View Full Version : what actually killed the hc

09-01-2011, 01:26 PM
when i first started in dec 08/jan 09 they where at like 13 credz but now they arnt worth 3

Edited by HotelUser (Forum Super Moderator): Thread moved from "Habbo General" as I feel it's more suited here.

09-01-2011, 01:37 PM

put them in the catalog

Edited by HotelUser (Forum Super Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly thanks.

09-01-2011, 01:39 PM
Much because of their declining demand , That happened because the new furni range which slowly overshadowed the hc
When there were not much furni in Habbo , people preffered hc for sitting purpose. But more attractive sofas are there now.

09-01-2011, 01:48 PM
The HC was always considered more of a currency than a finance, A quick way of getting credits was just to sell a couple of HCs, when the marketplace came along people wanted to get credits quickly by selling it in there, unfortunately the only way yours would sell first was to make it the cheapest, this meant selling it for 1c less than what it would have usually been worth.

Gradually the value went down 1c at a time, when it got to around 8c people started to panic and sell all their HCs as soon as possible (chopping 1c off the average so it'll sell) which then lead to an even faster decline.

People didn't want HCs anymore as they wernt a stable currency and the demand stopped - HCs were always not the most attractive of furni and the demand for it previously was for it's universal value, now the value has been stripped away all thats left is a bright green sofa

09-01-2011, 02:41 PM

put them in the catalog

When was this?

09-01-2011, 02:54 PM
When was this?

Let's remember Hairpins said that......... and discredit it. :P

Marketplace made the HC drop. Everyone needed coins so they could put them in their catalogue and buy from that awesome new thing in the catalogue. So the demand dropped and the price followed. IMO, credits are so much better anyway. (Except taxes etc)

09-01-2011, 09:34 PM
Started with credits, then the older habbos started to leave and new habbo's didn't see sentimental value in it. More were also in circulation. Marketplace finished them. :P

09-01-2011, 11:06 PM
I said a while ago (few years back) that eventually, the Club Sofa would depreciate in value - infact in a way it did and always was, every boom period we saw items reaching higher prices in terms of Club Sofas which I suspect is because Rares were getting rarer but also the number of Club Sofas was constantly increasing. It is similar to a fiat currency in real life, if its not backed by anything then it will eventually depreciate back to its real value.

I guess a mixture of the above, coupled with Credits + the introduction of the Marketplace killed the Club Sofa.

12-01-2011, 03:20 PM
It was the marketplace.

14-01-2011, 08:44 PM
Much because of their declining demand , That happened because the new furni range which slowly overshadowed the hc
When there were not much furni in Habbo , people preffered hc for sitting purpose. But more attractive sofas are there now.

How embarrassing :S You are supposed to be an HRVR :P


HC's dropped dramatically thanks to Marketplace, as others have explained.

14-01-2011, 11:14 PM
People like me would put them in rooms to sell but now we've got marketplace so it's even better, next thing that happens... oh they've declined. They are quick to sell though even at their low price.

15-01-2011, 12:51 AM
I think the market place. As well as Hc's looking dreadful. Just remember back to when thrones were a mere 20hc, now I've just sold 61hc for only 96c :\

15-01-2011, 02:15 AM
I was very disappointed when I came back and all my hc sofas I had collected over the years have lost value, bring back the old days now!

15-01-2011, 04:57 PM
HC's became more and more unpopular and no one would buy them. Then the market place was made and the only way to sell it was get a lower price then the current HC was in the market place otherwise it couldnt be seen, after that people followed the market place prices, and it just got lower and lower.

15-01-2011, 11:02 PM
One word:


That is all.

15-01-2011, 11:07 PM
One word:


That is all.

Not according to your department :L

16-01-2011, 12:23 AM
It all links back to the MP anyways.

Credits/Coins became the main currency because the Marketplace was so popular, so the former currency which was the HC started to loose value rapidly. So demand decreased and because there was such a large amount of HC sofas on the hotel the price just fell alot.

It's happening now with other items previously seen as currency like the Throne. Sad really but thats what the MP did, driving all prices down and it killed the trading community. Now all we have is a catalog with every item in it that keeps getting cheaper and cheaper.

16-01-2011, 07:57 AM
In my opinion i mainly think it was started over the new clothes and the competitions they had because ever since they put the new vip clothes and some for hc, they made V.I.P and decided to put new furni in. As said by "habbo staff" in one of there articles way back in the start of 2010 they did say that the "old" hc furni were "taking a break" and they will be back soon (i think) And i doubt they will never return

16-01-2011, 11:11 AM
In my opinion i mainly think it was started over the new clothes and the competitions they had because ever since they put the new vip clothes and some for hc, they made V.I.P and decided to put new furni in. As said by "habbo staff" in one of there articles way back in the start of 2010 they did say that the "old" hc furni were "taking a break" and they will be back soon (i think) And i doubt they will never return

Ah, but then I assume you are not an old player.

