View Full Version : Idea for Christmas present for girlfriend?

14-12-2010, 02:07 AM
Any ideas? I have no idea so far.

I have brought her bits and bobs but have not got a main present for her yet. :(

It has to be something quite big as well, looking in the range of 200-250 pounds. They could be split up or just spent on one item.

I thought of getting her UGGS again but I brought her them a couple a months ago so no. She has enough perfumes and such as. She already got some good hair straighters. She got heck loads of clothes as well.

I dont mind ordering online either.

Any ideas? :S

14-12-2010, 02:43 AM
That's a massive budget for a teen girlfriend bloody hell anyway depends on what she's into really, could book her into a spa day or something if she's into that kind of pampering (not entirely sure how much those cost as it differs massively everywhere) or if you want something a bit more permanent you could look into some swanky jewels to make her sparkle, if you're going big that might be better than clothes as they won't just randomly go out of fashion or get damaged so easily

or a DOG

14-12-2010, 10:08 AM
Maybe something like earrings/necklace? Depending if she likes earrings/necklaces. If not, do what was suggested above and book her into a spa day or something?

14-12-2010, 11:18 AM
a new boyfriend, she will love it.

14-12-2010, 12:08 PM
Yes, I bet you won't spend that much on your parents.

14-12-2010, 10:12 PM
Keep the money and invest it into something useful if she truly likes you she'll be happy with the 'bits and bobs'
also if you bought her UGGS i dont think she'll be expecting something rly big a few months later

14-12-2010, 10:35 PM
Still undecided yet, I have to think really quickly if it to be ordered online too.

I am so ******.

14-12-2010, 11:09 PM
£250? My Dad doesn't spend that much on my Mam! How long are you guys together? Anyway, ask her mother, never fails! She knows her the best.

14-12-2010, 11:18 PM
Hold on to the money and offer to go shopping with her after christmas and you'll pay for it all (providing it doesnt go over £250).

14-12-2010, 11:20 PM
Get a Blu Ray player and some films or a Zune/Spotify year subscription if she's into movies and/or music if your going to spend that much. Does seem steep though.

14-12-2010, 11:21 PM
a new boyfriend, she will love it.


So what are her interests then other than perfume and cloths?

15-12-2010, 12:09 AM
Hold on to the money and offer to go shopping with her after christmas and you'll pay for it all (providing it doesnt go over £250).

I was thinking that but she goes shopping a lot and rather buy something or such as such.

Get a Blu Ray player and some films or a Zune/Spotify year subscription if she's into movies and/or music if your going to spend that much. Does seem steep though.

Not really into that, She always get movies off of me anyways.

£250? My Dad doesn't spend that much on my Mam! How long are you guys together? Anyway, ask her mother, never fails! She knows her the best.

Asked her mum too many times, we both are dumbstruck lol. We been together long enough to spend a good amount of money on eachother.


So what are her interests then other than perfume and cloths?

Idk, She into quite lots of things. She loves JLS, bloody annoying but meh.

I could be here all day thinking what to get her and still no thave a frigging clue

15-12-2010, 05:41 PM
Well if JLS are doing a concert or something, then buy some tickets & maybe VIP tickets aswell? I remember hearing that they were on tour, but I dont really remember!

Or you could just give her the cash along with the bits and bobs. Or take her on some sort of holiday, few days away together?

15-12-2010, 06:39 PM
Well if JLS are doing a concert or something, then buy some tickets & maybe VIP tickets aswell? I remember hearing that they were on tour, but I dont really remember!

Or you could just give her the cash along with the bits and bobs. Or take her on some sort of holiday, few days away together?

All sold out and I never buy from people who sell them.

15-12-2010, 06:42 PM
An engraved ipod touch maybe? as you've got the budget and she seems like she likes music. up to you though.

15-12-2010, 08:08 PM
I kinda need ideas so I'm hoping I can pinch some of your presents :)

So far I have bought 'Seven Pounds' what she wants to see - that was.. £5?

Ive spend £5.99 lmao (99p being the Christmas Card from Card Factory)

Edited by Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator):Thread Merged as same topic.

16-12-2010, 01:09 AM
Well if JLS are doing a concert or something, then buy some tickets & maybe VIP tickets aswell? I remember hearing that they were on tour, but I dont really remember!

Or you could just give her the cash along with the bits and bobs. Or take her on some sort of holiday, few days away together?

Personally i think cash would be a bad idea :P
holiday would be cool although i dunno if your old enough/her parents would allow that

16-12-2010, 01:14 AM
Skydiving lessons.

The list could go on.. She would love you to get Skydiving Lessons

16-12-2010, 10:47 AM
An engraved ipod touch maybe? as you've got the budget and she seems like she likes music. up to you though.

Thought of that but she has an iPhone so wouldnt use it as much.

Personally i think cash would be a bad idea :P
holiday would be cool although i dunno if your old enough/her parents would allow that

Where tho? I already looked at places in paris and stuff. I cant think of anything in the UK lols.

Skydiving lessons.

The list could go on.. She would love you to get Skydiving Lessons

I dont think she like that.

As its 9 days till christmas, I better be fast!

16-12-2010, 10:48 AM
Whats your budget?

My thread is smiliar to yours, you might as well check it out.

16-12-2010, 12:43 PM
Pandora bracelet with charms? :) - Girls love them.

16-12-2010, 12:47 PM
Pandora bracelet with charms? :) - Girls love them.

yeah i think this is a good idea, like every girl i know wants one.

19-12-2010, 12:28 AM
Pandora bracelet for defo :) you could buy her a lot of charms on it too with that amount of money :D

19-12-2010, 12:47 AM
ask her

19-12-2010, 02:09 AM
Buy her credits.

20-12-2010, 10:58 PM
ask her

Buy her credits.

Stupid posintless posts.

As christmas draws near, I am still stuck on what to buy hahahaa.

I probs will buy something on the 'spot' so meh.

Merry christmas all xx

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