View Full Version : MSN Forcing users to 'Latest Version'

12-01-2011, 07:33 PM
Would appear we will all have to upgrade soon, Just checked my emails.

Dear Messenger User,
We have just released a new version of Messenger which includes important security updates to help keep you and your friends safe while you chat online. All Messenger users will be required to have the latest version to continue using the service.

More information is available here
The Messenger Team

12-01-2011, 07:37 PM
What do XP users do then?

Other than upgrade their very out-dated and no longer brilliant OS of course.

12-01-2011, 07:39 PM
That sucks, the 2011 version is awful. 2009 was the best version.

12-01-2011, 07:51 PM
What do XP users do then?

Other than upgrade their very out-dated and no longer brilliant OS of course.

I'm guessing they won't be forced or something, there must be a way round it for such users.

12-01-2011, 08:15 PM
They will probably make it so 2011 is for XP users to

12-01-2011, 08:21 PM
About time, no reason for people to be on old versions and cause security headaches for MS.

Same goes for Windows XP, home users should have upgraded 2 years ago.

12-01-2011, 08:22 PM
About time, no reason for people to be on old versions and cause security headaches for MS.

Same goes for Windows XP, home users should have upgraded 2 years ago.

I know some people haven't upgraded because XP gets better battery on their netbooks.

12-01-2011, 08:23 PM
I know some people haven't upgraded because XP gets better battery on their netbooks.

Don't see why, Windows 7's battery management is far superior to XP. On my MacBook I'll get 2 hours in XP, ~5 hours in OS X and Win 7.

12-01-2011, 10:09 PM
Don't see why, Windows 7's battery management is far superior to XP. On my MacBook I'll get 2 hours in XP, ~5 hours in OS X and Win 7.

Should they upgrade their hardware to support the hungry win 7?

12-01-2011, 10:17 PM
I haven't had this message.

12-01-2011, 10:19 PM
Should they upgrade their hardware to support the hungry win 7?

The real question is, should they be using out of date hardware?

12-01-2011, 10:20 PM
I didn't get a message but I've tried the new MSN and it's disgraceful... they've completely changed it so many aspects and now it just looks boring.

12-01-2011, 10:51 PM
There will be ways around this.. you can still get 7.5 and probably older versions (if you really want) like pre-Live Messenger, you just have to change compatibility mode to stop it from prompting you to upgrade

13-01-2011, 02:43 PM
Seems to work just fine for me so I'm not fussed :P A bit annoying for XP users though, some may have bought a machine just at the end of XPs life and do not want to upgrade, even though Vista and then 7 were talked about a lot towards the end of XP :P

13-01-2011, 03:32 PM
They can suck my dongle, 8.5 was the best lol

13-01-2011, 03:38 PM
XP users have a separate download i believe

13-01-2011, 03:54 PM
The real question is, should they be using out of date hardware?

If it is functional the yes. Out of date would be something like a p2 CPU. From the infrastructures I play and work with most still use p3s and 512mb ram. I yet to see a large organisation use vista or win7 they all seem to use XP. To accept win7 as the only Os worth having is extremely naive and ignorant.

13-01-2011, 04:35 PM
That is rubbish, security updates is just an exuse to make people upgrade. I tried the 2011 version and it is horrible, so I will stick to 2009, it has not made me uprade yet and lets hope it doesn't either. If it does then I wont use MSN anymore.

13-01-2011, 04:36 PM
Ive Just Had The Email, Lol

13-01-2011, 04:42 PM
What I Haven't Had An Email About It I Feel So Left Out

13-01-2011, 04:44 PM
I will stop using MSN the minute it forces me to update. Either that, or I can run XP Mode on my main rig and get around it :D

13-01-2011, 05:01 PM
If they don't make it possible for XP user's to actually use it, then it's not fair at all. Million's of people still use XP.

13-01-2011, 08:05 PM
They cannot surely force everyone using XP to switch to a newer OS just to use MSN...

13-01-2011, 08:10 PM
Why exactly can't XP users use the 2011 version? I haven't even bothered looking at the new version yet as upgrading isn't my style yo.

