View Full Version : Do you dislike one of your parents? [FOR PEOPLE WITH SPLIT/DIVORCED PARENTS]

06-02-2011, 03:41 AM
My parents split up over 10 years ago and I stayed with my mom and my dad moved back to Canada. I didn't have a great relationship with him because I never saw him. My mom never kept us from him, she just wouldn't go out of her way to organize a trip for us to see him because isn't really her responsibility, she saw us everyday! I have since moved back to Canada, into the same city as him, for school and it's helped our relationship immensely.

I used to hate my dad, I used to get so annoyed when he would come to visit. Before Christmas I met my dad downtown when he was out with his colleagues for their Christmas party. I was having a cigarette and he was having one too, I didn't know he smoked and he didn't know I did either. Even though we were both highly intoxicated I saw a side of my dad that I missed and we sat down a few days later and I had a huge talk about everything and I held nothing back and he apologized for everything and I apologized too. My brothers always told me dad wasn't that bad but now I see them and they got their many "I told you dad wasn't that bad" in.

My dad has a long-time girlfriend named Maureen and she and her son live in my dads house with him. Maureen is a miserable person and now I blame her for the way my dad acted because she doesn't like me, or my brothers. My dad provides a roof for her and her son and she can't even be nice to his kids who did nothing wrong. Even my mom was nice to her and now she hates her. When I was 18 my dad bought each of my brothers a Blackberry and I was at his house and I overheard her say in the kitchen after we opened our presents "you're kids are adults now, shouldn't you be cutting back on the presents". That comment really upset me and since then I haven't liked her and I try to avoid her especially since she thinks she can call me and ask me to do stuff for her and her son. Maureen hasn't been around lately, she's been visiting her mom in Ontario for the past 2 weeks and TBH, I think my dad let her have it and *I HOPE* she's not coming back, but he hasn't come right out and told us.

I haven't felt like I've had a proper family for a long time and I thought I was fine with it but I've never felt better than I have since I've talked to my dad and worked everything out.

For those of you with divorced parents, do you dislike one of your parents? If so, have you clearly defined why you don't like the other parent? If so, what is it? Have you ever had a heart-to-heart conversation with either of your parents?

06-02-2011, 04:15 AM
Do you actually expect somebody to read that?:/

I hate my mum sometimes - She's the dumbest and most annoying person I have ever met...
The other day she asked me how to spell 'Far.' and I was like F-A-R and she was like 'What?' in the end I had to go up to her and write it down so she knew, I'm not even joking. I'm being serious, yeah, hard to believe, ikr?;L

06-02-2011, 05:30 AM
My mom left my dad last Summer, she told him she would absolutely not see other men, had no intentions to and just wanted to work on their marriage. She put a password on her phone and switched from the shared plan she was on with me, and she started going out a lot more than she used to. One day I saw what her password was (it's one of those visual Android passwords) and I was curious and I looked at her phone and there was someone called Nancy sending her text messages, flirty ones. A few days later my dad said he saw her reply to a text to her that said hey baby and he said he asked her about it and she said it was just a close friend and male female friends or not, people say hay baby to eachother, she also said she put him in under a fake female name on her phone accidentally or something..

A few weeks later I went on her phone again and I saw her saying a lot more to him and he was saying a lot more to her, so I showed my dad and he showed my mom and said I looked. She was so mad at me and we had a long argument (I've never argued with her since I was little) and she said she likes this guy more than just a random friend, I asked her to stop seeing him and she said no though.

There's a lot more too, she REALLY went out of her way to hide this guy from all of us and she'd even told my dad she would never see other men which was not good obviously!

I could never hate my mom, I love her so much and she does so much for me and loves me and all her children, but I can't fathom to explain how devastated my dad is because of what she's been saying and doing and I suppose not saying what she's doing - I really can't begin to understand what kind of person could do that to a guy and then the next minute turn around and literally act like everything's perfectly fine.

