View Full Version : Make-up question (both guys & girls)

03-01-2011, 03:02 PM
yep just gonna ask a question for each gender. spoiler contains my thoughts on any excuse i may hear.
ok girls:
why do you wear make-up?

"as a form of expressing yourself" - er how is make-up gonna express yourself? can't you do it through your personality or clothing choice? i never understood that. i just see that as an excuse. some people genuinely do use it if they're part of some sort of ~trend~ like goth/punk whatever but cmon now...

"more confidence" - as cliche as it sounds, i'm much more confident being myself... like, wouldn't you feel better if someone liked you for you rather than who you pretend to be :l

"attract more guys" - yeh. if you want to attract a guy looking for an easy lay then sure go ahead. but don't get into a ***** fit when they freak out the next morning and see what you truly look like. it's not cause you're ugly, it's just cause the contrast between your 'hot' look and your natural is so different that they get confused. not to mention the deception you've already caused is not attractive.

will there be one girl who admits it's because they hate how they look? i admit i used to and it caused me many problems. i used to hate every aspect of my appearance and when i look back idk why, i just compared myself to everyone and was a mega clone. i may be hypocritical cause i have highlights in my hair (growing them out RIP) but i see that as enhancing, not hiding (A) only one of my friends wear make-up and she does the lot like eyebrows and everything she says it's because she's pale but the fact she won't show even her best friends her makeup less face makes me think she's hiding... obviously i've seen her when we were younger but now she dyes her hair darker hence the whole paleness.... that idek who she is anymore ;[

do you like girls whom wear make-up?

i mean... when my guy friends call a girl hot, i don't get it. what makes a woman hot/pretty? it's essentially just her mask that is 'pretty'. i get called jealous when i say i don't find someone wearing make-up attractive. i don't think being fake is pretty.

"it shows they make the effort" - no, you can make the effort by looking after yourself and not shoving loads of chemicals on your face. you don't need make-up if you look after yourself imo. give me a healthy person over a made up person anyday plz. next time u pick up a hot chick think about what they look like underneath.

& i'm not tryna be ****** cause i know people can look good or even better without the make-up. i'd just rather see more people wear none or less. 3 girls in my class don't wear any on mondays cause we go dancing after college and that's cool. & honestly i 100% think they look pretty without it but it pretty much ruins their whole day cause they don't believe it. plus they ***** that 'hot' guys don't hit on them when we're out cause we're plain. and that's why they tend up with jerks.

oh fyi when girls who wear a **** load of make-up call others ugly (especially those that don't wear make-up) it makes me laugh when you're the one that's too scared to show your true face. /bitter
i'm super against make-up omg someone sue me preach preach preach i'm a goody two shoes etc & will get off my soap box now ;-; soz.

03-01-2011, 03:10 PM
TO MAKE ME PRETTY (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs140.ash2/40360_413673590417_698520417_4858731_2639667_n.jpg )

tbh I get your points and a huge amount of people who wear makeup either use too much or don't need any at all, but some people just are that hideous without it that they ought to cover up. That aside, you mentioned clothing etc (and personality, lol) to make a look but face is a big part of looks and really putting on makeup is the same as cutting your hair a certain way or wearing a certain style of clothes

Personally I only like idk maybe a bit of eye makeup unless you're going all out for some big function, then it's acceptable to have the "mask" as events like that are supposed to be entirely superficial anyway

03-01-2011, 03:12 PM
you 'eliminated' one of the reasons people may give
the one for confidence, well luuucky you if you can be confident without makeup
but in a world where peoples perception of beauty revolves around actors/actresses who have their hair and makeup done professionally and fixed for every single shot.......... well it's kind of hard to feel so great without makeup on

i'm just saying my skins not flawless and if i can cover that up why shouldn't i?
really a little make up can give you such a confidence boost, it's like when i go swimming and my guy friends are like
you look the exact same without makeup
peoples own imperfections stand out to them much more than they stand out to other people
it's not a big deal....

oh my god is my brain melting or somthing i cannot form a coherent sentence
stupid hamlet

03-01-2011, 03:24 PM
TO MAKE ME PRETTY (http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs140.ash2/40360_413673590417_698520417_4858731_2639667_n.jpg )

tbh I get your points and a huge amount of people who wear makeup either use too much or don't need any at all, but some people just are that hideous without it that they ought to cover up. That aside, you mentioned clothing etc (and personality, lol) to make a look but face is a big part of looks and really putting on makeup is the same as cutting your hair a certain way or wearing a certain style of clothes