13-01-2011, 08:11 PM
They cannot surely force everyone using XP to switch to a newer OS just to use MSN...

Sure they can. Apple does with iTunes and Safari on Tiger, Microsoft does with MSN and DirectX with XP. It's not very nice but they can!

13-01-2011, 08:16 PM
If Microsoft want to lose half their current userbase with MSN, let them.

I'd just set up MSN as a way of communicating between the family, all using XP machines. I'll have to use Skype now.

13-01-2011, 08:23 PM
They can **** right off! The new msn sucks balls seriously ;l
I'm on windows xp so i dunno what's gonna happen tbh..

13-01-2011, 08:56 PM
If it is functional the yes. Out of date would be something like a p2 CPU. From the infrastructures I play and work with most still use p3s and 512mb ram. I yet to see a large organisation use vista or win7 they all seem to use XP. To accept win7 as the only Os worth having is extremely naive and ignorant.

XP has already had it's EOL pushed back once and is now 10 years old, there's no excuse for people to not be moving over really.

And yes, I know a lot of commercial/enterprise users are still on XP, but again there isn't really an excuse, people shouldn't be running on P3 hardware nowadays (hell we got rid of our last P3 systems the year before last, which also begs the question, why aren't systems being replaced over a certain period of time in these environments? i.e, when support ends), even as a school on a very, very, limited budget, we're looking at moving over to Windows 7 + Server 2008R2. Funilly enough even with custom applications designed for stability on XP, Microsoft make it very easy to integrate these applications using App-V or "XP Mode". The only real reason I see for using XP is for embedded systems like points of sale or ATMs (also thus not accepting W7 as the only OS worth having :P).

And Markeh, half their current user base? I think not.

13-01-2011, 09:23 PM
Why upgrade PC's if its not broken? Should I buy a new Ipad one after another when apple release more becasue im using old hardware?

14-01-2011, 12:15 AM
I downloaded the new version when I got my laptop (which was not long ago).
The version is really bad, it took me almost the whole month to try fixing my MSN so that it looked somewhat like the old one.
They should bring back actual MSN Messenger, no more of this complicated Windows Live Messenger.

14-01-2011, 01:25 AM
About time, no reason for people to be on old versions and cause security headaches for MS.

Same goes for Windows XP, home users should have upgraded 2 years ago.

Right, because everyone has $100+ to upgrade their OS every couple years. Hardware upgrades aren't exactly cheap anyway; MSN is a very commonly used service, and frankly not everyone cares enough (or much less can afford) to spend a thousand dollars every couple years just to 'keep up with the times.'

14-01-2011, 01:28 AM
Right, because everyone has $100+ to upgrade their OS every couple years. Hardware upgrades aren't exactly cheap anyway; MSN is a very commonly used service, and frankly not everyone cares enough (or much less can afford) to spend a thousand dollars every couple years just to 'keep up with the times.'

I think we're going to experience a bias on an internet forum of teenagers where upgrading our operating system is more of a priority than it is for other people who probably could care less if they're running XP or Windows 7 :P

14-01-2011, 01:32 AM
I think we're going to experience a bias on an internet forum of teenagers where upgrading our operating system is more of a priority than it is for other people who probably could care less if they're running XP or Windows 7 :P

I agree. They'll find out the hard way in a few years when they're on their own living paycheck to paycheck ;) God I miss the carefree days.

Back on topic, I've heard some bad things about the latest build, but haven't really gotten around to upgrading yet. Guess I don't have much of a choice now.

14-01-2011, 02:01 AM
I think it's rather redic. It's like forcing a kid to take a sweet off a stranger..

14-01-2011, 07:22 AM
To me skype is just the future, it is a lot better. At the moment I use both MSN and Skype but as soon as I get forced to download the latest MSN 2011, I will just be using Skype..

I mean I am just kinda annoyed that MSN 2011 doesn't let you have your personal name (you use the one you entered on sign up) and also the layout is rubbish too.

