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05-01-2011, 10:26 AM
Check out the winning New Year’s resolutions!

We have two words to the following winners of our New Year’s resolutions competition... Good. Luck.
Get a dose of the giggles by reading the winning entries below. Congrats winners, you’ve each scored a Nuclear Firework!

,Abel - To create warm toilet seats in the winter so every morning the seat is nice and toasty for my booty.
abyssgod5 - To remember to take my socks off BEFORE I step in the bath.
bellagirl123 - My New Year's resolution is to touch MC Hammer!
DancrBethany - To not punch my brother every time a "Punch Buggy" goes past and accept that he WILL punch back harder.
:DEE.xo - To marry Brad Pitt and have an affair with Orlando Bloom.
:=Demi=: - To avoid licking my armpits when they smell.
emerson111 - To go up the going down escalator and to go down the going up escalator.
Geat - Greet strangers by waving with 4 fingers instead of 5.
hey911 - I want to visit an ostrich farm wearing a green shirt because ostriches allegedly peck anything green, and I want to try that out.
.:IceChocolateCube:. - To misbehave this 2011 so that I have a better resolution on 2012. ;)
!-x-Isolation-x-! - To see all the movies showing at one cinema in one day.
jackojace - To do a triple backflip off the Eiffel Tower whilst eating half an orange dolphin...
lancer212 - To brush my teeth while burping the alphabet and make a bowl of clam chowder.
LouisaT86 - Eat my body weight in custard :)
LunarChaos - To get that hippo out of my Koi pond -- you know.. the one that' been sitting there for years. I said I'd do it last year, but yeah..
MitziAkemi - Not to mess up the keyboard by typing with fingers that are covered in cheese and potato chips.
,Monophobia - To not get kicked out of Walmart at all this year. I have no idea how many times it happened to me last year. I can't help but cause chaos in that place, it's just so fun!
MonsoonWinter - To do less laundry and use more deodorant ;]
::Nik10096:: - To play Hide and Seek with my friends in Ikea.
..pay.to.kill.. - To go to a Placebo concert and pinch Brian Molko's cute ass.
Prettehs - To date a hot chick.
R4ND0MIZ3 - To eat a little chocolate every day. That way, if the rest of the day stinks, at least one part was good!
rachanay - Stop scratching my butt in public.
Savannah-Bucco - Stop drinking as much soda... Right after this one I'm drinking right now.
-SpiritFingers - Go to LA and meet Ellen and Portia!
starrbuggy - To get 50 horses, put birthday crowns on them for horns and start my unicorn army!
!!sweet-one!! - To finally make the decision, am I team Edward or team Jacob…??
thesmithhead - To stop being so gosh darn sexy!!!!!!!!!! ;)
-=Y0SH1=- - To be able speak fluent elvish in time for The Hobbit in 2012.
16thday - To continue being awesome! :D


05-01-2011, 12:42 PM
as always im not winned :P

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