Personally I only like idk maybe a bit of eye makeup unless you're going all out for some big function, then it's acceptable to have the "mask" as events like that are supposed to be entirely superficial anyway
oh yeah i agree. i'm not gonna stop covering up my FOREHEAD with my fringe. & a full face is acceptable when needed yeh but not everyday, not to go to the shop.

you 'eliminated' one of the reasons people may give
the one for confidence, well luuucky you if you can be confident without makeup
but in a world where peoples perception of beauty revolves around actors/actresses who have their hair and makeup done professionally and fixed for every single shot.......... well it's kind of hard to feel so great without makeup on

i'm just saying my skins not flawless and if i can cover that up why shouldn't i?
really a little make up can give you such a confidence boost, it's like when i go swimming and my guy friends are like
you look the exact same without makeup
peoples own imperfections stand out to them much more than they stand out to other people
it's not a big deal....

oh my god is my brain melting or somthing i cannot form a coherent sentence
stupid hamlet

well i was never confident in myself UNTIL i stopped using it. & i only stopped using because my face was getting all blotchy due to allergic reactions :/
& yeah media is definitely to blame. even when you see them on their 'bad' shots it's not even bad. it's just because they've been photoshopped & made up to perfection that people tend to think they're now "ugly". i don't watch tv & i'm not interested in gossip or news so it's not that hard for me but i can see where you're coming from. i've felt that way before too.
no-ones skin is flawless but what's covering it gonna do? it's not gonna get better that way. isn't there a constant worry your foundation is going to come off and you'll be exposed. i wouldn't go near water when my forehead had spots incase that happened & had like no fun. i'm just really talking from experience. it does give a confidence boost, it can be the difference between a good and bad day but relying on it makes me pity people.
& if you look the exact same, why do you bother? i think girls just do it for other girls cause guys never notice. the same with "she's a natural beauty", some guys don't even know what's natural because people use such heavy make-up to make them look naturally pretty... if u get what i'm saying
i see where you're coming from, really do, i would just rather people didn't. & if it's not a big deal i don't see why people use so much if it's not benefiting them. i just really hate loads of chemicals aswell cause i'm a nature freak n all that

03-01-2011, 03:28 PM
I actually hate my face - to make it look better. And to look older sometimes (like when I go out)

03-01-2011, 03:33 PM
I used to hate the way I look and used make up to make me "prettier" but now I stick to the more natural look.

03-01-2011, 03:34 PM
I like girls who wear a bit of make up e.g. eye liner. Even though, I really don't mind if I girl doesn't wear any.

I know a couple of girls who cover their face in cheap rubbish and wear fake tan. They end up looking quite frankly, like a tarty oompaloompa. I by far prefer a girl who doesn't wear much at all. Why not show off your natural beauty?

03-01-2011, 03:46 PM
you know what really annoys me
when boys say 'i prefer girls natural' some of them only think that
personally i think what they mean is that they prefer girls who use small amounts of makeup, subtle use and that... and use makeup to enhance their features
the girls they think are 'natural' just don't wear enough to make it painfully obvious

don't come bashing me, i'm not talking about all of them who say it, just some.

03-01-2011, 03:48 PM
but i see that as enhancing, not hiding (A)

You said it yourself, you use your highlights to enhance how you look, and I use makeup to do the same. I'm not one of those people who will feel super uncomfortable without having my makeup on perfectly, but I like to have some on because I do feel much more confident with it. Both other people and myself are so used to seeing me with even just a tiny bit of eyeliner that if I scrub my face free of every single trace, I don't even recognise myself. I don't particularly not like the way I look without makeup, but it's just I prefer it if I use a single bit of eyeliner on my upper lid line. It makes all the difference to my face, not only my eyes but makes me cheeks look less wide and fat, make my eye bags less noticeable, and makes me look way older. I think you really do raise some good points but I've come to the conclusion, after many battles with my mum about makeup, that save big efforts for going out, wear a consistent amount around people you see daily, and when you're just on your own or with a close friend don't put any on, which is what I normally do.