14-01-2011, 07:25 AM
Right, because everyone has $100+ to upgrade their OS every couple years. Hardware upgrades aren't exactly cheap anyway; MSN is a very commonly used service, and frankly not everyone cares enough (or much less can afford) to spend a thousand dollars every couple years just to 'keep up with the times.'

THANK YOU. Exactly my point.

Windows 7 costs £75 new. Why should we HAVE to pay £75 and possibly upgrade our PC to use MSN?

And about throwing out old systems... Why. They still have their uses. I have 2 Socket 754 systems in front of me as I type this, one going to be used as a home server and the other as a basic HTPC

Oh, did I mention my parents regularly use a P4? Does that mean they should HAVE to upgrade RIGHT NOW because it's not BRAND NEW?

Sorry, but I think Recursion touched a nerve there.

14-01-2011, 07:49 AM
THANK YOU. Exactly my point.

Windows 7 costs £75 new. Why should we HAVE to pay £75 and possibly upgrade our PC to use MSN?

And about throwing out old systems... Why. They still have their uses. I have 2 Socket 754 systems in front of me as I type this, one going to be used as a home server and the other as a basic HTPC

Oh, did I mention my parents regularly use a P4? Does that mean they should HAVE to upgrade RIGHT NOW because it's not BRAND NEW?

Sorry, but I think Recursion touched a nerve there.

My point was about the OS, not the hardware. A P4 with 2GB RAM would hapilly run Windows 7, which if people had preordered, would have been £30, not £75, and students can get it very cheaply (oh, also, I do get my own paycheck, and I pay for my stuff out of my own money unless it's a gift...)

Microsoft also have a right to stop supporting 10 YEAR OLD operating systems to make people upgrade if they so wish, Apple recently did it with iPhone 1 and have been doing it with every version of Mac OS since it was released. If people want to use Microsoft's products (MSN), they have to keep up with their core product's life cycles (Windows 7).

I also never said about throwing out old systems in a home environment, old systems can work 100% dandy in a home environment, but when you have a load of Windows 2000 machines on a P3 CPU with 512mb RAM, it's time to bin them in my work environment where we're expected to deliver ICT lessons properly, Businesses have a little more leverage here too, but even so, they have to move off XP at some point.

I'd also like to point out, a lot of new games and applications being released nowadays WILL NOT run on XP (funny considering that's partly what the thread's about ;))

14-01-2011, 07:51 AM
I take that the email is fake.
MSN would never force you into doing this, because like it's been previously stated, that they will lose costumers and users.

If this was the case, a lot of people would have emails as well as it being on various news sources.

Keep your eye out though, don't expect too much.

14-01-2011, 07:57 AM
I take that the email is fake.
MSN would never force you into doing this, because like it's been previously stated, that they will lose costumers and users.

If this was the case, a lot of people would have emails as well as it being on various news sources.

Keep your eye out though, don't expect too much.

Yes they will, Microsoft don't want to deal with security flaws in old versions of their software. Expect to be forced to upgrade like it said.

14-01-2011, 03:54 PM
I take that the email is fake.
MSN would never force you into doing this, because like it's been previously stated, that they will lose costumers and users.

If this was the case, a lot of people would have emails as well as it being on various news sources.

Keep your eye out though, don't expect too much.

Its not fake, Layout is the same, everything is the same, headers are O.K.

Ill post a SS of the message if you want

14-01-2011, 04:01 PM
As long as you can change your screen name i will happily update. Can you?

14-01-2011, 04:05 PM
It would be great if it even allows me to sign onto msn.
I absolutely hate the new version :@

14-01-2011, 04:08 PM
As long as you can change your screen name i will happily update. Can you?

First name and last name only, if they haven't changed it since.

14-01-2011, 05:28 PM
Where I work we should be all switching to thin clients with windows 7 + office 2010 sometime this year as xp and 2003 wont be supported anymore soon or something. going be more work for me but meh!
im staying on old msn as long as possible

14-01-2011, 05:33 PM
In all fairness, you use WLM as a form of communicating - it doesn't REALLY matter what it looks like or if you can't have a "personalised name" - to me, the fact it shows the First and Last name rather than a stupid one that has no relevance to the person what so ever is a brilliant change. It's you who's talking, so surely - isn't it better that it shows you actual name..

