View Full Version : Smart Clothes for a Medical Receptionist

09-01-2011, 07:41 PM
Its a new year so time for some new clothes!
My work clothes need a spruce up, something sophisticated but nothing that makes me look 10 years older than I am.
Im currently 19 turning 20 and would love to look fashionable not just out but in the workplace.
Also my currently hairstyle is your classic black blunt cut (think pulp fiction) as I do not want to be wearing my extensions at work.

The dress code is smart, mostly black and whites but hints of colour such as maybe a cream top, cardigans, shoes and accessories are allowed.
However nothing as ott as legally blonde please :')
And also for petite please, at 5ft most trousers drown me!

Links and pictures would be very helpful :)
Grace :)x

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