03-01-2011, 04:03 PM
you know what really annoys me
when boys say 'i prefer girls natural' some of them only think that
personally i think what they mean is that they prefer girls who use small amounts of makeup, subtle use and that... and use makeup to enhance their features
the girls they think are 'natural' just don't wear enough to make it painfully obvious

don't come bashing me, i'm not talking about all of them who say it, just some.
oh yeah this i know. until they've woken up next to one then they know nothing lol
but it's just as bad as made up girls calling natural girls ugly. idek.

You said it yourself, you use your highlights to enhance how you look, and I use makeup to do the same. I'm not one of those people who will feel super uncomfortable without having my makeup on perfectly, but I like to have some on because I do feel much more confident with it. Both other people and myself are so used to seeing me with even just a tiny bit of eyeliner that if I scrub my face free of every single trace, I don't even recognise myself. I don't particularly not like the way I look without makeup, but it's just I prefer it if I use a single bit of eyeliner on my upper lid line. It makes all the difference to my face, not only my eyes but makes me cheeks look less wide and fat, make my eye bags less noticeable, and makes me look way older. I think you really do raise some good points but I've come to the conclusion, after many battles with my mum about makeup, that save big efforts for going out, wear a consistent amount around people you see daily, and when you're just on your own or with a close friend don't put any on, which is what I normally do.
yeah. there is a fine line between enhancing and covering up. i had highlights cause i wanted to be 'pretty' and just kinda kept it up. i'm growing it out cause i don't want to be that anymore. i think it's good that people get more confident with it but even better when people are confident without it. i don't expect people to go clubbing bare faced or to an interview expecting to succeed but if you can then i have 100x more respect for you but in the real world it's not like that. i look brighter and happier with a little eyeliner but when i used to wear all the time n got so much attention when i know underneath i'm not really all that i just felt like i didn't know who i was myself. that's why i don't like wearing it cause i don't feel like one of the pretty girls when i do. but i do respect that people wear it and feel better, i wouldn't deny them that privilege at all... cause i've done it before myself. but some people take the piss. my cousin got hers done naturally for her wedding, said "it doesn't look like i'm wearing any though" kinda thought that was the point. yet she went and shoved on more blusher and mascara >_> seriously smh. i just think people should use less or only where they can make slight differences but feel happy about it. i wouldn't want them to take it all off if it meant they felt like crap, i'd rather they do it cause they want to not cause others want them to. so i respect the choice, i don't judge unless they judge people who "don't make the effort" or ignore them cause they're not as 'pretty' as they are, that's all :)

03-01-2011, 04:50 PM
I only wear make-up when i'm going out like to town or something. (I used to wear mascara for school but I stopped)
I wear make-up to make me look a bit better even when I'm going out I don't wear a lot and I wear tinted moisturizer instead of foundation.

03-01-2011, 04:55 PM
I love it when girls don't wear makeup but that doesn't happen ofter cause alot of girls dont feel confident enough not to. I dont like it when girls slap the stuff on like theres no tomorrow but I dont mind if they have a little bit on, what annoys me is when people go out to parties and you cant even tell who they are cause they normally dont put much on then suddenly theres tons of it

03-01-2011, 05:16 PM
Oh I've had some bad experiences moaning about make up :P I was taking part in a school show a couple of years ago and during rehersals, two pathetic girls in year below would simply destroy their face with cheap make up. The first time I saw them, I just burst out laughing right in their faces and said they looked like clowns. They didn't speak to me after that though, which was a bonus.

For some reason, in my final year at high school, they decided to allow Year's 10 and 11 to wear make up as an extra "perk" to make them feel older and more responsible. The Head Girl "faught" for it, by telling the Headmaster the rubbish you mentioned in the first post - "they can express themselves" Personally, I thought it totally spoilt the image of the school and everyone looked like morons. You're in school to learn - you don't need chemicals to pass exams (inb4chemistryjoke:rolleyes:).

Anyway, I do agree make up is overused way too much which is simply the result of the media. As cliche as it sounds, I would much prefer someone who is happy in themselves pre-make up rather than someone who is caked in the crap and unhappy about their image. Here's a video which I've had saved to my favourites for absolutely years (waiting for the opportunity to show it to someone! :P)..


03-01-2011, 05:26 PM
Oh I've had some bad experiences moaning about make up :P I was taking part in a school show a couple of years ago and during rehersals, two pathetic girls in year below would simply destroy their face with cheap make up. The first time I saw them, I just burst out laughing right in their faces and said they looked like clowns. They didn't speak to me after that though, which was a bonus.

