View Full Version : Christianity.

03-01-2011, 07:49 AM
Well over the New Years holiday I got to hang out and become really good friends with a couple of Christian guys. Completely not what I expected! We got completely slizzard together and had one of the best times in my life. They didn't force the religion down my throat or anything even remotely close to how I pictured the average Christian (I've met a few OTT ones in the past).

The funny thing is that they had such a good influence on me, I had some weed with me and ended up giving it to another friend because I realised that they were having just as fun a time without it, if not a better time. I found myself swearing less and just being a more brighter person all round. Now I'm not saying that the clouds parted and sunlight streamed through to angels singing HALLELUJAH or anything, but I definitely appreciated a lot more and had a better time with them than I feel I've had with other people in the past.

The thing is that I am not Christian or anything really near it, but hot damn you can bet your ass that when I have kids, I'll be taking them to church every Sunday. I find myself sort of wishing that I had grown up in a church community, where people are so trusting and helpful and even in the darkest of times there was always someone to turn to. Apposed to a world where no one can trust anyone for fear it will go bad. Sorry if that sounded preachy or whatever, but it's not meant to.

But anyway, here's where I kind of need some help. I really want to go to the church's Youth Group sort of thing as well as maybe a service or two, just to get a feel of what it's like. But I know that my parents will most likely disapprove. And I have one of those families that like to talk, it won't take long before the whole family thinks I'm some sort of Jesus freak. Does anyone have any advise as to what I can do to get them to kind of see it my way etc?

Thanks :-)

Had a really good time over new years with some christians, kind of want to be a christian but I just know my family with disapprove...what do?

03-01-2011, 08:40 AM
I would probably just tell them you're interested in taking on a new religion and want to see what different religions are like until you choose the right one for you. After all there are more religions than just Christianity. So say you're going to try out a few services or meditations and whatnot (not saying you actually have to do them). Then after you've seen what Christianity is like and agree or simply prefer it, tell them that you've decided to go with it. So then you don't sound like you were coerced into it by some religious enthusiasts.

I would say though that if you are looking to take on a religion, you should explore a bit, as every religion says something different and you may find something which suites you more. And always be critical of how much the religion is going to be dominant in your life. Devotion and commitment may not be the nicest thing if you end up choosing a religion and in the end it’s not right for you.

And I would also say that whatever you choose to follow, have your own beliefs and interpretations. Just because the religion doesn't like something doesn't mean you shouldn't either. Have your own view of who and what their deity is instead of being told what to believe they are. That's one of the main reasons why I'm no longer a Christian, and no longer believe in God either.

03-01-2011, 01:20 PM
you know, religious people tend to be happier than non-religious people. even though people argue that it's because it gives us something to believe in it's not, it's the bonds you make with the other people. because religious people are non-judgemental and willing to help others i can see why you want to be a part of it. you don't even have to go to a service to begin with, i'm sure there's probably events that some religious people do. our priest and his wife own a soup & sweet for homeless people. find something you can help out with. or ask to help out at a church when there's young children in or something. it's what i used to do.

don't just go in to a religion thinking it's all fun and games because some people are really serious about it. yes it can be a nice thing to grow up in or to be a part of but you have to be serious about it aswell. just observe other religious people, do your research in to Christianity. they're not gonna throw you out because you don't believe in God - they'll welcome your help but you'll have to know SOMETHING about Christianity in order to not disrespect their views. tip: i know it's hard but don't say "oh my god" srsly i got preached the **** out of after doing it at church :(

as for your parents, why would you care if they thought you were a 'jesus freak?', i'm sure they'll understand. just say you want to help out at some places with the church, i don't think they're gonna be ashamed of your selflessness:P

03-01-2011, 02:29 PM
you know, religious people tend to be happier than non-religious people. even though people argue that it's because it gives us something to believe in it's not, it's the bonds you make with the other people. because religious people are non-judgemental and willing to help others i can see why you want to be a part of it. you don't even have to go to a service to begin with, i'm sure there's probably events that some religious people do. our priest and his wife own a soup & sweet for homeless people. find something you can help out with. or ask to help out at a church when there's young children in or something. it's what i used to do.

don't just go in to a religion thinking it's all fun and games because some people are really serious about it. yes it can be a nice thing to grow up in or to be a part of but you have to be serious about it aswell. just observe other religious people, do your research in to Christianity. they're not gonna throw you out because you don't believe in God - they'll welcome your help but you'll have to know SOMETHING about Christianity in order to not disrespect their views. tip: i know it's hard but don't say "oh my god" srsly i got preached the **** out of after doing it at church :(

as for your parents, why would you care if they thought you were a 'jesus freak?', i'm sure they'll understand. just say you want to help out at some places with the church, i don't think they're gonna be ashamed of your selflessness:P

haha my re teacher got us all to say 'oh my life' instead :p

Anyway, it's good to see you had a good time and you kept an open mind. I think the social stigma that religion has nowadays is generally false. People from all religions know how to have a good time, especially the more younger generations but not excluding the older, and ofc there'll be those who take it seriously and are very stiff upper lip about it but the majority are mostly liberal in my experience.

