View Full Version : Shotgun Weddings

05-02-2011, 05:32 AM
Starting next week! Thank you, thank you very much.
That’s right, Vegas style baby! Starting on Monday you can chuck a Britney and marry a complete stranger during our Shotgun Weddings.
Several times a day any Habbos hanging out in the Heartbreak Hotel Lounge 1 will be paired up randomly and take part in a mass wedding ceremony performed by Elvis!
Each bride and groom (or groom and groom or bride and bride) will receive a Valentines Sticker to remember the special moment. If you’re lucky enough to tie the knot please do not attend future Shotgun Weddings as you will be considered divorced and will not receive a second sticker. This will give plenty of single Habbos the chance to walk down the aisle and find their one true love ;).
Will it be wedded bliss or matrimonial madness? Wedded couples keep an eye out for a competition on Monday where you can share your encounters as newlyweds with the rest of the community.

- Fozzie, SmoothCriminal and Puffin, holy matrimony Batman!

Read : http://www.habbo.com/articles/2214-shotgun-weddings

05-02-2011, 05:45 AM
Starting next week! Thank you, thank you very much.
That’s right, Vegas style baby! Starting on Monday you can chuck a Britney and marry a complete stranger during our Shotgun Weddings.
Several times a day any Habbos hanging out in the Heartbreak Hotel Lounge 1 will be paired up randomly and take part in a mass wedding ceremony performed by Elvis!
Each bride and groom (or groom and groom or bride and bride) will receive a Valentines Sticker to remember the special moment. If you’re lucky enough to tie the knot please do not attend future Shotgun Weddings as you will be considered divorced and will not receive a second sticker. This will give plenty of single Habbos the chance to walk down the aisle and find their one true love ;).
Will it be wedded bliss or matrimonial madness? Wedded couples keep an eye out for a competition on Monday where you can share your encounters as newlyweds with the rest of the community.

- Fozzie, SmoothCriminal and Puffin, holy matrimony Batman!

Read : http://www.habbo.com/articles/2214-shotgun-weddings

.. The ****? Do we get a badge or JUST a sticker?

05-02-2011, 05:53 AM
Ughhh a sticker -.-' Come on. Habbo needs to give out better prizes

05-02-2011, 07:04 AM
a sticker omg...

05-02-2011, 07:32 AM
That's not what Shotgun Wedding means. It doesn't mean a really quick wedding, it means one at the end of a shotgun, usually because the girl is pregnant or otherwise 'shamed', and so the parents are forcing them to get married.

05-02-2011, 09:33 AM
But what happens if i get paired with some stupid person :O then they start adding me and following me around D:

05-02-2011, 10:11 AM
But what happens if i get paired with some stupid person :O then they start adding me and following me around D:

LMFAO thats what I was thinking

05-02-2011, 04:43 PM
Woooo a sticker :rolleyes: not worth my time lol

05-02-2011, 04:44 PM
a sticker. habbo may as well have no competitions at all. :(

06-02-2011, 05:33 PM
Shotgun was a 'quick fix' solution to pregnancy and that.
Eh.. I preferred it when it was a BADGE. A BADGE HABBO.

06-02-2011, 05:42 PM
A badge would be better!

06-02-2011, 05:57 PM
I want to go, to see if i get paired off with a noob XD

06-02-2011, 06:04 PM
If it was a badge I'd attempt to do it, but stickers are just ridiculous! No one wants some sticker on their homepage :rolleyes:

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