View Full Version : Wilderners and Free-Trade VOTE!

21-12-2010, 07:25 PM
Hi everyone,
As we near the end of another big year for Jagex, I feel very proud and truly amazed at what we’ve achieved together since RuneScape was conceived a decade ago. Together we’ve been part of the growth of one of the biggest free games in the world, not to mention the best, most vibrant online community in history. The Jagex family has grown to well over 400, we’ve picked up a number of Guinness World Records along the way (and counting), and for the second year running we’ve won the Golden Joystick Awards as best UK developer. This is all thanks to you, the players.
As you know, we try to keep our updates close to our chest, so that you will be pleasantly surprised; however, I can promise you that 2011 will be one of our most exciting update years ever.
When considering big game-changing decisions, it’s always with our players’ ultimate game experience firmly in mind; your feedback helps shape our decisions and, ultimately, the fun entertainment we produce. Creating content that you enjoy and appreciate is what drives our passionate teams. We regularly listen to you on the fan sites, our forums, in game and, for the first time ever, face to face at our live player celebration: RuneFest 2010. Your voice counts hugely, because we know you are as passionate about playing RuneScape as we are about making it.
It’s never lost on me what an incredible privilege it is to be able to serve such a wonderful community as well as the incredible team at Jagex. I’ve had an astonishing time over the past two years that I’ve been CEO of Jagex and, during that time, have had to make some rather difficult decisions. Today, however, I’d like to ask every one of our players, past and present, for your help in making one of the biggest decisions regarding the future of RuneScape...
I regularly hear from both the community and the Jagex team that we should reintroduce free trade and the excitement of the old Wilderness, warts and all. As you know, we removed free trade and the Wilderness in 2007 to combat botting, gold farming and item scamming. Since then, we have produced new content that provides comparable gameplay and mechanics to allow increased trade limits with long-term friends; however, we are still regularly being told that something is missing from the 'good old days' of RuneScape.
We’ve been shutting down bot-makers all around the world and prosecuting people for stealing accounts, and we’ve evolved our systems to quickly detect cheating; however, we will have to accept that we will never completely eradicate cheating so long as there is an incentive and method to do so. Bringing back free trade and the original Wilderness will certainly make this a bigger issue than it is today, though I can pledge that we will never stop trying to combat it.
So, the big question is, are the passionate voices we hear on this topic truly representative of the majority of the player community or just a rather vocal minority? Do you want to see a return of free trade and the original Wilderness? If the vast majority of our players vote in favour of it, then we will do exactly that.
Please tell us what you think by visiting this page (http://www.runescape.com/wilderness) and registering your vote. As ever, we’ll read your feedback and listen to your thoughts and opinions, so please do feel free to discuss and debate this on the forums.
In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday season and thank you for a fantastic 2010. I look forward to celebrating ten years of RuneScape with you in January.
Have fun!
Take care,
Mark Gerhard

About time,

Basically tis saying they will be bringing back the Wilderness AND Free Trading (no stupid limits) if enough people vote.

SOURCE; http://services.runescape.com/m=news/wilderness-and-free-trade-vote

21-12-2010, 07:26 PM
lol posted same time

21-12-2010, 07:34 PM
rofl omg typical, Sorreh

21-12-2010, 07:39 PM

its about time that they showed interest in taking away the limits!


21-12-2010, 08:01 PM
k guys this is the plan...

go through high scores coping all the names :)

thats what i've been doing for the past hour or so :$

21-12-2010, 08:03 PM
k guys this is the plan...

go through high scores coping all the names :)

thats what i've been doing for the past hour or so :$
its people like you that are making jagex consider restarting the vote.
They know that theres people like you voting time after time after time; and they might be restarting the whole thing and making sure you can only vote once

dont abuse the vote please..

21-12-2010, 08:12 PM
did they really think that people wouldn't abuse it though

theres gonna be botters voting and account making botters voting etcetc

21-12-2010, 08:18 PM
did they really think that people wouldn't abuse it though

theres gonna be botters voting and account making botters voting etcetc
its not even a vote anyway, because you cant vote 'no'

on the runescape forums theres hundreds of people calling for the vote to restart lol

21-12-2010, 08:31 PM
the no option is not voting :P

21-12-2010, 08:33 PM
the no option is not voting :P
yeah, but loads of people didnt realise that and clicked 'vote now', expecting to be taken to a page where they could click 'no'

bit silly really

21-12-2010, 09:39 PM
Nice letter. Now Sulake need to look at their community just like Jagex does.

21-12-2010, 11:53 PM
About time, never was a big fan of wildy but the trade limit was dam awful

22-12-2010, 01:31 AM
Might actualy come back to RS if this happens.

Now jagex i regard in much higher esteem.

Sulake you are still the **** on the bottom of my shoe as you guys would never do such a thing for the community.

22-12-2010, 01:54 AM
Do not want. Boycotting this vote.

The wilderness has actually improved and been made so much more fair than it used to be. The trade limit is fine. Nobody needs to be given obscene amounts of cash at a time unless they're buying it with their pocket money. The only thing it'll help with for legit players is item lending and discontinued item trading as they won't have to spend days collecting junk.

By posting this, jagex are essentially saying that their bot detection system (Players reporting people that don't reply to them) and other methods of stopping rule breaking are impenetrable and unavoidable which they most certainly are not.

22-12-2010, 01:56 AM
Yeah i also think without trade limit it might mess up the GE aswell, i dunno i think they should just cap the limit at like 500k or something i nstead of lifting it

22-12-2010, 01:16 PM
over 1m votes :)

22-12-2010, 01:33 PM
Prices are sure to rise if the trade limit gets lifted. I want the wildy and no trade limit back - Loved those times and Runescape was never the same once they took those elements away. :(

22-12-2010, 01:40 PM
Probably a big marketing thing, with the whole ex-friends, enemies thing, trying to get people back to the game.