For some reason, in my final year at high school, they decided to allow Year's 10 and 11 to wear make up as an extra "perk" to make them feel older and more responsible. The Head Girl "faught" for it, by telling the Headmaster the rubbish you mentioned in the first post - "they can express themselves" Personally, I thought it totally spoilt the image of the school and everyone looked like morons. You're in school to learn - you don't need chemicals to pass exams (inb4chemistryjoke:rolleyes:).

Anyway, I do agree make up is overused way too much which is simply the result of the media. As cliche as it sounds, I would much prefer someone who is happy in themselves pre-make up rather than someone who is caked in the crap and unhappy about their image. Here's a video which I've had saved to my favourites for absolutely years (waiting for the opportunity to show it to someone! :P)..

i like this one :

she's not tragic looking without it and it's probably a piss take but she looks like the kinda girls my friends go for lol (with the make-up) >.< well at least she has a sense of humour :P

this too


03-01-2011, 05:33 PM
i like this one :

she's not tragic looking without it and it's probably a piss take but she looks like the kinda girls my friends go for lol (with the make-up) >.< well at least she has a sense of humour :P

this too



But honestly im not bothered. As long as it isnt caked on and is obviously fake then im not too fussy really, its upto whatever the girl is comfortable. Yeah its a shame though that girls do feel the need to be layered in make up to feel suitable for the world. I think looking back at all the girls i've liked, they've all (except 1) had a pretty natural look (trust me i know what natural is, living with 2 women n whatnot), and then even that exception i liked more without all the make up on, it just looks fake.

But hey, upto people waht they do with their skin, but it seems my preference is natural

03-01-2011, 05:52 PM
I wear foundation because I'm not all that comfortable with my skin. My skin isn't awful but it isn't the best and I know that wearing make up doesn't help but sometimes I can't help it.

I'll never put on make up if I'm staying in the house all the time or if I'm just nipping to the shop or something because I'm not that bothered about who sees me. I just wouldn't go out for a day or out at night without any on but that's because I like to wear eyeliner and mascara, they make my eyes look nicer. I only wear a bit of concealer, foundation, eyeliner and mascara, if I'm going out somewhere nice I might put a bit of liquid eyeliner on too. I don't like wearing eyeshadows and lipstick and all that as I feel too done up.

I am completely comfortable wearing no make up around my boyfriend which is something I wouldn't have been comfortable doing when I was back at school. I think back now and it's like omg, how much make up did I wear? So I wear a lot less now. I don't look awful without without make up on but sometimes it feels nice to put a bit on make myself stand out a bit more.

03-01-2011, 05:55 PM
i like this one :

she's not tragic looking without it and it's probably a piss take but she looks like the kinda girls my friends go for lol (with the make-up) >.< well at least she has a sense of humour :P

this too


I think the 2nd one is actually not that bad looking and the top one reminds me of that tramp Katie Price with all her gear on.

I think the most unattractive thing ever is when a girl plasters make up on so their face actually looks caked and her eyes look like clumpy spiders legs, one of my friends use to do it in secondary school, we literally went through 5 years of not seeing her natural face because it was masked in face paint and then one day she came in late and didn't have any on she just looked 10x better, so natural and pretty. I have nothing against girls who wear a little bit of make up for like going out or whatever.


Two examples above were I think they look a lot better without make up

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tFI9HtBESRo/TJV9-qvy-8I/AAAAAAAAMiw/Nu4B2SefbZQ/s1600/X+Factor+2010+Simon+Cowell+and+Nicole+Scherzinger+ take+a+chance+on+%27prostitute%27+Chloe,+19,+despi te+her+%27frustrating%27+audition+3.jpg

and then that, WTF is going on with her life

03-01-2011, 07:09 PM
Did anyone see the Katy Perry with no makeup picture that brand apparently posted on twitter? She looked completely different!

I don't mind girls wearing makeup, if it's done right, it can look really nice. It's when it's overexaggerated and it's no longer makeup enhancing the features, it's a mask designed to hide them instead. There was a girl who got on my bus to school who looked like she was constantly blushing because of the amount of makeup she put on her cheeks lol.

03-01-2011, 07:28 PM
Makeup can do wonders if you know how to use it properly, hence celebrities pay artists thousands of dollars to do it for them. E.g.