As for your parents etc thinking you're a Jesus freak, just explain to them you're not in it for the religious side of it, you're in it for the social side of it, which by the sounds of it, you are? I wanted (and am) studying RE at uni and my parents, especially my atheist dad, doesn't understand why and everyone kept asking me if I was going to be a priest but I belong to no religion. :)

03-01-2011, 03:24 PM
I don't see what Christianity has to do with what went on?

You met some new people and had a really good time with them? You even said yourself that they didn't ram Christianity down your throats so I don't see what Christianity has got to do with it. You could of met any new people and had a really good time with them, just because they're Christians doesn't mean all great people are Christians or that it even influenced the time you had with them. During primary school I had a right laugh with a Sikh boy, doesn't mean I want to be a Sikh or that Sikhism had anything to do with the times we had.

I'd just carry on life as usual, I think you've over-thought it and exaggerated the affects of religion.

03-01-2011, 03:32 PM
You don't have to be religious, to be a good, and happy person. It just helps you and guides you, because theres always a right to wrong and a wrong to right, and always a answer. If you do something wrong, you'll feel forgiven, and then you won't be so depressed and argh, because you are forgiven.

I will never go around saying I worship a person that died 2000 years ago, and then a bible writtin man made. It's just a easy step through life, and we all know it.

I don't like the fact that you want to be a Christian, simply because you have worked out that their really nice people, respectful, and not moody. You become religious, because it's what YOU believe in, or if you grown up with it. But don't go jumping into it either, because theres many other relgions, think about it first... what makes a Christian the true faith?

03-01-2011, 03:57 PM
Christians are usually more cheerful because they have a sheet over their eyes.

03-01-2011, 09:34 PM
I myself aren't religious and i'd describe myself as agnostic leaning towards the Church of England, but I do plan on going to Church on Christmas when i'm older. The sad truth is that we've lost our faith in this country to a large extent and now many have no moral direction, little or no moral for themselves or the people around them in their community and Christianity has been replaced by a cult worshipping of football teams and celebrities many of whom are poor role models.

The 1960s brought this about with the cultural revolution and its good that you've looked into it rather than closing your eyes as so many so when they attempt to bash religion as some sort of backward teaching, maybe perhaps the worship of football teams/celebrities is backward.

Just a thought.

04-01-2011, 05:23 AM
Learn about the religions, beliefs are your beliefs.

If they don't accept that, then don't worry too much about it. In the real life, you will come across people who have their own beliefs too.
Don't worry too much about it, in my opinion.

I go to a Catholic school, yet last year for my Year 11 studies, we learnt about other religions and were allowed to express ourselves.
Even though I go to a religious school, I don't believe in a god or a worshipment or anything. I learn because I want to.. Like previously said,
religion doesn't make you happy.

Hope everything goes well for you :)

04-01-2011, 05:54 AM
You can have fun without drugs/alcohol even if you're not Christian.

04-01-2011, 09:54 AM
Like Fiendly said, I think it isn't about the having fun etc. etc. but more that I want to learn about it. I mean it's a hard thing to put out there without starting a crap storm but I do believe in God and I think if I went to mass or just something church oriented, I may be able to fill what I feel is missing at the moment, an involvement with others who kind of have the same train of thought as me.

I'm actually really nervous to talk to the friends I mentioned in the original post about wanting to go to the youth group or something because I don't think they'll take me seriously. Hmmm I'm starting to think I have a problem with fear of rejection :/

04-01-2011, 10:03 AM
Well I used to go to Church but my family sort of stopped when my brothers started playing Hockey & Tennis...anyway I'd just go. Your own family should let you do what you want, and if anyone, it shouldn't be your family calling you a Jesus freak, they should be encouraging you to go if that's what you want to do.

Go to Church, talk to the people and find out about any youth groups they do, I know a lot of Churches do them. If not maybe just attend once a month? It's not a go once go every week type of thing, you can go once then not turn up for a year then go every week for a few months or whatever suits you.

I suggest go, if your family really care they won't tear you down for your own beliefs.

05-01-2011, 07:39 AM
Well myself and another friend who is kinda in the same situation as me have talked to a mutual friend of ours and we are off to service this sunday :) Is it wierd that I am really excited haha. I think it's just the fact that I am going to get to meet so many new people!

22-10-2014, 07:17 PM
I was raised Christian my entire life. I'm now 23, and I am still a Christian.

I can tell you I am generally happy with the things that are taking place in my life, and the direction I am heading in, and for that I thank God!

I think a lot of people bash Christians due to stereotypes. Just like people in America tend to stereotype people of other races, and other religions. I'm glad the people you hung out with were cool. Most Christians I hang out with are really down and hey! I love Jesus but I drink a little. :)

Edited by mdport. (Forum Moderator): Please do not bump old threads!

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