View Full Version : Is Runescape an embarrassing game?

06-02-2011, 02:49 AM
I've been playing runescape on & off for around 4 years now. I see nothing wrong with it, just a normal game that a kid plays. But it seems to have a bad reputation, like WoW and other games.

My average conversation with some ignorant kid on xbox:
Me: Do you play runescape?

Are you embarrassed to let people know, other than your friends that play, that you play runescape?
I know I am for sure :P. Thats why I've been keeping it a secret for all these years.

If only people these people knew what these games are really about.

06-02-2011, 02:58 AM
Hell yes. It's because you need to invest a lot of time into it. I wouldn't let anyone that doesn't play it know I do. :P

06-02-2011, 03:00 AM
yep. To get to 99 in some skills is like wasting weeks of your life just clicking. If I was to ever tell anyone I played I'd act like a noob and pretend I just do quests and kill things

06-02-2011, 04:27 AM
Meh, I don't publicise it but if it comes up in conversation, I'd probably mention it. It's not really likely to come up in conversation though!
4-5 years ago when I used to play a lot I probably still would have mentioned it but not shared the extent of my...uh... habit.

Same with WoW really, that comes up in conversation every now and then, If it does, I tell people I used to play (I only played for about 6 months though)

I can see why people would want to hide it, there are so many preconceptions attached to MMORPG players.

I guess this attitude comes with age... But my friends are my friends, they're not going to be put off by my activities (you know... as long as I don't go burning kittens or forcing them to play with me). Strangers... Well if they're put off by a hobby, they're probably not worth knowing in the first place.

Make sense?

06-02-2011, 07:19 AM
i guess runescape is sort of embarrassing..but i dont really have a problem with my friends knowing it because its not like im a nerd or anything that plays 24/7. i mean i like it and play it when im free but other than that its all good

06-02-2011, 07:54 AM
I talk to one of my friends about it a bit, but it is embarrassing and if someone else finds out it's like "YOU PLAY RS? WTH MAN?" -.-

I like it and have played it on/off for nearly 6 years but people's reactions if I tell them are not worth it.

06-02-2011, 08:08 AM
I dont play it, but my mates take the Mick out of it all the time.

06-02-2011, 09:12 AM
Not really, i used to be embarrased admitedly but i've grown out of it. I have real life friends who play wow, RS, minecraft and other as you might call them "embarrasing games. T

The majority of the people i know don't play it but i'm not embarrased to say i play if somebody asks. As if they are going to judge me on a game i play every now and then, then i probably wouldn't want to know them.

06-02-2011, 11:48 AM
I wouldnt say i find it embarassing but i wouldnt exact stand up infront of everyone and say 'I PLAY RUNESCAPE' because yeah... that just wouldnt be me >.<

06-02-2011, 12:07 PM
Well seeing as "most of the coolkids" used to play it back in year 7-8, and several do in year 12 and 13 i wouldn't say its embarrassing.

06-02-2011, 12:15 PM
Well seeing as "most of the coolkids" used to play it back in year 7-8, and several do in year 12 and 13 i wouldn't say its embarrassing.

In year 7 most 'coolkids' played it at our school i joined in about year 8 and then once they quit they'd take the piss out of others playing but a simple 'but, you used to play it? you used to have 99 on most skills so what are you on about.' used to shut them up :)

i mainly think people take the piss out of games like WoW cause you've got to pay for it monthly although the people that take the piss are on their xbox playing fable/viva pinata paying monthly for live and the actual game, so they could be classed as just as sad.

06-02-2011, 12:46 PM
In year 9 my friend 'caught' me playing it, and I was like ****! Then he was like, yeah I play sometimes too...
I think everyone seems to be ashamed of it, and probably habbo for that matter. Just imagine how many people you might know irl that play it!

06-02-2011, 05:00 PM
I started in year like 8? been on an off an im now 20 idc let people think wht they wanna think, i dislike xbox an ps3 jus cos i dont play them doesnt mean other people won't

06-02-2011, 05:08 PM
I've played it since forever and have never found it embarrassing. Quite a few of my friends have come back recently due to the free trade removal so I doubt they'd look at me funny if I ever mentioned it. I think it's only those that play other games like COD/WoW that look down on runescape players as if runescape is an inferior game when actually it's much easier to get into and you don't have to spend a penny.

06-02-2011, 05:10 PM
i'd probably never live it down at my school if people found out i played it :(

06-02-2011, 05:16 PM
I've played it since forever and have never found it embarrassing. Quite a few of my friends have come back recently due to the free trade removal so I doubt they'd look at me funny if I ever mentioned it. I think it's only those that play other games like COD/WoW that look down on runescape players as if runescape is an inferior game when actually it's much easier to get into and you don't have to spend a penny.

I actually agree with this 100% people who have never played rs but play WOW/COD always think runescape is crap and childish etc...

06-02-2011, 05:24 PM
I didn't think it was that bad until I told my younger male friend, now he won't stop teasing me, and it's in my "top secrets" shelf in my brain LOL

06-02-2011, 06:10 PM
It used to be "cool" from year 7-9. Now I'm in my second year of college, it's pretty sad.

06-02-2011, 06:17 PM
I wouldn't say it's embarrassing. Your forgetting that it's a very popular games played by a lot of people. Its no different than calling someone sad for playing xbox or ps3. :L

06-02-2011, 06:24 PM
hi intruding in this section just to say i don't play it but my cousin does. she plays both WoW and habbo too and she publicizes it over her facebook. it's not like every status but once in a while or if people ask her what she's doing she'll drop it in to conversation. she's extremely popular and what you'd call "cool" by teenage standards. i find in real life the only people who know what runescape/wow/habbo is anyway ARE the geeky stereotype people (i'm not calling you guys geeky i'm just talking from experience ;)). most people just say "what's that?" (besides habbo) and ironically the only ones who say it's embarassing are those geeks that have once played it.

06-02-2011, 06:26 PM
I don't think its that embarrassing; a few people in my school still play rs and a few more play WoW..

Mainly its just everyone no-lifing COD (in my school). I don't see how that is different to playing runescape, but I guess thats just how it is :P

07-02-2011, 01:46 PM
I'm 18 and it doesn't bother me. I have a proper social life and I go to town one night a week; I work four or five days a week too. If I want to play an MMORPG in my spare time, I will. Some of my irl mates have rejoined (like me) since FT and W came back

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