View Full Version : [Bobba] Tricky 2 habbo furni scam

12-01-2011, 10:26 AM
I dont know if anyone else has picked this up but its a 2 habbo scam.


Habbo A walks into room and says 'Have you got a red knot? I really need I will pay 30c' (Habbo A often chooses an obscure out of catalogue furni and if apparently willing to pay times what its worth, or claims there is a extremely rare special norm furni)

If you say you have they disappear if you havent they say 'ok, let me know if you get'

Habbo B comes in minutes later saying 'Selling red knot for 15c' obviously hoping you will buy for this inflated price due to his friend that was in earlier. Sometimes the habbos come in together and one will say they cant trade at that time so the other habbo offers you the junk for a hefty price.


Thankfully I have never fallen for this but I have seen it 3 times this week, including the offer of a orchid in vase for 2 gbs.
Its probably been done for ages but just giving people a heads up.

12-01-2011, 11:04 AM
This is a pretty old one but if anybody is offering an item well below Habbox Rare Value then you can be 99% sure it is a scam. New members may not have heard of this though so well done. :D

12-01-2011, 11:42 AM
This is a pretty old one but if anybody is offering an item well below Habbox Rare Value then you can be 99% sure it is a scam. New members may not have heard of this though so well done. :D

I mean people are trying to sell their insignificant 1c norms to try and trick people into them being rare/desirable items that are worth 20c+ (even a few gbs) as red knot is 1c in trade. So they get 20c etc for an item that is actually worth 1c or less.

Sorry if it wasnt clear in post :)

12-01-2011, 11:53 AM
I've seen this on various occasions and at one point, a long time ago :P, I did fall for this! For items out of the catalog, you can check Habbox Values as well as the Marketplace to check whether the particular item is really worth it :).

12-01-2011, 11:56 AM
I've seen this on various occasions and at one point, a long time ago :P, I did fall for this! For items out of the catalog, you can check Habbox Values as well as the Marketplace to check whether the particular item is really worth it :).

Good tip.

I was also just wondering how/if the two scammers split the profits...heh.

12-01-2011, 11:58 AM
The scammer's are usually just one individual on a clone account.

12-01-2011, 12:01 PM
The scammer's are usually just one individual on a clone account.

Ah, hadn't thought of that. :)

12-01-2011, 12:01 PM
Good tip.

I was also just wondering how/if the two scammers split the profits...heh.
It's a possibility that it's the same person on two accounts.

Didn't see previous reply.

12-01-2011, 12:29 PM
I've seen this before and I'm pretty sure there's a scam that is quite similar to this one in many aspects, well noted.

13-01-2011, 12:27 PM
I'm sure this was posted just a few week ago. Maybe they are getting more and more common. And ironically, I'm sure they used a 'Red Knot' in their example :). I once fell for this.

15-01-2011, 03:15 AM
Hahaha this is so funny someone tried this on me today! With the exact same furni you ssaid for your example exact same lines lucky i did not have the item or i wouldn't of fallen for for it. Now i understand :)

15-01-2011, 06:17 AM
classic case of being mean on habbo :'(
i've NEVER fell for a scam EVER

17-01-2011, 07:32 PM
There is a scam very similar to this, I will show you how it works, there are two scammers, Scammer A and Scammer B, and victim

Scammer A & B enter rare shop.
Scammer A: Want to buy my [insert norm here]? I will sell it cheap, 20c?
Scammer B: Omg, you have [instert norm here]?! I'll buy!
Victim: What? Whats so special about [INH]?
Scammer B: They're like a super rare, they sell for like 50c.
Scammer A: Who wants to buy then?
Scammer B: Me!!
Victim: I'll buy!
Victim buys the item thinking they've just snagged themself a massive bargain but they're left with a near valueless piece of furni!

25-01-2011, 04:51 PM
This has been around for donks, it was used to basically push the value up on a furni. Like if someone comes into your shop and asks for a furni, then another person comes in and asks for the same furni and they fight for the furni pushing its value up.

Although I haven't seen it being used in along long time because its really not worth the time.

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