View Full Version : need your help on drugs

08-01-2011, 08:52 PM
so i'm writing this french essay on drug use by young people, because france has started this campaign called 'drugs - don't close your eyes'

and i watched a few of the campaign videos on youtube and it's literally all based around cannabis, and the dangers of it.....

basically i've no idea what to write because personally i don't really see how weed can be dangerous, so yes if you disagree with me right now PLEASE list some reasons it's dangerous and why people should stop having the relaxed attitude that i have to it

thank youuuuuu please I'LL REP i want this done by tonight

08-01-2011, 08:59 PM
One could you be that your not the same person you are normally if you take too much, so lets say if someone whos sometimes violent takes it that violence can increase quite a bit if they smoke alot

08-01-2011, 09:03 PM
yeah i suppose, i think one of our arguments is that people end up depending on it and without it 'feel nothing' or some stupid crap like that

this is the video anyway


we're meant to be focusing on the scene around 0.08 seconds, the 3 people sharing the joint
i don't really know why to be honest.....

08-01-2011, 09:04 PM
short term

Bad short time memory and lowered learning abilities.
Example: difficulty to stay on topic, because of forgetting what was the subject and what was said a moment ago.
Comment: Some potheads like me say it is a part of fun. Sure it is when You are among friends in a safe place. But not when You have to talk to Your mother or the policeman.
Difficulty thinking and problem solving.
Example: Don't use pot before the exam or driving lesson. These tasks need quick thinking and You are likely to fail or even put Yourself in danger. Remember to take it easy after using pot. No duties, no difficulties. Plan a enjoyable experience for Yourself.
Poor performance, loss of coordination and risk of injury.
Example: This is serious ! Don't sharpen knifes, Don't go climbing ! Go walking, looking, smelling, touching :-)
Inability to drive safely or do complex tasks for up to 24 hours after use.
Example: Selfexplanatory. Daydreaming behind the wheel can be dangerous not only to Yourself, but everybody with You.
Distorted senses of sight, hearing, touch, time, and depth.
Example: Just keep in mind not to trust Your senses in 100%. Not sure You can cross the street ? Check again !
Reduced athletic ability.
Example: Don't go wood choping or running. Work in the garden if You like ...
Elevated heart rate.
Example: If You find Your heart pounding too strong just relax.
Anxiety, panic attacks.
Example: Not likely, but just in case, or if You are nervous person, or just got scared, use Your pot in a safe place with relaxed helpfull people to help You calm down. And most of all for all of You panickers, if You happen to smoke too much, and start feeling bad in any way, remember to lay down or sit down and relax and I assure You will feel better in a few hours.

long term

Because the tar content of THC smoke is 50 percent higher than that of tobacco, many users have chronic bronchitis and other respiratory problems. That can be avoided by using vapouriser instead of smoking pot.
Some chronic heavy users(especially young ones less than 16 years old) may show loss of drive and energy, slow and confused thinking, impaired memory and apathy. This is often referred to as "amotivational syndrome," and disappears gradually after drug use stops.
There is no conclusive study, but it is advised not to use pot during pregnacy. Possible cause of lower birth weight and slower brain cognitive functions development.
Psychological addiction is possible and happens among heavy users.


google <3

08-01-2011, 09:07 PM
Cannabis is known to be the "gateway" drug - and to be honest, it is.
Once you smoke cannabis, your then curious as to what other harder drugs would do to your mind and body, and what buzz you would get etc.
I personally have experience in this, as disgusting as that is. Alot of people deny this, and they have every right, although near enough everybody who i know from first hand experience who has smoked cannabis, has went on to try harder drugs or other drugs in general.
As far as actual dangers directly linked to the drug are concerned, the only way you'd die from cannabis is if an ounce fell off a block of flats and hit you on the head. There are no links to death, although paranoia and other symptoms are known about.

08-01-2011, 09:09 PM
Cannabis is known to be the "gateway" drug - and to be honest, it is.
Once you smoke cannabis, your then curious as to what other harder drugs would do to your mind and body, and what buzz you would get etc.
I personally have experience in this, as disgusting as that is. Alot of people deny this, and they have every right, although near enough everybody who i know from first hand experience who has smoked cannabis, has went on to try harder drugs or other drugs in general.
As far as actual dangers directly linked to the drug are concerned, the only way you'd die from cannabis is if an ounce fell off a block of flats and hit you on the head. There are no links to death, although paranoia and other symptoms are known about.
Yeah that's true, and i understand what you mean. BUt its not the same for all who do it, a lot of the people who have had the mindset that they dont wanna try anything harder (such as myself), have stuck to their word. However those who are still curious even before trying weed, do generally continue on to harder stuff. No one i know is dumb enough to go upto heroine though.

08-01-2011, 09:23 PM
Yeah that's true, and i understand what you mean. BUt its not the same for all who do it, a lot of the people who have had the mindset that they dont wanna try anything harder (such as myself), have stuck to their word. However those who are still curious even before trying weed, do generally continue on to harder stuff. No one i know is dumb enough to go upto heroine though.
Oh yes, completely. Don't get me wrong im not saying everybody who smokes cannabis is going to ahead and try harder drugs but it certianly does make you think about it or make a decision about it.
Yes, same, i don't know anybody who would go as far as heroin although cocaine, ecstasy and other uppers are well known drugs to take after experimenting with cannabis.

09-01-2011, 12:28 AM
One is that if a pregnant woman smokes weed while carrying the baby it can make the baby have learning difficulties.

09-01-2011, 02:35 AM
it makes you really slow... my friend used to do it like all the time and in lessons he was just really dopey and asking me what we were doing and all that, and i dont mean when he was high, its just like the effect it has on your brain cells or something i heard

if you got it from an unreliable source you might not be getting your moneys worth or the dealer could put like dodgy stuff in it. (or tea leaves: see the inbetweeners)

09-01-2011, 10:06 AM
Yeah and tea leaves are very dangerous so you gotta be careful

09-01-2011, 11:37 AM
Have a look on Frank :) They will proberly have loads on everything!


09-01-2011, 05:42 PM
You don't necessarily need to talk about the health dangers of it - just the consequences of taking it - addiction, expensive, illegeal and all that kind of stuff

09-01-2011, 06:03 PM
Cannabis is known to be the "gateway" drug - and to be honest, it is.

No more than alcohol really - people get drunk and think whoa that was fun imagine how much better the illegal ones will be

You don't necessarily need to talk about the health dangers of it - just the consequences of taking it - addiction, expensive, illegeal and all that kind of stuff

Somewhat related to this point, the biggest danger of weed (apart from the possibility of becoming part of "stoner culture" which makes you look like a right penis) is the fact that it being illegal means the big time pushers probably aren't fantastic people, and you get gang-related crime associated with what is essential not a particularly harmful substance. That's kinda like saying gold is a dangerous substance because people kill for it but yeah the social complications are probably the only really dangerous thing about weed unless you're already dangerously stupid

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