Much cleaner imo.

14-01-2011, 06:21 PM
In all fairness, you use WLM as a form of communicating - it doesn't REALLY matter what it looks like or if you can't have a "personalised name" - to me, the fact it shows the First and Last name rather than a stupid one that has no relevance to the person what so ever is a brilliant change. It's you who's talking, so surely - isn't it better that it shows you actual name..

Much cleaner imo.
True :P It's a growing trend to use real names, or at least clean names. Take Myspace vs. Facebook - Facebook requires you to actually have a real name that isn't filled with symbols, while Myspace (which is dying) was a mess of squiggles and awful rubbish that made everyone migrate to Facebook.

I think Microsoft are doing this because it will cost them a lot to support an old (ish) OS which is very different to the new ones. It's not to spite anyone, but to have to re-write a program to be compatible with another OS is time consuming for a company, even one as wealthy as Microsoft. It's life :P However, in saying that, I don't see why they can't make a watered down, XP compatible messenger, unless there is something with server related magic? :P

14-01-2011, 07:39 PM
We are forgetting here that there will be alternatives to the MSN client that will work on XP machines. And probably always will be. Other smaller companies don't force-upgrade usually.

15-01-2011, 12:56 AM
My point was about the OS, not the hardware. A P4 with 2GB RAM would hapilly run Windows 7, which if people had preordered, would have been £30, not £75, and students can get it very cheaply (oh, also, I do get my own paycheck, and I pay for my stuff out of my own money unless it's a gift...)

Microsoft also have a right to stop supporting 10 YEAR OLD operating systems to make people upgrade if they so wish, Apple recently did it with iPhone 1 and have been doing it with every version of Mac OS since it was released. If people want to use Microsoft's products (MSN), they have to keep up with their core product's life cycles (Windows 7).

I also never said about throwing out old systems in a home environment, old systems can work 100% dandy in a home environment, but when you have a load of Windows 2000 machines on a P3 CPU with 512mb RAM, it's time to bin them in my work environment where we're expected to deliver ICT lessons properly, Businesses have a little more leverage here too, but even so, they have to move off XP at some point.

I'd also like to point out, a lot of new games and applications being released nowadays WILL NOT run on XP (funny considering that's partly what the thread's about ;))

Teens with their own paychecks who aren't responsible for a majority of their living expenses have a lot more expendable income than most people 18-25 trying to put themselves through college and working full-time though, especially if they're paying rent, utilities, possibly a car payment, etc. That's the only point I was trying to get across.

Your point about a £30 preorder is true, though I personally would never do so again (Dealing with the Vista launch was a headache for me, I'd rather give the company time to iron out the bugs and deal with compatibility issues first) - I just personally feel that forcing an user to upgrade their operating system or hardware in general to use as basic a service as instant messenger is pushing it. I'd say the same thing if a search engine, for example, had the same requirements.

However, I'm sure Microsoft will offer a solution for XP customers anyway, I can't see why they wouldn't.

15-01-2011, 01:30 AM
I really dont like the new one :(

15-01-2011, 02:12 AM
tbh i kinda like the new version but once it upgraded i was like wooow how do i work this and eventually i got used to it.

15-01-2011, 02:29 AM
tbh i kinda like the new version but once it upgraded i was like wooow how do i work this and eventually i got used to it.

I think you have a very fair point. Take Facebook for instance when the new changes were made people didn't really take to them but once they realised they had no choice they just got on with it and I suppose that's just what is going to have to happen with the New Msn. I am not a fan of it at all but what choice do we really have?

15-01-2011, 02:49 AM
I'm on XP and got an email and I'm sure the link is to an XP version. To the guy going on about XP being out of date. I'm a student myself, luckily I live at home but do pay bills. I've got a lot of more important stuff to get than an operating system.

