View Full Version : FieryCold has left Habbo

01-01-2011, 08:08 AM

He wrote it on his homepage too.
Ok so I don't care .. do you?

01-01-2011, 08:20 AM
I couldn't care less, I hate to be rude but that's the truth.

However, he'll be back.

01-01-2011, 09:20 AM
I agree with wiizzz, he'll be back.

He's a nice room designer and well known around the hotel, however to be honest i don't really care if he really leaves :(

01-01-2011, 09:33 AM
ooo my room might get to the top now hes gone :)

like wizz i don't care tbh.

01-01-2011, 11:13 AM
He will be back probably on another account.

01-01-2011, 11:20 AM
Hes probably leaving because he didnt get into the top 15 in trophys. :L

01-01-2011, 11:22 AM
everyone leaves at some point what's the big deal

01-01-2011, 11:39 AM
Disclaimer: If you come here to troll or criticize any of my views, leave now. This thread isn't intended for you.

To my friends and those interested:

As of Jan. 1st, 2011 at precisely 12:01am (PST), I will officially be checking-out of Habbo Hotel. This decision has been weighing on my mind for quite sometime now & with new years resolutions approaching, it was finally set in stone. With that said, I want to thank everyone for the wonderful memories over the years. The journey was fun while it lasted, but it's time for me to move on.

The purpose of this thread is to shed some light on my decision. The main (and primary) reason for me departing is simply because I don't have time like I use to. When I began this game in middle school, I had a lot of time to kill. Over the years however, especially in college and even more-so now it's become difficult to balance my personal life with a game I grew attached to over the years. Many of you noticed where I'd go periods without logging on, sometimes weeks or even months. The reason for this was due to the professional path I'm following, which is extremely difficult. I realized it's difficult to balance both and so, because of the motivated person I am, I felt it was important that I made a few sacrafices that didn't impact me from succeeding in this goal. Habbo was one of them.

Secondly, there has been an overwhelming decline in player satisfaction over the years. You have to wonder why staff don't do anything about it. What happened to the game we signed up for? I'm sure you noticed that this game has commercialized over the years. Take for instance the forums: You visit a forum, click a few threads and boom there's an advertisement. "Hey! Why not save a few bucks and have habbos advertise for us!" Boom there's an advertisement (Video Competitions requiring views). How the heck are we gonna pay for webhosting? Boom, habbo taxing. Boom, VIP. Boom, let's fire all the good mods and hire foreign people who don't know jack squat. Boom, an award show where people BUY trophies.. Whoooooooo cares about furni values and the effort people put into earning them, let's just merge the hotels! Boom, Boooooom ..booooooom....

ALWAYS one thing after another ...and always for the worse. Do you see where this is going? This game isn't about YOU anymore, it's about THEM. The game itself is directed towards a new audience. Meanwhile, Sulake's CEO claims that business is better than ever. The question shouldn't be why I am quitting but rather why isn't everyone quitting as well. Sure, we all have our friends to talk to - to pass the time but don't they have a billion other online services for that. You and I both know that this game can be extremely boring at times, especially after the last several updates that demolished the game.

Just take for instance the pros and cons of the past few updates as well as other changes within the game (which all revolve around saving or making money. $$$)


• were meant to be challenging, fun, and exciting.
• winning was relatively attainable with concerted effort.
• Competitions were intended for EVERYONE to participate in

• almost always has a money incentive now.
• extremely difficult to win due to huge community population
• Some competitions are now hidden based on your geographic location


• ineracted with community players and visited rooms from time to time
• were extremely cool and seemed more passionate about their jobs
• MODs actually helped for once and CFHs were actually useful
• Random Hotel Alerts were something to laugh about

• Staff isolate themselves at all costs unless absolute neccessary (ie. promotion event)
• MODs are strictly told not to visit guestrooms; CFHs are automated
• What's a hotel alert?


• SS, WS, and BB were extremely fun games to play.
• Mazes were actually challenging at one point.
• "Tripping" was still possible.
• Wobble Squabble was a hotel classic.
• Community Games hosted by staff were something to look forward too.

• SS, WS, and BB all removed to save "money"
• New Games introduced in Guest Rooms to gain "money"
• Staff no longer host community games.


• Stacking Destroyed
• Free-rights rooms removed - (Kick-wars extinct)
• Exchange-Tax - A quick way to con players into spending more $$$.
• Dropping Furni Removed - Suprise "donations" no longer
• Tagging System - Do you think I want my name tagged?
• Navigation System re-modified making room populating more difficult
• Guestbook Posts deleted (FYI: Staff delete 90% of your posts if it gets too high)
• Forum Thread Limitations
• Photos Removed
• Cannot Gift Coins
• Habbo IDs
• Pixel Effects

And what the heck... you can't trade wired? Gee, I wonder why.


