View Full Version : Habbo clothes idea

27-01-2011, 03:44 PM
I was mulling over habbo clothes and was thinking it would be nice to have buyable clothes you could have to keep and to appear in the change looks section. I realise it may devalue hc/vip but It would be good idea as so many habbos love expressing themselves with their outfits. I suppose it would also create an appearance divide but thats happened on habbo since HC appeared anyway..


-A clothes section of the catalogue
-clothes could be tradable (possibly opening up a new rare clothes market)
-habbo outfits for roleplay/seasons/festivals/ fancy dress (like the old theatre ones)

What do you think? Im aware certain other avatar sites have been doing this for years.

27-01-2011, 04:17 PM
Yeah, i think so too. They have Recently posted an artical about this :)

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