In regards to what you said about heart to heart conversations I don't know many fathers and sons who talk in depth or heart to heart and I never did with my dad until he started calling me away from what I was doing to talk to him. We'd just go in his room and he'd tell me what's been going on with my mom and how he feels and other things, he repeats himself sometimes but he gets so worked up and so upset about it all, I'm so awkward and I never know what to reply with but I really wish I knew what to say to cheer him up :P

When I see a 30 year marriage end up like that, or when I see how some people treat other people who they used to fall head over heels for and entrust their life with, I really just don't feel good and quite honestly I don't think I will ever get married (not that there's anyone out there who'd want to marry me, haha)!

06-02-2011, 09:35 AM
My mom left my dad last Summer, she told him she would absolutely not see other men, had no intentions to and just wanted to work on their marriage. She put a password on her phone and switched from the shared plan she was on with me, and she started going out a lot more than she used to. One day I saw what her password was (it's one of those visual Android passwords) and I was curious and I looked at her phone and there was someone called Nancy sending her text messages, flirty ones. A few days later my dad said he saw her reply to a text to her that said hey baby and he said he asked her about it and she said it was just a close friend and male female friends or not, people say hay baby to eachother, she also said she put him in under a fake female name on her phone accidentally or something..

A few weeks later I went on her phone again and I saw her saying a lot more to him and he was saying a lot more to her, so I showed my dad and he showed my mom and said I looked. She was so mad at me and we had a long argument (I've never argued with her since I was little) and she said she likes this guy more than just a random friend, I asked her to stop seeing him and she said no though.

There's a lot more too, she REALLY went out of her way to hide this guy from all of us and she'd even told my dad she would never see other men which was not good obviously!

I could never hate my mom, I love her so much and she does so much for me and loves me and all her children, but I can't fathom to explain how devastated my dad is because of what she's been saying and doing and I suppose not saying what she's doing - I really can't begin to understand what kind of person could do that to a guy and then the next minute turn around and literally act like everything's perfectly fine.

In regards to what you said about heart to heart conversations I don't know many fathers and sons who talk in depth or heart to heart and I never did with my dad until he started calling me away from what I was doing to talk to him. We'd just go in his room and he'd tell me what's been going on with my mom and how he feels and other things, he repeats himself sometimes but he gets so worked up and so upset about it all, I'm so awkward and I never know what to reply with but I really wish I knew what to say to cheer him up :P

When I see a 30 year marriage end up like that, or when I see how some people treat other people who they used to fall head over heels for and entrust their life with, I really just don't feel good and quite honestly I don't think I will ever get married (not that there's anyone out there who'd want to marry me, haha)!

I remember when my mom caught my dad cheating, it was DONE. I was just a kid at the time, I remember my aunt came over and my dad was packing his **** and my mom took a key to his brand new (at the time) black Suburban and my dad just watched. My mom vowed to make my dad pay for what he did, she started dressing smart and she began working. She WANTED my dad to know what he lost and that he wasn't getting it back!

I'm over the fact that my parents are divorced. It was every product of divorce's wish for their parents to get back together and play happy families. I knew if that were to happen, they wouldn't be happy and it would just be easier if they weren't together so I just let go of the idea.

I for one am not a person to go through cellphones. It is my all time biggest pet peeve, you set your phone down and your friends start looking through your texts and questioning who you're texting? I don't look at other peoples messages, I don't look at what people are texting, what I don't know won't hurt me. I know if I saw something I wouldn't be able to keep it to myself if I had to and I'd rather not have anything I'm not supposed to know bothering me. I give props to your mom owning a smartphone, knowing how to text and it's brilliant that she put the other guy under a females name.. I'm going to use that one sometime!

I've been finding that lately my friends parents or people who I went to school with their parents have been screwing around with other people. A girl from back home her mom left her dad, her very rich and successful dentist dad, for a man with a questionable substance abuse problem, no money and no car, basically a loser and the sad part is the dad is devastated and would take her back? It baffles me!

I found that I really forgot who my dad was.. I missed the dad I grew up with, he would do anything for us.. he just ****** up. Friday morning after there was a huge snow storm and I got a BBM message from my dad, "just cleared off your car, should be able to get it out, have a good day in class - dad".. like he came at 7:00 in the morning, after digging out his truck and went out of his way to find my car and clean it off and dig it out.. that's the dad I know and love.

Do you think your parents would get back together? Do you want them to get back together? I hope it all works out for the best :)

06-02-2011, 10:10 AM
I don't have divorced parents but I don't think it's actually possible to hate your parents.