Habbo released TONS of new rares years ago (v9/v11 - can't remember what one!). They had loads of recolours - but the HC value didn't change. It had always been seen as a currency before that dreadful market place came in.

People forget that, something ISN'T currency if it cannot be spent as currency. And since Market Place only allows you to use credits, it therefore eliminated the HC sofa (or the Club Sofa) as a currency.

16-01-2011, 11:25 AM
Ah, but then I assume you are not an old player.

Habbo released TONS of new rares years ago (v9/v11 - can't remember what one!). They had loads of recolours - but the HC value didn't change. It had always been seen as a currency before that dreadful market place came in.

People forget that, something ISN'T currency if it cannot be spent as currency. And since Market Place only allows you to use credits, it therefore eliminated the HC sofa (or the Club Sofa) as a currency.

Yes i am not an old player. I started playing back in 2009 so 2 years this year when they were devolving the "beta" for habbo (which back then it was v26)

Thats how i assumed

16-01-2011, 11:39 AM
Yes i am not an old player. I started playing back in 2009 so 2 years this year when they were devolving the "beta" for habbo (which back then it was v26)

Thats how i assumed

Fair enough :)

If you don't know (or are wondering), you used to be lucky to get a new version of habbo every six months. So v9, believe it or not, was only in 2007 ish (can't remember exactly when)

16-01-2011, 11:47 AM
Wow ..... Interesting :) lol ive seen the layouts or the v9 and all and they look like the client is on a whole other page altogehter :P

16-01-2011, 11:55 AM
Wow ..... Interesting :) lol ive seen the layouts or the v9 and all and they look like the client is on a whole other page altogehter :P

If you want to see more interesting things about version releases, go to: http://www.habbox.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3365&Itemid=218 :) It has all the releases from version 6 onwards, to make it easy for you to find each version you want to see :)

16-01-2011, 11:56 AM
Wow lots of them :D Thanks a lot +rep :)

16-01-2011, 12:03 PM
Wow... and I thought supersize rooms were relatively new. I've played this game for too long *sigh*

16-01-2011, 12:10 PM
Wow lots of them :D Thanks a lot +rep :)

No worries :) I have always found Habbox's guides useful for little bits of information. They have lot's of other guides here: http://www.habbox.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=55911&Itemid=218 too. Although I only helped make the Release ones :L

16-01-2011, 01:35 PM
haha yea i have done a quick "scan" but i never seen the releases (i dont think)

17-01-2011, 04:07 PM
Yeah Habbo kinda got wrecked when they started bring out new updates every 2 weeks. It took years to go from like V7 to V9 and when you did change version it was a rather BIG change that was brought in. I remember when i first left in 08 it was like v21 then when i came back it was like v50 i was like... wth? And now we are on like v63. Although i think since Beta they changed it from v to r so it's r63 now? I think it either means release 63 or revision 63 not sure.

18-01-2011, 08:35 AM
HC price peaked at 80RD and then it dropped to 60RD (or was it 60RD peak and dropped to 40RD?) one of them anyway and I remember the RVR Manager saying on Habbox it will not drop again.
It is a huge shame that the Market Place was invented. It was invented to kill off fansites rare values departments for one main reason. However what it has done is taken the fun out of trading. Before I remember that if I needed something, I used to run around every trade room and shop looking for stuff and it was actually quite fun when building a room as it took effort. Now hardly anyone sells in trade rooms and shops are ... well not what they used to be. If you need something now, open marketplace and it will be there. Yes it saves time but it has ruined trading - one of the main features of Habbo.

Another thing I dislike is that trading has been disabled in Games rooms. This means that a lot of classic games like Bingo, Races, Takeshis have all disappeared. I have not seen a decent Takeshis in ages - and I mean ages. I quite used to enjoy them, or Bingos. Now its all wired games, bb and freeze, which just sucks. Yes they probably disabled it to avoid people scamming prizes, but still, it was a stupid decision.

And wow, prices of Grey BBs and aloe have dropped dramatically since before the merge!
Merge may have brought more new people, but I dislike the changes which have come with it. Maybe they would have come even if we didn't merge, but they still suck.