Weird how they don't do a yes and a no vote to actually gauge the majority of actual players. There's what 130 million accounts and at the moment just 1 million votes? Massive minority.

22-12-2010, 02:55 PM
People have already developed mass-voting programs because they're so desperate for rs cash

22-12-2010, 03:10 PM

23-12-2010, 06:15 PM
I like it how it is, no vote from me.

The Don
23-12-2010, 07:04 PM
if this happens i'll be back...

23-12-2010, 09:32 PM
Id love to have free trade, but with all the new updates and how the game is now i dont think it will work well

24-12-2010, 04:04 AM
if it does come back, they better keep the grand exchange!

24-12-2010, 12:18 PM

Referendum. Obviously as many people as they were expecting. Will be interesting to see results.

24-12-2010, 03:18 PM
It'll be interesting to see how many voters there is now it's only 1 per person and you can vote against it.

25-12-2010, 03:04 PM
I think bringin wildy back will be good, because the drops will be less about luck and ep etc....
It will be intresting to see how the trade limit changes the game.

In a way they kinda left it way to late, because most players are used to the new system and pking, it will be a strange transfer for them.

26-12-2010, 12:12 AM
yeah, but loads of people didnt realise that and clicked 'vote now', expecting to be taken to a page where they could click 'no'

bit silly really

Who cares lol, if everyone clicks vote now, we will get it back.

26-12-2010, 09:58 PM
I hope you runescaper's know that you completely wasted your time by voting with other runescape names. They had a unique count on the vote, and it wasn't even the main vote, it was to see if it was worth actually putting interest into it, encase it's just them couple of hundreds that like to moan about them taking it away, as not everyone likes a change. They have now seen that it's most of the runescapers that want the trade/wildness back.

I personally think it's a great thought and very generious of Jagex, because we all know the huge user drops since they got rid of it. The only problem will be scammers and bots... But runescape had free trade and bots, way longer than not having them... So big deal, we can get used to it once again.

27-12-2010, 11:12 AM
I hope you runescaper's know that you completely wasted your time by voting with other runescape names. They had a unique count on the vote, and it wasn't even the main vote, it was to see if it was worth actually putting interest into it, encase it's just them couple of hundreds that like to moan about them taking it away, as not everyone likes a change. They have now seen that it's most of the runescapers that want the trade/wildness back.

I personally think it's a great thought and very generious of Jagex, because we all know the huge user drops since they got rid of it. The only problem will be scammers and bots... But runescape had free trade and bots, way longer than not having them... So big deal, we can get used to it once again.

I think people seem to think that when they got rid of wildy and free trading, that they got rid of bots and scamming as well. Bots have always been around and also scamming. The main problem will be that they will both increase but there is ways to protect your account from getting scammed and also some bots can still be detected. I dont think them bringing back wildy and free trading will have a dramtic change on these two factors.

Also its nearing 500k votes and 90% for and only 8% against.

If they do changed it I wonder how long it will take.

28-12-2010, 09:17 PM
;6911177']I think people seem to think that when they got rid of wildy and free trading, that they got rid of bots and scamming as well. Bots have always been around and also scamming. The main problem will be that they will both increase but there is ways to protect your account from getting scammed and also some bots can still be detected. I dont think them bringing back wildy and free trading will have a dramtic change on these two factors.

Also its nearing 500k votes and 90% for and only 8% against.

If they do changed it I wonder how long it will take.

I think they already planned it out before putting the votes up... and if they haven't, shouldnt take too long, it's only getting a rid of stuff and placing other stuff some else where.

29-12-2010, 04:29 PM
Yeh I suppose your right, I mean they probably have all the programing for old wildy, the only problem will be changing the location of certain stuff, but they probably doing that now.

29-12-2010, 07:22 PM
I think they should just make it so you get to pick, go into wild safe, or go in dangerious.. which is if you want to pk. It'll safe so much time.

29-12-2010, 07:24 PM
I think they should just make it so you get to pick, go into wild safe, or go in dangerious.. which is if you want to pk. It'll safe so much time.
Basically like they do at clan wars
free for all safe, and free-for-all dangerous?

29-12-2010, 07:27 PM
Well that's a good idea too! lol.

When you go into safe in clan wars, you will still get killed, but not loose your stuff. But what I'm saying is, you should be able to pick if you go in safe, so people can't attack, maybe only revs like now so it's still dangerious a little, or you pick to go into it dangerious. And so we know whose pking, they'll have a skull on top of them or something.

29-12-2010, 07:41 PM
^ thats a pretty good idea although it would ruin the fun of killing people training agility and doing clue scrolls :P

29-12-2010, 07:46 PM
Or doing Stars; questst etc ;p

29-12-2010, 07:59 PM
It really wasent a huge problem back in the day, I remember you could easily go into a near empty world and do your clue scroll etc... and you would rarley run into any pkers.
Evrything else will be relocated to a safe area. Only problem I see is green dragon killers, back to 3 iteming me thinks.

29-12-2010, 08:05 PM
Then thats there fault really tbh

You either
risk that little bit extra, risk of getting pked, but if you dont you get quicked drag kills

Risk hardly nothing, get pked anyway to teach you a lesson in 'safeing' and spending twice as long killing drags

01-01-2011, 03:10 PM
Everyone get voting. I really do miss the old scape and I think if they bring it back then I will be returning quicker than you can say hybrid

01-01-2011, 10:07 PM
Wow, finally. I dont play rs anymore but I just had to vote to bring it back to how it always should have been.

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