View Full Version : Under Cover Christmas Winners

16-12-2010, 04:46 AM
Christmas has come early for these Habbos!
A big thanks to everyone that rounded up their friends and played Santa for this comp! We had some amazing entries and the judges couldn’t help but pick waaay more than 15 groups. Be sure to click each of the boxes below for both giggle and “awww” inducing entries. Congrats winners!
Santa: Acuminous
Helpers: eshnesh, fuzzie2002 and disconnectings
Santa: babymyc1
Helpers: HH8, MissJupiter123, staceyharris! and veronica.diaz
Santa: Banned00
Helpers: .!aLi!., catirl, Rivulets, Vitus and Zarbie
Santa: Bradno
Helpers: 62896, NathanME and Fleapin
Santa: Buzzeh
Helpers: Hiclone, Vengas, hilary, and FreakCricketer
Santa: Candyblock
Helpers: EpicRare, iHawky and Eskimoe
Santa: chidiva
Helpers: Diptheria#, coldcashh and Object
Santa: derrickcalla16
Helpers: nina.charisse and khristeenable
Santa: Dudocks
Helpers: morganimals, Bailed, Flasby and Sluppers
Santa: E-E
Helpers: W0lves, threeDAYSgrace,, Meowlissa and -breanna,
Santa: FieryCold
Helpers: Pixel.z, CreptII, Qattusa and Saimuri
Santa: -Forever,Young,
Helpers: YasmiinzaRAWR, LadyGarnet, Seelneb, L.O.S.T- and Gina=Me
Santa: garys20
Helpers: lindsayallyson, paris45TheHabbo, CutieLeela12, Candy4689 and .:J.Bieberfan:.
Santa: Invigerating
Helpers: Regularise, Ryaichi, ,.:william:.,, Flinn! and Brokaen
Santa: jennypenny20
Helpers: omgitsmarcel, Faxtor, Timpani, tomas999 and farsis
Santa: Kaboom.Girl
Helpers: Wizhared, -justBon-, Explosive.Girl, Ms.Oneal and o0!StEPH@NiE!0o
Santa: Kayut
Helpers: Kyle@85, Kikibelljell and True
Santa: KokoMunch
Helpers: DivineBoyZ, MabelxD, -PeanutBread,, luqmancutez and shinchans
Santa: Kromium
Helpers: NarutoRocks12, PhilipsGoGear and RockmanEXEHub
Santa: Mateeeeee
Helpers: Globally., Alpines and Skitter
Santa: matlok
Helpers: kehrang!!!, RaresCasino, Military-VZ, Rareskeeper and -iPurple
Santa: MrTmc
Helpers: Finalz, Vandalizer, Appose and Hastles
Santa: oobylicious
Helpers: Hollywood, Michaael, Freakiest, Skatedog and Evens
Santa: Qualifys
Helpers: Buksh, Reciprical and Lolsioska
Santa: RavingCowboy
Helpers: -=Moltred=-, what., famouscookies, OceanLocket and .strawberri.
Santa: Rhyan!
Helpers: Deciduouz, Resitate, iBlueBox, 8-Maggie-8
Santa: Scentile
Helpers: Glamaruz, Woofie, Machure and iHawky
Santa: Scratchychalkboard,
Helpers: BrettasaurasRex, BlueberryTears and -Jurassic-
Santa: Sick.Boy.Wow
Helpers: Klein. and =Jessie
Santa: SUPERchips
Helpers: Evinfunky, Abbyx!, Jxmi and Plebings
Santa: Wiis
Helpers: GlamourModel and Dobbin
Santa: xLDx
Helpers: Open, Liberty.city, DaleBladi, FunkyJunk17 and Xx....U.....xX
Santa: zombieguy999
Helpers: Cubzyboy, Lydalaa, HellzFire and -Ruth!-

I WON!!!

Edited by HotelUser (Forum Super Moderator): Thread closed due to a lengthy bump.

16-12-2010, 07:18 AM
Well Done! :)

16-12-2010, 09:40 AM
Well done everyone :D.

16-12-2010, 10:50 AM
Well done :)

16-12-2010, 01:00 PM
Didnt win again, only famous people win again yawn

16-12-2010, 01:27 PM
well done and wy no one taked me to comp :'(

16-12-2010, 02:40 PM
Most of them are not really good :(
Well done Kromium and Finalz!

16-12-2010, 03:59 PM
Lucky people! :)

16-12-2010, 06:12 PM
Congrats on winning, and congrats to everyone else who won!

16-12-2010, 06:21 PM

Unlucky he got hacked isn't it. :(.

Well done Kart!

---------- Post added 16-12-2010 at 06:22 PM ----------

Anyone else think Kaboom.girl and Explosive.girl is same person? Jw.

16-12-2010, 07:02 PM
what was prize? a badge?

16-12-2010, 11:30 PM
Been wondering was all this is?!

17-12-2010, 05:26 AM
what was prize? a badge?

A Santa Screen and a Badge ;)

17-12-2010, 04:21 PM
Well done, everybody. :D

17-12-2010, 04:25 PM
I didn't participate but congratulations if you did + won of course :)

17-12-2010, 05:49 PM
A Santa Screen and a Badge ;)
Not bad; curious as to what a santa screen is though.. is it the Santa and Elf poster thing? :P

17-12-2010, 06:31 PM
Congrats to the winner , bad luck to me when i didnt win :L

15-01-2011, 12:31 PM
Hehe, Thanks everyone ^^ Feel free to add me - cubzyboy on the hotel client. Open to any requests for art too. Me and Ollie (Zombieguy999) both do habbo art so. Feel free to request. And thanks!

Edited by AidenFTW24 (Trialist Forum Moderator); Please don't bump old threads, Thanks.

15-01-2011, 12:32 PM
Congratulations on your undercover Christmas... cries.

15-01-2011, 12:36 PM
Yea. It was a badge. And the "Santa's" got the Santa & Elf thing

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