View Full Version : 3DS/iOS/NGP

07-02-2011, 07:47 PM
I think we're about to have the first proper handheld console war, one without all the annoying fanboys hopefully since there's nothing to really glue yourself to. We have Nintendo capturing the 3D market with the 3DS, which from what I've heard is that it brings a compelling 3DS experience and the development kits are frustrating to work with. It takes a long time to make a 3DS game, which pretty much brings us finally to the point where we can say that the 3DS will have less shovelware than the DS will ever have. It will be impossible to churn out content for the device that's basically disposable.

Speaking of disposable, I've always been a speaker against the iOS pragmatic for various reasons. Reason one: charging a pound or two pound an app creates a 'disposable' mentality in the consumer. Reason two: you often don't get your moneys worth with the apps you're buying with the rare cases of Angry Bird and Game Dev Story (both of which were GOTY contenders for me). Reason three: for such low prices but high audiences, they actually don't make that much money. It's good for small studios to take on, like the indie scene, but thank god a lot of publishers are just pushing out smaller people to make smaller games.

The NGP from Sony will no doubt have the best first-party support, the best technical framework, the best hardware overall and generally utterly fall into 3rd place like the PS3 because Sony sacrifices itself for the greater good of innovation. It'll be sold at a high price and given the competition between the giant Apple monster and the raging 3D tycoon of printable money... it will die early. I'm not saying Sony offer the best device in this race, I prefer it because of the potential of the technology, in fact I believe the 3DS to be the best device. Sony make the NGP to incorporate hardcore games found on consoles, not handheld games. When I'm on the train or on the go, I'll want to pull out my DS and get a quick game of Mario Kart in or clear that pesky Angry Birds level. I don't want to have to worry about saving or running to the nearest save station. Fun, quick bursts of compelling content is what makes handheld games what they are.

That's my opinion, if I want to go further.

The NGP will die in one-two years but have excellent software. 'Third place' so to speak.
The 3DS will be left to fight Apple alone and get a next foot in the handheld door with its impressive first-party line-up. 'Second place' so to speak.
The iOS will gobble everything up and proclaim itself king while offering nothing in the way of content and only rarely letting the little indie kids create a compelling piece. 'First place' so to speak.







07-02-2011, 07:54 PM
You miss one, android.


I personally want the NGP to succeed (based on videos and knowledge) but it won't be able to compete with iOS just general flashyness and 3DS 3D which will attract everyone, and attracts me to be honest because it sounds interesting. However the NGP will have decent games but I guess iOS has a lot so. I think I will personally go for NGP first because of how it will most likely have cross play with the PS3 to a much further extent than the original PSPs, and dual analogs ftw. I'll get the 3DS one day, when they get cheaper.

07-02-2011, 07:57 PM
You miss one, android.


I personally want the NGP to succeed (based on videos and knowledge) but it won't be able to compete with iOS just general flashyness and 3DS 3D which will attract everyone, and attracts me to be honest because it sounds interesting. However the NGP will have decent games but I guess iOS has a lot so. I think I will personally go for NGP first because of how it will most likely have cross play with the PS3 to a much further extent than the original PSPs, and dual analogs ftw. I'll get the 3DS one day, when they get cheaper.

I honestly think the Android will have no chance, which is a shame because it's better in every single way to the iPhone. I'm not putting it up because they haven't really got a massive game catalogue behind themselves, not to say the games suck but it takes time for such mobile devices to find their feet exactly like the iPhone.

07-02-2011, 08:02 PM
I'm going to go with the iOS as if i'm ever wanting to play a game it'll be on the xbox if not ill play simple addicting games on my ipod.

07-02-2011, 08:47 PM
NGP. If Sony keep up a good catalogue of 1st party games, it should be great. 3DS for Pokémon and Mario Kart. iOS can go rot, not that it will.

07-02-2011, 09:29 PM
iOS will dominate the handheld market for as long as Apple support it to be honest, Android hasn't got a chance, while some of my favourite phones run on android software, iOS is too big and Android simply can't compete, while 3DS I honestly hate the idea of, I don't care for 3D gaming and I don't care for Nintendo pushing out the same console every year with one new feature or in the DSi's case, one less feature, "NGP" will be a must get for me, but it will not stand a chance against iOS either, iOS is part of the Apple machine and anything with Apples name/logo on it has a life span of countless years it seems.

07-02-2011, 10:09 PM
3DS simply for pokemon, Mario-kart and genuinely awesome concept of handheld 3D.

07-02-2011, 10:30 PM
3DS, because from my experiences nintendo always create the best and most enjoyable handheld games.

08-02-2011, 01:23 PM
Same as Neil, I care very little for 3D gaming, and while it may look good, I'm would find myself switching 3D off so the battery lasts longer than the supposed three hours. I would also rather play more 'serious' games, which I've always found Nintendo consoles to be lacking. Yeah, Mario is fun, and everyone likes Pokemon, but when you've played Super Mario Bros 4006 because that's pretty much all Nintendo push out, it gets extremely tedious.
I think the NGP is the one with potential, and it's the one I would get if I was gonna get one, but I'm happy with my Android phone playing the little games that take up like twenty minutes, and that's exactly what iOS will dominate, because they specialise in a market of games where it requires very little thinking, so a wide audience can enjoy the games

08-02-2011, 06:56 PM
I really like iOS and I see it as a pretty good gaming platform for the casual, omg I want to play a game section. However, the NGP has really caught my attention and if it all turns out well, I could see myself getting one.

11-02-2011, 02:22 PM
3DS. iOS isn't a handheld games console - it lacks any interesting games and whe it does it will be mass-produced games for all consoles only coming from companies like Electronic Arts. A handheld console, to me, comes from a handheld console. A machine that is used for telecommunications and other stuff just lacks the magic the 3DS has. The NGP looks interesting, but it depends if everything it has to offer outweights the cost of the console (and games). Nintendo tend to dominate this market :/

Also, isn't the XPERIA Play just a PSP but with phone capabilities and a recognisable OS? :P The Android part doesn't really count...

11-02-2011, 11:17 PM
Also, isn't the XPERIA Play just a PSP but with phone capabilities and a recognisable OS? :P The Android part doesn't really count...

Other way round. Its a Android phone that plays PSone classics from PSN with use of the PSPgo like controls. Other android phones are getting it, they just wont have the dedicated d-pad and buttons.

13-02-2011, 05:41 PM
Other way round. Its a Android phone that plays PSone classics from PSN with use of the PSPgo like controls. Other android phones are getting it, they just wont have the dedicated d-pad and buttons.
Ah I see, I remember reading that PlayStation/Sony will be picking out phones it believes can handle PS games - or give permission, however you want to see it. I suppose the D-Pads seperates it from its Android siblings, it's only selling feature :P

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