Also lol @ maureen.

06-02-2011, 12:08 PM
Do you actually expect somebody to read that?:/
Looks like everybody has done so far. It's respect.

One day I saw what her password was (it's one of those visual Android passwords) and I was curious and I looked at her phone and there was someone called Nancy sending her text messages, flirty ones.
Oh, I would have thought she'd turned lesbian! :P

I found that I really forgot who my dad was.. I missed the dad I grew up with, he would do anything for us.. he just ****** up. Friday morning after there was a huge snow storm and I got a BBM message from my dad, "just cleared off your car, should be able to get it out, have a good day in class - dad".. like he came at 7:00 in the morning, after digging out his truck and went out of his way to find my car and clean it off and dig it out.. that's the dad I know and love.
This is really cute :)

My parents are still together and have been for nearly 22 years. Really have no idea what I'd do if they split, love my family a lot :'(

06-02-2011, 12:21 PM
@HotelUser i thought your mum was lesbian about half way through reading it

and yeah my parents arent divorced and i love them both in different way, my mums a person you can also go to if you need to get something off your mind and shes constantly trying to get the best out of me whilst my dad is more laid back although we dont have as much in common

06-02-2011, 12:32 PM
@HotelUser i thought your mum was lesbian about half way through reading it

and yeah my parents arent divorced and i love them both in different way, my mums a person you can also go to if you need to get something off your mind and shes constantly trying to get the best out of me whilst my dad is more laid back although we dont have as much in common

so did I!

While I don't know what you're going through as my parents are still together, it's possible you're giving Maureen the "evil stepmother" label. As she says, you're an adult now so you don't actually have to do any of the things she asks you to do for her and her sons. If she comes back and starts slipping into that routine, put your foot down and just say no. :)

06-02-2011, 12:47 PM
I hate my mum sometimes - She's the dumbest and most annoying person I have ever met...
apple doesn't fall far from the tree huh, hating your mum because they're dumb sorta makes you dumb too :

I don't have divorced parents but I don't think it's actually possible to hate your parents.

Also lol @ maureen.
nah i disagree, especially if they're neglected when they're younger.

mmm, i went through phases of hating my dad. my mum and dad split when i was 11, i didn't get a reason and i never have. all my family and all his family don't talk to him anymore. everyone understands better than me but i think in this case it's fine for me not to know. i don't actually have much memories of my dad from when they were together, he was only there 6 months every year. i have no doubt that he was a good dad or person, it came as a massive shock to me cause my mum and dad seemed to love each other so much. there's one memory that does stick though, i remember being 4 and my mum was crying so i offered her my chocolate buttons (she said NO omg:@) to cheer her up. my gran came over and i overheard her talking about my dad, my oldest brother who was 8 at the time asked my mum if dad was going to leave her for another woman again. idk why.. i don't really understand but i'm guessing that my dad left because of something like that.

when they first split up i was always like protected against it i guess. my dad had a flat next to the house for about a year, i stayed there every weekend but my brother's refused to. they knew more about it than i did. then 6 months later he stopped picking up my calls and moved. fast forward 2 years and my uncle (his brother) died. so again, he tells me to stay in touch. it lasts 6 weeks when i found out he'd been messing around with my uncle's fiance >.< they're still together now and everyone hates them. then that's when i got told most things. that my dad played around, that he was horrible, a coward, only knew how to love with his money. that's what i got told and i'd believe it all. it's frustrating when family try to turn you against each other, he never done it to me about them.

i never saw my dad from then until last august so about 4 years. he would send me birthday and christmas cards with money and again i'd get "see? he just buys your love with money". i believed that so much. when my eldest brother moved out, he gave him money to help out. again, all he knows is money. i never appreciated how much he helped out, i wanted him to physically be there instead. but now i do, he pays for a lot of stuff back home. cause my mum is disabled and can't work he's always trying his best to provide for us, no matter how much miles away he is. and for years i was told he doesn't love me, even though he's slagged off and hated, he still wants to help. cause of that, i always want to give people second chances. i always want to help people who need it even when they hate me. my family try tell me he's not worth it but it's up to me to decide. you've got to decide for yourself.

