View Full Version : Good games in the near future (next month or two)

27-01-2011, 04:37 PM
What good games are coming out soon or what good games are out that I could buy? I'm sick of most of my games atm and I've milked LBP2 loadssss and until I get an idea for a level or more are made via the community it's unplayable atm :P And GT5 I've lost a little interest in. COD is just sucking because it just sucks so any suggestions? I'm open to anything as long as it's not stupid like hannah montana the game or something. PS3/PC/360

27-01-2011, 05:01 PM
Crysis 2 looks good along with homefront which is also out quite soon. I think there is a new racing game out soon too?

27-01-2011, 05:47 PM
Lego Star Wars 3
Dragon Age 2
Killzone 3
Shift 2

and of course, Pokémon Black & White.

27-01-2011, 05:52 PM
Dead Space 2, Killzone 3, Bulletstorm, Homefront.

27-01-2011, 06:10 PM
You can wait 10 months for CODMW3? xD

But actually this is rather relevant to me as well because I'm looking for new games to get for my birthday :D

WWE All stars is coming out...

and Duke Nukem forever in May :D

27-01-2011, 06:54 PM
what ever happened to people wanting la noire

Judge Judy
27-01-2011, 07:29 PM
what ever happened to people wanting la noire
I was about to suggest that - until your post :P

Though Killzone 3 is the game to get for February with its MP Open Beta commencing the 3rd (or 2nd I forget).

27-01-2011, 07:39 PM
I was about to suggest that - until your post :P

Though Killzone 3 is the game to get for February with its MP Open Beta commencing the 3rd (or 2nd I forget).

I thought its US people only?

Anyway I won't be getting games which come out in may in may or june because of revision. I forgot duke nukem, I wanna get that :P L.A. Noire I plan to get when my exams are over, try and blag it as an exam gift :L Killzone 3 I will probably get. I might get dead space 2, I heard its meant to be quite scary and scary games are cool. Crysis 2, Bulletstorm and homefront, hmm they seem very generic, I'll see on user opinions (I don't trust reviewers). Dragon age, is this an RPG? I'll probably give it a look but most RPGs arent really my thing, the only one that really attracted me was FFvXIII but that is ages away.

Thanks to all +rep

27-01-2011, 07:43 PM
Bulletstorm, Dragon Age 2 and L.A. Noire looks pretty good, other than that I think it's all just rubbish until like the middle of the year.

27-01-2011, 09:25 PM
Crysis 2, Bulletstorm and homefront, hmm they seem very generic

Crysis 2 I'd agree on completely, there's a demo of Bulletstorm out right now so go check out why you're wrong on that.

As for Homefront, it's... hard to explain. Surface level you could say it's a generic shooter but underneath there truly is something wonderful at play when it comes to the level of thinking behind it.

27-01-2011, 09:59 PM
The only game I can think of is Pokemon Black & White, although I believe the maps on the new COD add-on look quite good in the trailers. Having said that, so did the game. Re-spawning alone ruined it. :P

27-01-2011, 10:07 PM
Crysis 2, Portal 2. Would love to say HL2:Ep3, haha, what a laugh, like that's going to happen!

27-01-2011, 10:09 PM
Oops, I had completely forgotten about portal 2. I think thats a game that could keep you busy for quite a while so it might be worth checking out.

29-01-2011, 12:17 AM
Crysis 2, Portal 2. Would love to say HL2:Ep3, haha, what a laugh, like that's going to happen!

I don't get Half Life, why are they releasing the second game in episodes, is each episode a full length game, or shorter?

29-01-2011, 12:32 PM
Bullet storm
Crysis 2
Dragon age 2
Portal 2
Brink and L.A Noire (but may might be a bit far away)

And to the above. yes each episode is a full length game, they did it in episodes to show it's part of a single story line. Half Life 1 is almost completley unrelated and they have stated half life 3 will also be unrelated to 1 and 2. So each Game in a series of storylines is labelled an episode.

29-01-2011, 12:46 PM
Bullet storm looks really fun, actually going to get it. :)

29-01-2011, 02:55 PM
All I want is DUKE ******* NUKEM BABY

30-01-2011, 03:06 AM
Bullet storm
Crysis 2
Dragon age 2
Portal 2
Brink and L.A Noire (but may might be a bit far away)

And to the above. yes each episode is a full length game, they did it in episodes to show it's part of a single story line. Half Life 1 is almost completley unrelated and they have stated half life 3 will also be unrelated to 1 and 2. So each Game in a series of storylines is labelled an episode.
Oh right I see, thanks

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