XP might be out of date, but they still are realising updates - security fixes/patches etc. - I think until 2014 but I could be wrong. Simply, if you check regularly for updates and also use additional security products you will be safe and will have saved some cash.

When I get my new PC built by my friend, I aim to get Windows 7 with it, but until then I just don't see what additional stuff I'll get

15-01-2011, 05:55 AM
I think you have a very fair point. Take Facebook for instance when the new changes were made people didn't really take to them but once they realised they had no choice they just got on with it and I suppose that's just what is going to have to happen with the New Msn. I am not a fan of it at all but what choice do we really have?

exactly and if people dont like it they will just have to get over it

15-01-2011, 08:34 AM
Teens with their own paychecks who aren't responsible for a majority of their living expenses have a lot more expendable income than most people 18-25 trying to put themselves through college and working full-time though, especially if they're paying rent, utilities, possibly a car payment, etc. That's the only point I was trying to get across.

Your point about a £30 preorder is true, though I personally would never do so again (Dealing with the Vista launch was a headache for me, I'd rather give the company time to iron out the bugs and deal with compatibility issues first) - I just personally feel that forcing an user to upgrade their operating system or hardware in general to use as basic a service as instant messenger is pushing it. I'd say the same thing if a search engine, for example, had the same requirements.

However, I'm sure Microsoft will offer a solution for XP customers anyway, I can't see why they wouldn't.

I guess you never heard about the success Windows 7 has had for Microsoft then? Vista was different and had problems and the launch wasn't fantastic, hence why Microsoft spent time and money to make sure the 7 launch was as successful as it could be. (It was a huge success) It's time to get rid of the old and in with the new!

15-01-2011, 09:38 AM
Changes will always happen and people will adapt to this one and then hate the upcoming new one. It's life I guess and I don't feel that this new version looks that bad anyway, it's quite professional.

15-01-2011, 09:44 AM
Teens with their own paychecks who aren't responsible for a majority of their living expenses have a lot more expendable income than most people 18-25 trying to put themselves through college and working full-time though, especially if they're paying rent, utilities, possibly a car payment, etc. That's the only point I was trying to get across.

Your point about a £30 preorder is true, though I personally would never do so again (Dealing with the Vista launch was a headache for me, I'd rather give the company time to iron out the bugs and deal with compatibility issues first) - I just personally feel that forcing an user to upgrade their operating system or hardware in general to use as basic a service as instant messenger is pushing it. I'd say the same thing if a search engine, for example, had the same requirements.

However, I'm sure Microsoft will offer a solution for XP customers anyway, I can't see why they wouldn't.

In terms of development, XP offers a lot less functionality than that of Windows 7, also partly the reason they're not developing for it.

15-01-2011, 11:26 AM
To be honest, if this was 2014 and all support for XP was on the verge of being cut off, I could understand this.

But until then, they ought to provide a method of accessing WLM for XP users, in my view.

15-01-2011, 01:39 PM
To be honest, if this was 2014 and all support for XP was on the verge of being cut off, I could understand this.

But until then, they ought to provide a method of accessing WLM for XP users, in my view.

They really shouldn't, here's why:

They superseeded it with Windows Vista in November 2006.
They superseeded it a second time with Windows 7 in October 2009.
They stopped licensing it to OEMs and cut of retail sale in June 2008.
The Netbook conditions (which was to provide XP on low cost machines until one year after the W7 launch) have now passed and gone.
April 2009 Windows XP went into legacy support (free security updates, no software support, warranty or feature additions)
April 2014 ALL support for Windows XP will be terminated and security flaws will not be patched, 3 years from now, so it's time to get your butt moving to Windows 7 (or 8 if out) in the next few years.

It costs Microsoft money to develop stuff like WLM for XP, which they don't need to spend, and I must say, if I was running a software design business, I can't say I'd spend my money supporting legacy software either. It would be a stupid business practice for anyone.

15-01-2011, 05:10 PM
If you were running a software design business, would you lose a sizeable chunk of your users just to stop supporting an older OS? I'd be willing to bet that a good quarter, maybe even a third of MSN users are still on XP.