anyway i went to see him last august in his new house for 3 days and it went well :) i didn't really tell anyone, other than my mum, just incase it did go wrong. i wouldn't be able to stand all the "told you so". but i went and i'm glad, i can gain back those memories i lost. i get told i'm going to get hurt but i have more trust than before. at least now if i do get hurt i'm glad i tried. i'm not losing anything, i only have to gain. my dad still texts me, he calls me every saturday, he asks me if i need anything, asks how everyone is doing. i'm happy, i'm moving on with my life yet they're all still miserable and stuck in the past.

i guess it's why i hate when people hate their parents for such unnecessary reasons ;p if you don't know anything about them or their situation then don't judge. just have trust, don't listen to other people.
idk the whole thing has taught me a lot. at first i thought men were douchebags (well most still are so it's taught me not to expect too much;)) but now it makes me more determined for it not to end this way for me. i will have my happy ending ok.

06-02-2011, 03:58 PM
Looks like everybody has done so far. It's respect.

Oh, I would have thought she'd turned lesbian! :P

No but she has a friend who left her husband for a woman, and she has a few other divorced friends she's become close to now so I think they probably weren't a good influence about her leaving my dad!

I remember when my mom caught my dad cheating, it was DONE. I was just a kid at the time, I remember my aunt came over and my dad was packing his **** and my mom took a key to his brand new (at the time) black Suburban and my dad just watched. My mom vowed to make my dad pay for what he did, she started dressing smart and she began working. She WANTED my dad to know what he lost and that he wasn't getting it back!

I'm over the fact that my parents are divorced. It was every product of divorce's wish for their parents to get back together and play happy families. I knew if that were to happen, they wouldn't be happy and it would just be easier if they weren't together so I just let go of the idea.

I for one am not a person to go through cellphones. It is my all time biggest pet peeve, you set your phone down and your friends start looking through your texts and questioning who you're texting? I don't look at other peoples messages, I don't look at what people are texting, what I don't know won't hurt me. I know if I saw something I wouldn't be able to keep it to myself if I had to and I'd rather not have anything I'm not supposed to know bothering me. I give props to your mom owning a smartphone, knowing how to text and it's brilliant that she put the other guy under a females name.. I'm going to use that one sometime!

I've been finding that lately my friends parents or people who I went to school with their parents have been screwing around with other people. A girl from back home her mom left her dad, her very rich and successful dentist dad, for a man with a questionable substance abuse problem, no money and no car, basically a loser and the sad part is the dad is devastated and would take her back? It baffles me!

I found that I really forgot who my dad was.. I missed the dad I grew up with, he would do anything for us.. he just ****** up. Friday morning after there was a huge snow storm and I got a BBM message from my dad, "just cleared off your car, should be able to get it out, have a good day in class - dad".. like he came at 7:00 in the morning, after digging out his truck and went out of his way to find my car and clean it off and dig it out.. that's the dad I know and love.

Do you think your parents would get back together? Do you want them to get back together? I hope it all works out for the best :)

I hope they get back together a lot, it seems so both sided. They will talk, and the other day my dad was with me and my sister and my mom came and watched a movie with all of us and things seem even normal to me but then when my dad talks to me he tells me he doesn't think they're going to, that she just talks to this other guy on the phone for hours a night now that she's asking him not to come around because she wants more distance between them. It feels like it can go either way it really does. When I argued with my mom she pointed out that no matter what she'll always want to look out for my dad and that they were seeing therapists but she said to me they weren't seeing marriage therapists. I'm only afraid that she's stringing him along because she doesn't know how he would handle anything more rash, but I really don't know what they'll do at this point.