• People were so much more friendly and acted much more mature.
• The hotel use to be more personal and many people knew each other by name
• The hotel was united as ONE community

• The merge forced segregation and country wars (some insisting their country is the best)
• The number of pre-mature adolescents has increased significantly
• The game is no longer personal (though this was inevitable anyways with a growing population)


• Despite the 80%+ disapproval rate, the merge proceeded anyways.
• "Rare" names altered to include symbols
• Little concern for player input
• USA Values destroyed --> Unfair advantage for other hotels were values thrived

The list goes on and on...

And so to leave on a more ... positive note, I want to thank each and every single person who has supported me along the way. To my friends especially, without you I would not even have lasted another two years. Thanks for the memories, the laughs, and the great moments we shared. I wish you guys a bright and happy future.

Take Care everyone,


this was posted on fierycold's group by himself.

01-01-2011, 11:51 AM
While I do agree with pretty much all the things he's said on the grooup page; someone happened to raise some good points in his comment thread too:

Oh ffs, stop criticising decisions Sulake has made for Habbo unless you have the guts to back up your argument. You should all expect that money/cost is a huge factor in any company and its success in the industry. The target audience for Habbo has never actually changed, in fact since the beginning of Habbo, Sulake continues to target the teen generation. We all grow older each year, we all grow out of Habbo as well. For those who can remember the good old times few years back; all the old Habbo's etc. All those Habbo's have all got lives now in the workforce and/or finishing off their uni/college qualifications.

Fyi, stacking has never been destroyed. Old stacking methods have become modified from the many changes and improvements to the Habbo client, however. New stacking methods continue to be discovered. Who gives a stuff that USA furni values were destroyed from the merge, Habbo isn't just about furni you goon fierycold

While we can all run around crying, leaving Habbo and complaining that it "isn't what it used to be" - we do need to remember that Sulake is a company with the intention of making money. If I was the CEO of Sulake (or whatever pointless title they give people these days), I'd do the same. Of course I'd charge people to exchange credits, it seems an easy way to get people to spend doesn't it?

Customer satisfaction may be ****, but the large majority of people don't have the balls to take a stand and leave Habbo for good; which is why they continue it.

FieryCold did a nice promotion with Habbox over the Halloween period and he replied to one of my guestbook messages which is a bonus. Nice guy, and I do commend him for opening his mouth.

01-01-2011, 12:48 PM
While I do agree with pretty much all the things he's said on the grooup page; someone happened to raise some good points in his comment thread too:

While we can all run around crying, leaving Habbo and complaining that it "isn't what it used to be" - we do need to remember that Sulake is a company with the intention of making money. If I was the CEO of Sulake (or whatever pointless title they give people these days), I'd do the same. Of course I'd charge people to exchange credits, it seems an easy way to get people to spend doesn't it?

Customer satisfaction may be ****, but the large majority of people don't have the balls to take a stand and leave Habbo for good; which is why they continue it.

FieryCold did a nice promotion with Habbox over the Halloween period and he replied to one of my guestbook messages which is a bonus. Nice guy, and I do commend him for opening his mouth.

I totally agree here, and constantly argue for Sulake on these forums - the merge was to save money, and can you blame them? However I think the mistake Sulake made Matt was bringing the Grand Exchange in for FREE. If they charged 5 credits per EVERY 50 credits you redeemed when they first made it, nobody would have thought otherwise. But because it WAS free, there was uproar over the whole thing.

FieryCold will be back - when people leave they just gradually stop going on, not; 'yeah leaving today guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

01-01-2011, 12:56 PM
While I do agree with pretty much all the things he's said on the grooup page; someone happened to raise some good points in his comment thread too:

While we can all run around crying, leaving Habbo and complaining that it "isn't what it used to be" - we do need to remember that Sulake is a company with the intention of making money. If I was the CEO of Sulake (or whatever pointless title they give people these days), I'd do the same. Of course I'd charge people to exchange credits, it seems an easy way to get people to spend doesn't it?

Customer satisfaction may be ****, but the large majority of people don't have the balls to take a stand and leave Habbo for good; which is why they continue it.

FieryCold did a nice promotion with Habbox over the Halloween period and he replied to one of my guestbook messages which is a bonus. Nice guy, and I do commend him for opening his mouth.

Yeah He was a good guy after all.

01-01-2011, 01:02 PM
I agree with so many of the things which he says in his guestbook post. He really has hit the nail on the head.

01-01-2011, 01:13 PM
I don't care if FieryCold leaves but I do agree with most of his points in what he quoted (listed above).

You can say that Sulake need to make these changes to deal with the economy although they are taking it a little too far with the 'exchange tax' in my opinion.

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