15-01-2011, 05:26 PM
If you were running a software design business, would you lose a sizeable chunk of your users just to stop supporting an older OS? I'd be willing to bet that a good quarter, maybe even a third of MSN users are still on XP.

You're quoting imaginary statistics.

15-01-2011, 05:47 PM
I'd say more people use mobile versions of Messenger than they do with XP friendly programs, but that's going by the large amount of people on my one with "Using ebuddy" I have seen in the last few weeks :P

15-01-2011, 06:01 PM
I'd say more people use mobile versions of Messenger than they do with XP friendly programs, but that's going by the large amount of people on my one with "Using ebuddy" I have seen in the last few weeks :P

Lots of people i know have been getting blackberry's, so i keep seeing more and more people on MSN on them

15-01-2011, 11:03 PM
Lots of people i know have been getting blackberry's, so i keep seeing more and more people on MSN on them

Blackberry phones can use MSN? I thought they had a hard time loading absolutely any webpage at all to begin with :P

I'd just use this as an excuse to use Kopete or Pidgin - haven't used Microsoft's official messaging clients in years.

16-01-2011, 12:43 AM
Blackberry phones can use MSN? I thought they had a hard time loading absolutely any webpage at all to begin with :P

I'd just use this as an excuse to use Kopete or Pidgin - haven't used Microsoft's official messaging clients in years.

MS have an App out for WLM on the BB.

16-01-2011, 01:10 AM
Recursion from what I've seen a lot of places still use XP including myself. My University I believe uses XP. I agree its getting old and its a pain, but that's why they have a date, 2014. Simply cutting off support for a well used operating system like that could cause backlash. I think Microsoft would rather have as many users on Windows Live Messenger then actually having to force them to use competition. I occasionally read magazines at the store I work in on breaks and times when it is dead, and from what I've saw in the computer ones, XP still has a large audience.

Plus its not like they have to do any work on it. They could easily allow users to use the old version with just a warning or something, that way they'd be covering themselves and not have to bother with updating the software. I mean I'm sure one program I've used has just recently dropped Windows 2000 support, So I'm sure XP can hold on a little longer.

As I mentioned in a previous post, If you have security on your computer then you'll be safe for now. Most major antivirus providers still create stuff for XP, knowing that it is still largely used so as long as you have your computer secure you will be safe using XP.

I'm not saying to keep XP. I plan to upgrade myself when I can afford it. Funnily enough as I've just been writing it, I wondered the reason's why I haven't upgraded and that's because most software I need works for XP. The question is would most people upgrade their operating system for MSN to work? The answer for me is definitely no. If more and more software developers started designing stuff for just Vista and XP then I would change but at the moment my wallet isn't that full and there's nothing really making me need to upgrade quickly.

16-01-2011, 01:33 AM
I don't care so much for the look and layout of the 2011 version, infact I quite like some new features. But the reason I went back was because of horrendous performance issues. Even people using systems twice the power of mine were having terrible lag just simply typing into a text box and having to totally restart the program before it would return in a few minutes. My other grope was while you had only your first and last name on display, other people saw your last display name before you upgraded, and you can't change it! (They even saw your old one when they were using the 2011 version).

I think microsoft has gone downhill since bill gates left a couple of years ago. This is an unfinished product that still shouldn't have been released yet, and the developing team have shown no priority in fixing the performance issues or taking feedback onboard.

16-01-2011, 01:42 AM
I don't see any reason in upgrading from Windows XP when it still works perfectly fine and since most versions of windows are based on Windows NT, there isn't much problem with software compatibility. The only compatibility issues is whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit or hardware issues.

My other laptop is running XP and I could choose to upgrade it, but I don't see much point when XP will run much better than Windows 7 on it. Plus if I upgraded, I would have to set-up its network.

Companies and schools also use XP due to the fact it's costy, they would need to upgrade most of their hardware, the client software will most probably change, they would need to train their staff on how to use the new system.

As for windows live, I really don't wish to upgrade to WLM11. I use WLM as an instant messenger, I don't want all this "Social MSN" crap. They're trying to change an IM to a social networking site. If I wanted to chat & have social updates, I would use facebook.