18-01-2011, 06:23 PM
The RD value at the time was seriously inaccurate - especially after the grand exchange came in. Realistically the HC was worth about 30-40 RD all along - and you would normally get around 10 lodge corners per HC - one lodge corner being 3c. But then the grand exchange came in and suddenly lodge corners were only worth 1c each - HCs were now only worth 14c each - rather than the previous 30ish.

18-01-2011, 06:59 PM
The RD value at the time was seriously inaccurate - especially after the grand exchange came in. Realistically the HC was worth about 30-40 RD all along - and you would normally get around 10 lodge corners per HC - one lodge corner being 3c. But then the grand exchange came in and suddenly lodge corners were only worth 1c each - HCs were now only worth 14c each - rather than the previous 30ish.
Stuff like Lodge corners were considered to be worth more than 3c as its a nice furni really. 3c was the catalogue price so people always wanted more for it.

18-01-2011, 07:33 PM
Stuff like Lodge corners were considered to be worth more than 3c as its a nice furni really. 3c was the catalogue price so people always wanted more for it.

Lodge corners have NEVER been worth more than three CREDITS. Obviously other furniture, but in CREDITS they never have and never will (assuming they never leave the cat.) go above three credits.

18-01-2011, 07:51 PM
Before Habbo Exchange (credit furni) Lodge corners, Pines etc etc (casino norms) were always 3RD each and were always 10 per HC. So HC's were 30RD. Back in the days or RD you always saw 1RD as 1C, but then Habbo Exchange comes along and Lodge Corners became 1C, they had to be cheaper than 3C because thats their catalog price. So now that they were 1C the HC sofa had come down from 30RD to 10-15RD... which was now called C so thats 10-15C. It slowly then decreased down to 10C as it was just a round, fair price. The HC was always seen as a currency even when Credit furni was released. Marketplace is then released, Credits become the main currency, HC becomes just like any other item of furni and BOOM it's at 5C. Then slowly as the HC starts to loose evenmore of it's status as a currency and just become a plain piece of furni, the marketplace sets in to decrease it's value as people started to put them in at cheaper and cheaper prices. Then before we know it the HC sofa is worth 1/2C or 2HC for 3C.

This means that you can today but a HC at around 3-7% of the HC's price 4 years ago. Said really.

It's like in real life, if a country switches currency then the old currency is only worth the paper/metal it is made of... maybe slightly more to a collector. Which is now the same in Habbo, it's all about credits. We want cheaper and cheaper products but we want more money (credits) at the same time.

20-01-2011, 08:53 PM
Before Habbo Exchange (credit furni) Lodge corners, Pines etc etc (casino norms) were always 3RD each and were always 10 per HC. So HC's were 30RD. Back in the days or RD you always saw 1RD as 1C, but then Habbo Exchange comes along and Lodge Corners became 1C, they had to be cheaper than 3C because thats their catalog price. So now that they were 1C the HC sofa had come down from 30RD to 10-15RD... which was now called C so thats 10-15C. It slowly then decreased down to 10C as it was just a round, fair price. The HC was always seen as a currency even when Credit furni was released. Marketplace is then released, Credits become the main currency, HC becomes just like any other item of furni and BOOM it's at 5C. Then slowly as the HC starts to loose evenmore of it's status as a currency and just become a plain piece of furni, the marketplace sets in to decrease it's value as people started to put them in at cheaper and cheaper prices. Then before we know it the HC sofa is worth 1/2C or 2HC for 3C.

This means that you can today but a HC at around 3-7% of the HC's price 4 years ago. Said really.

It's like in real life, if a country switches currency then the old currency is only worth the paper/metal it is made of... maybe slightly more to a collector. Which is now the same in Habbo, it's all about credits. We want cheaper and cheaper products but we want more money (credits) at the same time.

Intresting theory, I agree!

20-01-2011, 08:59 PM
Intresting theory, I agree!

Sadly it isn't a theory.

It is fact.

20-01-2011, 08:59 PM
Stuff like Lodge corners were considered to be worth more than 3c as its a nice furni really. 3c was the catalogue price so people always wanted more for it.

Since lodge corners were always worth 3c in the catalogue since the begining of habbo, it would have been impossible for them to be worth more than 3c no matter how nice people considered them

Lodge corners have NEVER been worth more than three CREDITS. Obviously other furniture, but in CREDITS they never have and never will (assuming they never leave the cat.) go above three credits.

As Dom said, always has and probably always will.

20-01-2011, 11:04 PM
it was the Marketplace that killed the HC, however i personally think that the UK & USA Habbo's merging together caused alot of Rare's to loose value.

21-01-2011, 01:31 PM
In all honesty though as it was the main currency in Habbo Hotel there's so many around, and they're not even that nice looking. Supply > Demand.

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