View Full Version : Hypnosis.

14-01-2011, 09:19 PM
Hope I've spelt it right! Lol

I'm looking into starting hypnosis classes/courses. I think it's a awsome skill. Anyone know were I could start looking or suggestions on hypnosis?

14-01-2011, 09:55 PM
I think there is books by Paul McKenna or I'm sure there will be books out there that can help you.

But I don't know where you could get classes by a professional first-hand.

Maybe try and Google hypnosis classes in your area.

14-01-2011, 11:07 PM
I looked at a few sites such as this one http://www.hypnosisclassesonline.com/ but none of them seriously convince me of course. But the main point is that you could take guides and classes online. Probably not as good as a real life tutor but I'm not sure about what hypnosis really is so I can't look in to it thoroughly.

15-01-2011, 01:49 AM
It's a fraud.

15-01-2011, 02:48 AM
Not sure where to start it but I'm guessing google will be your best bet or there's probably some hypnosis forums about and stuff

It's a fraud.

Why do you even go on hxf when all you do is post a negative reaction to someone else's threads/posts? Can you atleast go back under your bridge to the films forum if you aren't gonna negatively leave hxf?

15-01-2011, 04:21 AM
That's pretty cool. Good Luck with that.

15-01-2011, 04:51 AM
It's a fraud.

Hypnosis isn't a fraud, it's been proven that it's mind tricks. It's not magic or anything it's just an art of learning how to communicate with someone without them being consciously aware of your communication. It's essentially mind trickery however it's something you won't be able to learn without years and years of practice (otherwise we'd all be at it :P). If you say hypnosis is a fraud then you are essentially saying thoughts which we aren't aware of don't exist when we all know there are unconcious thoughts as we all experience them (although obviously we dont experience them as thoughts).

15-01-2011, 07:46 AM
Thanks guys. But how can I be a fraud when people to these things on tv? Derran Brown does hypnosis he's stolen £5.000 of someone before and bit got in trouble for it (Had to give it back obv) He had also made someone do a armed robbery Before aswell. So it can hardly be a fraud!

18-01-2011, 12:03 AM
I'd actually love to learn how to do this. If you find any useful stuff lemmie know! :P

18-01-2011, 07:34 AM
Ok, I've been looking about, not Many people do it tbh. I'll keep looking.

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