I like WLM9 because of the large area for contacts listing. From the looks of things, WLM11 is just a tiny little box that will require a hell lot of scrolling.

16-01-2011, 01:45 AM
From the looks of things, WLM11 is just a tiny little box that will require a hell lot of scrolling.

You can change the layout to be like the old versions.

16-01-2011, 01:49 AM
You can change the layout to be like the old versions.
^ What he said. The "traditional" compact view doesn't even suggest what's happening in everybody elses lives, so you don't even have to worry about it spilling into the traditional view :)

The name thing isn't much of a worry either, which I believe is one worry people have. If you don't want people knowing your surname or you don't want it too formal, just put a dot or something in the surname field and you're fine :P

16-01-2011, 12:21 PM
I'm going to upgrade ONE of my systems to the new MSN, configure it just how I want it before the force upgrade...

EDIT: You would HAVE to change the layout on pretty much any netbook.

Netbooks are advertised for web access, IM and email, remember... surely a netbook-optimised option wouldn't be too much to ask for...

16-01-2011, 05:37 PM
I'm going to upgrade ONE of my systems to the new MSN, configure it just how I want it before the force upgrade...

EDIT: You would HAVE to change the layout on pretty much any netbook.

Netbooks are advertised for web access, IM and email, remember... surely a netbook-optimised option wouldn't be too much to ask for...
You just click one button to do that, near the top that looks like two columns with one highlighted in grey, then shrink to the desired size, it's not that hard to do :P

17-01-2011, 05:47 PM
Is it that hard for MS to put something in the installation that defaults to that layout on low screen resolutions?

20-01-2011, 11:49 PM

Won't let me sign in until I update. **** sake. =/

21-01-2011, 12:27 AM

Won't let me sign in until I update. **** sake. =/

Alright, I clicked yes and it downloaded the newer version but I just signed in and I still have the 2009 one. Nothing has changed and it doesn't say 'a newer version of messenger is now available' every time I sign in anymore. Was that supposed to happen? Anyone else get that message about installing the newer version to continue when they tried to sign in? Oh well, hooray for version 2009!

21-01-2011, 09:02 AM
Well... Maybe I will stop using your service then. I want to stick with WLM 09! Besides, I feel WLM isn't the same as it used to be, especially with the likes of Facebook, BlackBerry Messenger and PING coming into today's equation...

21-01-2011, 02:07 PM

Won't let me sign in until I update. **** sake. =/

This happened to me earlier....

but i still don't notice anything new.

30-01-2011, 01:12 AM
I hate the new MSN, and i've noticed a drop in my people online, I used to get 20, maybe more but now I hardly get 10 online.

30-01-2011, 09:24 AM
I hate the new MSN, and i've noticed a drop in my people online, I used to get 20, maybe more but now I hardly get 10 online.

You could always downgrade :P

30-01-2011, 10:06 AM
I got a virus on Friday night so I had to install all the latest updates yesterday to get everything back up to scratch. This included the new Windows Live Messenger update (2011) and it is absolutely terrible. I couldn't find a way to change my name, it was forcing me to have a personal message.. and it was generally a lot more annoying to the older one.

Sooooo.. I've uninstalled 2011 completely and reinstalled 2009. Job done. Stupid thing.

30-01-2011, 06:05 PM
My friend uses WLM 2011 and he tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it again (to see if Microsoft had fixed the problem) and he still is having memory leak issues - where WLM uses more memory than usual which eventually causes WLM to crash. I do agree that Microsoft should force users to update WLM in order to continue using it as it means everyone is using the latest version. I think with the next version of Windows they should force this for Internet Explorer too, to make sure consumers aren't still using IE9 in say, 2015 when there probably will be a new version out.

30-01-2011, 06:06 PM
if this is true then it looks like i will not be using msn again

30-01-2011, 08:00 PM
if this is true then it looks like i will not be using msn again

it seems more and more people are getting the email now, Must be some sort of gradual thing, and with people getting the popups to upgrade

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