My dad just asked to talk to me just now and he said she left her computer on in the garage and on her facebook (she wont add any of us to it) it has messages to the guy (hes away for 20 days for work or something) and she said things like I love you and miss you so much <3 and 20 days can't go by soon enough.

apple doesn't fall far from the tree huh, hating your mum because they're dumb sorta makes you dumb too :

nah i disagree, especially if they're neglected when they're younger.

mmm, i went through phases of hating my dad. my mum and dad split when i was 11, i didn't get a reason and i never have. all my family and all his family don't talk to him anymore. everyone understands better than me but i think in this case it's fine for me not to know. i don't actually have much memories of my dad from when they were together, he was only there 6 months every year. i have no doubt that he was a good dad or person, it came as a massive shock to me cause my mum and dad seemed to love each other so much. there's one memory that does stick though, i remember being 4 and my mum was crying so i offered her my chocolate buttons (she said NO omg:@) to cheer her up. my gran came over and i overheard her talking about my dad, my oldest brother who was 8 at the time asked my mum if dad was going to leave her for another woman again. idk why.. i don't really understand but i'm guessing that my dad left because of something like that.

when they first split up i was always like protected against it i guess. my dad had a flat next to the house for about a year, i stayed there every weekend but my brother's refused to. they knew more about it than i did. then 6 months later he stopped picking up my calls and moved. fast forward 2 years and my uncle (his brother) died. so again, he tells me to stay in touch. it lasts 6 weeks when i found out he'd been messing around with my uncle's fiance >.< they're still together now and everyone hates them. then that's when i got told most things. that my dad played around, that he was horrible, a coward, only knew how to love with his money. that's what i got told and i'd believe it all. it's frustrating when family try to turn you against each other, he never done it to me about them.

i never saw my dad from then until last august so about 4 years. he would send me birthday and christmas cards with money and again i'd get "see? he just buys your love with money". i believed that so much. when my eldest brother moved out, he gave him money to help out. again, all he knows is money. i never appreciated how much he helped out, i wanted him to physically be there instead. but now i do, he pays for a lot of stuff back home. cause my mum is disabled and can't work he's always trying his best to provide for us, no matter how much miles away he is. and for years i was told he doesn't love me, even though he's slagged off and hated, he still wants to help. cause of that, i always want to give people second chances. i always want to help people who need it even when they hate me. my family try tell me he's not worth it but it's up to me to decide. you've got to decide for yourself.

anyway i went to see him last august in his new house for 3 days and it went well :) i didn't really tell anyone, other than my mum, just incase it did go wrong. i wouldn't be able to stand all the "told you so". but i went and i'm glad, i can gain back those memories i lost. i get told i'm going to get hurt but i have more trust than before. at least now if i do get hurt i'm glad i tried. i'm not losing anything, i only have to gain. my dad still texts me, he calls me every saturday, he asks me if i need anything, asks how everyone is doing. i'm happy, i'm moving on with my life yet they're all still miserable and stuck in the past.

i guess it's why i hate when people hate their parents for such unnecessary reasons ;p if you don't know anything about them or their situation then don't judge. just have trust, don't listen to other people.
idk the whole thing has taught me a lot. at first i thought men were douchebags (well most still are so it's taught me not to expect too much;)) but now it makes me more determined for it not to end this way for me. i will have my happy ending ok.

That's really sweet (especially the part about you being 4 and offering her your chocolates - that's adorable!) and you dad's really lucky to call you his daughter when you're being so understanding and open about everything!

06-02-2011, 04:09 PM
i've always lived with my mum, and rarely see my dad (usually a couple of times a month) so our relationship isn't exactly amazing. at this moment in time i only see him as a bank. my mums always says "have you called your dad recently?" and i just say no because it's not payday, and plus he hasn't called me so why should i.

but no, i don't dislike my dad, but i don't love him like i love my mother either. never have, never will. i just believe it's too late, and i'm too old to get past that stage.

06-02-2011, 04:20 PM
My mum and dad split when I was 8, but they'd sort of been on and off before that. It all ended in a huge argument between my mum, my dad the woman he'd been seeing. I think he had a restraining order put on him after that, and since then I've not seen or heard of him.
I guess I could say it's his fault that I am the way I am, because I think if I'd of had a 'stable family unit' when I was growing up I'd be more confident in myself and just more sure of things. I remember when I was younger and my parents were going through a rough patch I'd start stuttering and then it would stop when things became more calm. I still have the stutter now but I think it's because I'm not, as I said before, confident in myself.
The fact that I have no father figure doesn't really stress me out, but I feel like sometimes I just don't know how to talk to guys, and I don't understand them, if I'd of had a Dad I don't think I would have this problem.
To sum up: No I don't dislike my dad, I find it hard to dislike a person I don't know, based on what others have told me about them. If he decided he wanted to contact me I'd agree because life's too short to hold grudges over things that happened long ago. What happened is between him and my mum, I don't have anything to do with it.

