-12-2010, 12:52 PM
With modern-day forensics, I would have to agree that the ratio of false accusations have dropped dramatically, but if you look at the USA, there are still people killed by the death penalty, and afterwards, with the development of new technology, are found to be innocent. The thing with any crime is, you can never 100% prove that one person committed it - there's always a small margin for error.
The problem with capital punishment is that you can be never 100% sure the person commited the crime. There was a fantastic movie made about this issue a while back. It started with ''the life of David....''can't remember the full name unfortunately.
With the logic used in that, we'd never punish anybody or send anybody to prison.
In terms of drug dealers, drug dealers are usually horrible people who have criminal Empires, but sending someone to death for drug dealing? I disagree. I believe most drugs should be legalised, when you take drugs you make a choice - nobody forces you into drugs. I just find it ridiculous that we send people to prison for growing plants which people want to buy - it is time for government to focus on real crime.
But rapists, murderers and so forth - death for most cases, life (as in life, not the British 'life' sentence) in all other cases.
06-12-2010, 12:59 PM
With the logic used in that, we'd never punish anybody or send anybody to prison.
In terms of drug dealers, drug dealers are usually horrible people who have criminal Empires, but sending someone to death for drug dealing? I disagree. I believe most drugs should be legalised, when you take drugs you make a choice - nobody forces you into drugs. I just find it ridiculous that we send people to prison for growing plants which people want to buy - it is time for government to focus on real crime.
But rapists, murderers and so forth - death for most cases, life (as in life, not the British 'life' sentence) in all other cases.
Castration is an excellent alternative for rapists as opposed to death. There's also chemicals which can surpress their sex drives.
As for you saying by the logic that someone could be proven innocent, we couldn't punish anyone I disagree with you. You can take someone out of prison, you can't bring someone back to life.
06-12-2010, 01:16 PM
That's why there would need to be several re-trials ect. The last man killed via death penalty in Britain was falsely accused. But the system has changed since then and he would have never been killed under today's laws. He would probably have been charged with breaking and entering at most.
That'll cost alot more than letting them rot in sufficient jails. Trials cost the legal system a hell of a lot, and gaining the right to kill (appropriate permissions etc.) will add most cost to it, if you're thinking of a similar system to the US. I support tougher prisons. Legally killing people for the sake of it sets a bad precedent, and makes the Government as bad as the murderer. It proves nothing. Further more, it won't solve serious crime, countries with capital punishment are worse than the UK. In retrospect, we're actually quite a safe country considering the size and we really have no need for capital punishment. The idea we need capital punishment is forced upon the nation by the media.
Also, drug dealers are far worse than rapists - there are hundreds of types of dealers, some are violent and are seen as "drug barons" while others are just trying to make money and/or work for a drug baron. The latter do not deserve death, as they may have a back story or being held against their will.
That'll cost alot more than letting them rot in sufficient jails. Trials cost the legal system a hell of a lot, and gaining the right to kill (appropriate permissions etc.) will add most cost to it, if you're thinking of a similar system to the US. I support tougher prisons. Legally killing people for the sake of it sets a bad precedent, and makes the Government as bad as the murderer. It proves nothing. Further more, it won't solve serious crime, countries with capital punishment are worse than the UK. In retrospect, we're actually quite a safe country considering the size and we really have no need for capital punishment. The idea we need capital punishment is forced upon the nation by the media.
Also, drug dealers are far worse than rapists - there are hundreds of types of dealers, some are violent and are seen as "drug barons" while others are just trying to make money and/or work for a drug baron. The latter do not deserve death, as they may have a back story or being held against their will.
yeahhh when i made my reply i ment it as a more of the everyday type drug dealer not the 'drug lords' and such. Although in my opinion they still shouldn't be killed, its due to the prohibition of these drugs that gives these types of people their power. Which technically in a somewhat twisted way is the governments fault.
I mean not entirely but personally i think there should be better ways of solving these drug problems, rather than just making them prohibited.
06-12-2010, 08:59 PM
yeahhh when i made my reply i ment it as a more of the everyday type drug dealer not the 'drug lords' and such. Although in my opinion they still shouldn't be killed, its due to the prohibition of these drugs that gives these types of people their power. Which technically in a somewhat twisted way is the governments fault.
I mean not entirely but personally i think there should be better ways of solving these drug problems, rather than just making them prohibited.
I hope you read "drug dealer are worse than rapists" as "drug dealers aren't as bad as rapists", because I only just noticed that mistake :P
06-12-2010, 09:05 PM
As others have said it should only be used for the worse crimes with sold proof, otherwise they should just be imprisoned at least for a fixed period of time so that there is time for more evidence or alternatively proof that the person is innocent.
I do not thinking drug dealers should be put to death. Being raped is a lot more worse emotionally then being given drugs.
I hope you read "drug dealer are worse than rapists" as "drug dealers aren't as bad as rapists", because I only just noticed that mistake :P
ahh yepp well good to know we share the somewhat same opinion then i guess :P
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