05-01-2011, 04:10 AM
Personally i dont mind girls wearing abit of make-up, but when they cake it on i think it makes them look wayyyyyyyyyyyyy
worse then they would without it

05-01-2011, 06:41 AM
I love it when girls don't wear makeup but that doesn't happen ofter cause alot of girls dont feel confident enough not to. I dont like it when girls slap the stuff on like theres no tomorrow but I dont mind if they have a little bit on, what annoys me is when people go out to parties and you cant even tell who they are cause they normally dont put much on then suddenly theres tons of it

This seems to be the majority opinion.
When I am around girls who wear little (mascara, nothing else) makeup I feel more inclined to compliment them on how they look, whereas with a lot on you know it's not really them looking nice. If that makes sense.

Most of my close (girl) friends wear very little makeup to school, and there is usually little difference when they go out. As a couple of people have mentioned about celebrities, if you want to wear a lot, you should all the time to add consistency - so there is not a massive difference and it's not so obvious how much you usually wear.

05-01-2011, 06:08 PM
i look the same with and without makeup, it makes me more confident because i have a few scars on my face i dont like people to see, and a bit of foundation covers it up.

05-01-2011, 06:15 PM
I dont mind girls with some make up on like mascara or some foundation but when there orange (living in essex that means all the time) then they just look like chavvy *****s tbh

05-01-2011, 06:24 PM
ugh i hate it when girls are like 'yeaa i dont need makeup im beautifull' when most of the time they have a monobrow and bad hair.

only a few girls can pull off no makeup

05-01-2011, 06:28 PM
ugh i hate it when girls are like 'yeaa i dont need makeup im beautifull' when most of the time they have a monobrow and bad hair.

only a few girls can pull off no makeup
LOL don't be so stupid. you're not born with makeup. most girls don't wear it until they're like what 13 years old? when do you suddenly stop being able to pull it off? & even if you have a monobrow and bad hair underneath you're still that person so putting on makeup doesn't make you beautiful.

i don't need makeup, i'm beautiful.

05-01-2011, 06:31 PM
I don't wear make up.. tried it again yesterday ended up making myself late cos I looked stupid and tarty

Some girls keep it simple and look pretty but when it gets more it looks silly.

I'll probably get this removed soon just in case but this is a girl in my year (so yeah she's 12) but i think she looks beautiful with the make up, even if it's as heavy as ****.

She genuinely looks beautiful, wish she would take it all off though!


^ thats her

She's into the fake tan/spray tan and ****, and is the most popular in our year because of it. But she's really nice :'(

05-01-2011, 06:34 PM
None of the above I don't think. I don't wear a lot but have quite fair eye lashes so wear mascara. No foundation just some bronze highlighter powder.

05-01-2011, 08:26 PM
None of the above I don't think. I don't wear a lot but have quite fair eye lashes so wear mascara. No foundation just some bronze highlighter powder.

My eyelashes are really short and even if I put a little mascara on you just can't tell. Which is another reason I wear mascara :P

I don't wear make up.. tried it again yesterday ended up making myself late cos I looked stupid and tarty

Some girls keep it simple and look pretty but when it gets more it looks silly.

I'll probably get this removed soon just in case but this is a girl in my year (so yeah she's 12) but i think she looks beautiful with the make up, even if it's as heavy as ****.

She genuinely looks beautiful, wish she would take it all off though!


^ thats her

She's into the fake tan/spray tan and ****, and is the most popular in our year because of it. But she's really nice :'(

OMG WTH SHE'S 12 :O! She looks about 15.

05-01-2011, 08:31 PM
I don't wear make up.. tried it again yesterday ended up making myself late cos I looked stupid and tarty

Some girls keep it simple and look pretty but when it gets more it looks silly.

I'll probably get this removed soon just in case but this is a girl in my year (so yeah she's 12) but i think she looks beautiful with the make up, even if it's as heavy as ****.

She genuinely looks beautiful, wish she would take it all off though!


^ thats her

She's into the fake tan/spray tan and ****, and is the most popular in our year because of it. But she's really nice :'(
wait what, 12!? i thought u said year 12 and i felt fine with myself. oh my god.

06-01-2011, 07:22 PM
wait what, 12!? i thought u said year 12 and i felt fine with myself. oh my god.

The girl has just been put on make-up report at school :S I swear she's the first and only one in out year.

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