I love my mum, a lot :D

07-02-2011, 12:23 AM
My dad can go die for all I care

oop I sound evil

07-02-2011, 03:07 AM
My mum and dad split up about 3 years ago now and it was one of the worst things I ever went through. My mum said she hadn't loved my dad for a long time now but she stayed to try and make it work for me and my brother but it got to the point where she couldn't do it anymore. I don't blame her for leaving him and I would rather she was happy than just staying with my dad for the sake of me and my brother.

My dad was an absolute **** about the divorce, I don't think he liked the thought of being alone and one day he just broke down infront of me which made me think he genuinely cared about what had happened to their relationship. For a good year whilst the divorce was being sorted my mum and dad both still lived in the same house. My mum stayed in their room whilst my dad moved into the back room, as you can imagine it was a horrible situation to live in. They hated eachother, absolutely hated eachother and me and my brother were stuck in the middle and we had no way to get out. I had to constantly hear them argue everyday for a year and hear them ***** about eachother to me. My dad was the worst for this and eventually my mum got the locks changed and kicked him out. This obviously infuriated him as it was his house too and he started doing all sorts of stupid things and it did make me hate him. After he had completely moved all of his stuff out I very rarely saw him. He was horrible to me and my brother and kept trying to make me feel guilty living in the house when he was stuck back at his mother's. I loved my dad and hated the fact it had to end up that way but he constantly took it out on me and it came to the point where I didn't want anything to do with him anymore.

3 years on and all money issues have now been dealt with and my dad seems to be completely staying out of my mum's life. He's calmed himself down and is making an effort again with me and my brother. I think I did genuinely hate my dad at one point, he made our lives a misery and I was drepressed for a very long time because of it. At the end of the day he's still my dad and I'm willing to forgive him, he wasn't right in the head in my opinion but I can't imagine what he was going through with the divorce, 20 years of marriage and then being told it is over is a pretty hard thing to cope with.

07-02-2011, 05:12 PM
Parents haven't split, but they're on the verge to.
I pretty much started hating my mum when I was about 8-ish, it was the first time I saw her drunk (she's an alcholic by the way and smokes so much), and now I always curse her and bury my face out of her sight and smell whenever she walks into the room. She's probably the reason why I have all this suicidal depression..

07-02-2011, 07:02 PM
No but she has a friend who left her husband for a woman, and she has a few other divorced friends she's become close to now so I think they probably weren't a good influence about her leaving my dad!

I hope they get back together a lot, it seems so both sided. They will talk, and the other day my dad was with me and my sister and my mom came and watched a movie with all of us and things seem even normal to me but then when my dad talks to me he tells me he doesn't think they're going to, that she just talks to this other guy on the phone for hours a night now that she's asking him not to come around because she wants more distance between them. It feels like it can go either way it really does. When I argued with my mom she pointed out that no matter what she'll always want to look out for my dad and that they were seeing therapists but she said to me they weren't seeing marriage therapists. I'm only afraid that she's stringing him along because she doesn't know how he would handle anything more rash, but I really don't know what they'll do at this point.

My dad just asked to talk to me just now and he said she left her computer on in the garage and on her facebook (she wont add any of us to it) it has messages to the guy (hes away for 20 days for work or something) and she said things like I love you and miss you so much <3 and 20 days can't go by soon enough.

That's really sweet (especially the part about you being 4 and offering her your chocolates - that's adorable!) and you dad's really lucky to call you his daughter when you're being so understanding and open about everything!

As sad as it sounds, I would be deeply offended if one of my parents didn't accept my friend request, that would CRUSH me. My mom sent me a friend request and I just put her on limited profile so she can't comment on statuses because she loved doing that. It sounds like your mom is in some sort of midlife crisis.. When my parents split my dad wasn't a **** about it at all (thank-god), my parents were already in financial trouble so the new Suburban my mom key'd was going to be repossessed anyway and my dad wasn't like you get out this is my house, he just took his stuff and left. You're lucky your mom isn't being a complete **** about it and kicking your dad out or taking his car or taking stuff out of the house.. my aunt went through the messiest divorce I've seen, her husband didn't want her to get anything and he froze all her bank accounts so she had no money and had to come live with us.

