View Full Version : WTF(riday) - Jan 6

07-01-2011, 03:59 AM
Get your questions answered by the Habbo Staff!
WTF(riday)? gives you the opportunity to get your questions answered! Get to know the Hotel Managers better by shooting your queries in their direction (Habbo related or not). Who's their celeb crush? Favorite color? How much wood does a Woodchuck chuck?... you get the gist.
Every Friday Puffin, SmoothCriminal and Fozzie will pick a handful of questions to answer and the lucky winners will score the week's hottest prize. That's right, we're shaking things up a little by handing out a different prize every week!
Last Week’s Winners
Well done to the Habbos listed below! You've each scored a Nuclear Firework! When more than one Habbo sends in the same question, the staff will pick the one they’re going to answer randomly.
What was your first car and what color was it? Sent in by ,Bashful (http://www.habbo.com/home/38802579/id)
Puffin: My first car that I bought for my own money, was a black Audi A4 2006. His name is Barf and I love him!
Smoothcriminal: Oh, my sweet old red 240sx. I do miss her.
Fozzie: My first car was a 1974 olive green Kombi. Her name was Agnes. Sadly she was so rusty and I was too poor to fix her. I sold her but a month later I missed her so much that I bought a 1974 blue Kombi named Bessie :) Still having the rust problem though.

Would would you do if Turtles took over the planet? Sent in by iRockeet (http://www.habbo.com/home/31194050/id)
Smoothcriminal: Never stop running.
Fozzie: Run for my life... very, very slowly.
Puffin: I'd say, 'Turtles, really? Did not see that coming...' But I could easily take them and be queen of the world obviously.

What's your favorite day of the week and why? Sent in by linsey78 (http://www.habbo.com/home/30308673/id)
Fozzie: Friday evenings because it's the furthest time away from my weekday alarm clock. It feels so good to finish work and walk through the door at home knowing the entire weekend is in front of me!
Puffin: Saturday mornings, knowing that I have two days of bliss and freedom ahead. Ah, the possibilities!
Smoothcriminal: Thursday, cause the weeks almost over and I don't mind Friday because Saturday is right behind it. I HATE Sundays tho.

Puffin's Question -What would you do if Lady Gaga broke into your house and started making an outfit out of the contents of your refrigerator? Sent in by Edginator (http://www.habbo.com/home/31189574/id)
Nice yogurt dress, Gaga, now see how long it lasts in the rain!' I might also ask for a crash course in Awesomeness.
Smoothcriminal's Question - If you were an alarm clock, what sound would you wake your owner up to? Sent in by babygray1 (http://www.habbo.com/home/39647809/id)
That noise Jim Carrey makes from Dumb and Dumber. Check it out >> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cVlTeIATBs)
Fozzie’s Question - I really, really, really like my best friend! How do I tell her? What if she doesn't feel the same way?! Sent in by NachoPup (http://www.habbo.com/home/39279158/id)
I say go for it! I mean, what's the worst that can happen? Ok, so she could reject you and you could ruin your friendship forever... Hmmm.... On second thoughts maybe wait for some kind of signal from her before making your move. Good luck!
- Fozzie, SmoothCriminal and Puffin, we heart Fridays!


I thought it's pretty funny how next weeks prize is a rubber duck, probably many won't enter this time but i did anyway :P

Bet you next week wil be the week i win, the week with the crappy prize. :)

07-01-2011, 12:17 PM
I don't see the point entering for a rubber duck!

08-01-2011, 05:11 PM
I just entered for the lulz really :P

Probably my only chance of winning the comp since so few will enter.

08-01-2011, 05:13 PM
I just see WTF as pointless lmao ;) XD

08-01-2011, 05:16 PM
I wonder if theres a general twist to this actually...

either that or habbo is pulling our leg, majorly.

08-01-2011, 06:01 PM
I wonder if theres a general twist to this actually...

either that or habbo is pulling our leg, majorly.

I have to agree with you.. They might actually release something else.
You could say that they're 'Habbo Trolling' you and acting it could be something more precise!

08-01-2011, 08:55 PM
It'll be ever more funnier if noone entered and whoever won, that duck was worth like 9999c, or just so happends to be a rare duck. rofl. I should enter, what if that really just so happends. ill be rich (:

08-01-2011, 09:38 PM
Rubber duck. I just had a feeling maybe it's one of those Habbo Award trophies?

08-01-2011, 10:29 PM
lmao a rubber duck hahahahahahaha. . . is that all lmao are u serous. . .lmao

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