View Full Version : Keeping Busy

15-01-2011, 04:41 PM

I've been playing RuneScape for a while- sometimes I dunno why but that's beside the point (:P), and there are things I like doing on it and some things I don't. For example I'm doing a bit of magic at the moment (well... I've got the stuff, depends if I can bother really due to exams) and I find it so bloody boring high alching. So what do you do to keep busy? I just listen to music really as there's not much time to write messages.

Hopefully "bot" or "autoclick" aren't answers seeing as I want this to be a remotely sensible thread.

15-01-2011, 04:43 PM
I would suggest youtube videos aswell but you got to keep clicking so yeah, Music (Y).
I also suggest alching in a weird place - I used to alch on ape atoll agility course, just to laugh when people fell
Or inside Gwd etc.

15-01-2011, 04:45 PM
I would suggest youtube videos aswell but you got to keep clicking so yeah, Music (Y).
I also suggest alching in a weird place - I used to alch on ape atoll agility course, just to laugh when people fell
Or inside Gwd etc.

Haha :P I don't think scenery really makes much difference to me but interesting theory there Aiden! :)

15-01-2011, 04:51 PM
But on a serious note i do suggest you move around when alching (not literally running and alching)
Try different spots etc, since i eventually got bored of alching in edgy, so i kept moving around, if any friends are skilling, alch with them ;P, time flys when your having fun with your friends.

15-01-2011, 07:33 PM
Enable mousekeys so you can just spam 5 on your keyboard, then watch a movie on half of your screen.

15-01-2011, 07:45 PM
Hopefully "bot" or "autoclick" aren't answers seeing as I want this to be a remotely sensible thread.

-clicks off thread.

Edited by Matts (Forum Moderator): Please don't post pointlessly, thanks.

15-01-2011, 08:22 PM
Enable mousekeys so you can just spam 5 on your keyboard, then watch a movie on half of your screen.


or find a good tv show and watch every series of it online.

15-01-2011, 08:24 PM
I like to keep high fiving my mum and dad when i alch, this makes me happy.

16-01-2011, 02:45 PM
when I'm smelting, I listen to music too :)

16-01-2011, 10:49 PM
Enable mousekeys so you can just spam 5 on your keyboard, then watch a movie on half of your screen.
Is it possible to get banned for this?
& how do you get 'mousekeys'?

16-01-2011, 10:52 PM
Is it possible to get banned for this?
& how do you get 'mousekeys'?

It's completely legit as it isn't botting, jagex has also confirmed this but I can't remember how to actually do it.

17-01-2011, 11:20 AM
How to set up mousekeys

Windows XP

MouseKeys settings on Windows XP
Mouse keys are enabled on Windows XP by selecting the Control Panel from the Start Menu, selecting Accessibility Options, selecting Mouse, checking "Use MouseKeys," and clicking "Apply." An alternate way to enable mouse keys is to press Alt+Shift+NumLock, or pressing Shift 5 times, pressing Settings, and going to the Mouse tab. For additional settings, click "Settings." Check the box that says "Hold down Ctrl to speed up and Shift to slow down." This will enable the cursor jump. Players also may want to disable showing mouse keys status on the screen.

Windows Vista

Mouse key settings on Windows Vista
Mouse keys are enabled on Windows Vista by selecting the Control Panel from the Start Menu, selecting Ease of Access, selecting the Ease of Access Centre, clicking "Make the mouse easier to use", then clicking "Set up Mouse Keys". Check the boxes that say "Turn on Mouse Keys" and "Hold down Ctrl to speed up and Shift to slow down." This will enable the cursor jump.

Windows 7

Mouse keys setup in Windows 7
Mouse keys are enabled by going Start menu→Control Panel→Ease of Access Centre→Make the mouse easier to use. Check the box that says "Turn on Mouse Keys". Setting can be adjusted from the "Set up Mouse Keys" link below the check box.

Mac OS X 10.3

Mouse keys setup in Mac OS X 10.3
To turn on Mouse Keys, click the System Preferences icon on the Dock, and then click the Universal Access icon. Select the Mouse & Trackpad pane, and turn on Mouse Keys.
5 clicks the mouse, and the surrounding eight number keys are used to move the cursor.
0 clicks and holds the cursor.
. Releases the cursor if it has been held by pressing 0.

Mac OS X 10.6

Mouse keys setup in Mac OS X 10.6
To turn on Mouse Keys, click the System Preferences icon on the Dock, and then click the Universal Access icon. Select the Mouse pane, and turn on Mouse Keys.
5 clicks the mouse, and the surrounding eight number keys are used to move the cursor.
0 clicks and holds the cursor.
. Releases the cursor if it has been held by pressing 0.

Didn't include the linux (GNOME) one because highly doubt anybody uses that OS. Taken from RSWIKI

Image of how useful it is for powerskilling: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100223144528/runescape/images/f/f3/Mouse_keys.gif

Jmod confirming it isn't illegal:

18-01-2011, 05:12 PM
Well when I was alching for 99 Magic I used to alch at Castle Wars. There's always loads of people alching there on W24 and you can also watch the game. Alching at the Dueling Arena is also pretty fun, and it should get more popular now since staking is coming back.
Or you can go alch with your friends who're skilling. I used to follow my friend around on his slayer tasks which was probably a bit weird for people seeing someone alching in the middle of the slayer tower.

Usually though I listen to music and chat to people in my clan. I also find it easier to train a skill if I'm training it with a friend (or racing a friend). It gives you more motivation to reach your goal and I find it more enjoyable.

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