08-02-2011, 02:15 PM
I remember it all as if it was yesterday

My mum was in Durham, and she was only gunna get back on saturday, but she came home earlier in the week. It was 12th of January, and I was just getting ready for sleep when my mum walks in. She looked like she had been crying. She came up the stairs, I helped her with her bags, she sat me down and explained to me. She told me what my dad had done. I was sickened. He didn't cheat on my mum exactly, but what he done was just unbelievably disgusting. I couldn't eat or sleep that night. I waited until my dad got home. Nothing happened, but he gave me something. A badge. It had a smiley face on it. It was strange, because ever since I was little, my dad neglected me. All he cared about was my sister (His step daughter) and he never talked to me, he never spent time with me, and he never EVER told me he loved me. But with my sister, he would always call her 'Beautiful', 'Honey', 'Princess' but me, nah. He never done anything for me. He'd buy my sister brand new expensive presents, and I'd get stuff he found on the floor on the way down the road. He always wanted either a beautiful daughter, or a boy. He always gave me boys toys hoping it would change me. But it didn't. I was the younger daughter, and my sister(His step daughter) was 4 and a half years older. He'd been with my mum ever since my sister was 2. My dad is 15 years older than my mum... So anyway, back to that night. I couldn't sleep after my mum told me what my dad done. All I could do was to try to make sure everything was ok with my sister and my mum. The next day I didn't hear a peep from my dad. And the day after, he called he house phone. He was living in his car with all his stuff. My mum let me see him, and when I did, his car stunk of whisky. He looked dirty and disgusting and I was protecting him for a while. But as the months went past, I realise how dumb I had been. Why would I protect him? He destroyed my family. Yeah, I hate him. But you only get one dad each lifetime. I look at him and I get disgusted.

10-02-2011, 06:01 PM
my mum and dad split when i was 7 :( hard times.
i dont hate my dad i love him even tho his family caused the split :( i hated my dads brother, his mum and my auntie :(

11-02-2011, 04:03 AM
As sad as it sounds, I would be deeply offended if one of my parents didn't accept my friend request, that would CRUSH me. My mom sent me a friend request and I just put her on limited profile so she can't comment on statuses because she loved doing that. It sounds like your mom is in some sort of midlife crisis.. When my parents split my dad wasn't a **** about it at all (thank-god), my parents were already in financial trouble so the new Suburban my mom key'd was going to be repossessed anyway and my dad wasn't like you get out this is my house, he just took his stuff and left. You're lucky your mom isn't being a complete **** about it and kicking your dad out or taking his car or taking stuff out of the house.. my aunt went through the messiest divorce I've seen, her husband didn't want her to get anything and he froze all her bank accounts so she had no money and had to come live with us.

Well it's no wonder we can't see her profile though, otherwise we would see the messages her and the guy leave for eachother on Facebook, there were a few more too but I don't want to repeat them! The disgusting part in that is she's doing it where all her friends can see it, and a lot of them know my dad and how upset this has all made him but of course they could care less that he or any of my moms kids don't know.

My mom isn't being awful about it in terms of fighting over objects and things. She just pushes for more and more space, my dad did say if the other guy ever sets one foot in our house that he's putting up the for sale sign himself though.

The only thing I'd really admit to being really worried about is that everyone is going to end up hating each other in the end or something.

12-02-2011, 12:01 AM
I prefer my mother to my father, simply because I get along with her better. And he can be a ****.

12-02-2011, 01:24 AM
My parents divorced when me and my brother were very young, so I don't even have any memory of ever having a normal family life, so I can't really dislike one or the other because of what happened. I was saved from all the anguish because I was very young and didn't really know what was going on at the time, but that's the worst thing really. I don't know what it is like to live with both parents... I can't even imagine it. It obviously makes me rather sad and I feel I have missed out on a lot, what with not having both parents around.

However, me and my brother have lived with my dad for around sixteen years and he has brought us up ever so well. We stay with our mum at the weekend every fortnight and I always look forward to it, my mum is so loving and kind. Really, I couldn't have asked for better parents. I'll always love them no matter what.

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