View Full Version : Feeling downn

12-02-2011, 11:45 PM
So, I posted a thread a bit like this before
But stuff's changed
1- I used to never cry, and now i been crying quite a lot
2- I have talked about it with someone and they really helped
3- I almost attempted suicide
Thing is, alotta stuff happened
1- Dad neglected me ever since I was a baby
2- Can't really say this one, but he did something that no person should ever do. EVER
So yea guys, hints on how to make myself feel better?
I been crying alot tbh, and I have almost attempted suicide. Picked up a knife and put it to my neck actually (js :) )

12-02-2011, 11:57 PM
Talk to your friends about it? And your teachers, your mum etc. They can all help :)

13-02-2011, 12:03 AM
Talk to your friends about it? And your teachers, your mum etc. They can all help :)
Thing is, ever since the person I trusted most betrayed me, I've lost my trust for anyone. I can't trust anyone with anything. I am slowly building it all back, but it will take time.. I spoke to someone about it, and they helped, but I can't trust anyone else.. And I can't talk to my mum about it. My sister has already attempted suicide because of it, so if I tell my mum about it, she'll be broken..

13-02-2011, 12:07 AM
Thing is, ever since the person I trusted most betrayed me, I've lost my trust for anyone. I can't trust anyone with anything. I am slowly building it all back, but it will take time.. I spoke to someone about it, and they helped, but I can't trust anyone else.. And I can't talk to my mum about it. My sister has already attempted suicide because of it, so if I tell my mum about it, she'll be broken..

Why would your mum be broken? She's supposed to support you and help you no matter what. Telling friends obviously does help. Maybe see a counsellor (or however you spell it) so you can tell them your feelings without being afraid of consequences etc.

13-02-2011, 12:21 AM
Why would your mum be broken? She's supposed to support you and help you no matter what. Telling friends obviously does help. Maybe see a counsellor (or however you spell it) so you can tell them your feelings without being afraid of consequences etc.
Right basically
I live with my sister and my mum
My mum almost attempted suicide before because her and my sister had a fight
Then something (too personal to say) happened, and my sister attempted suicide. She now takes anti depressants.
If my mum found out I almost killed myself, she would commit suicide.
As for my friends and counsellers , I can't trust anyone because my trust was all taken away

13-02-2011, 12:25 AM
Right basically
I live with my sister and my mum
My mum almost attempted suicide before because her and my sister had a fight
Then something (too personal to say) happened, and my sister attempted suicide. She now takes anti depressants.
If my mum found out I almost killed myself, she would commit suicide.
As for my friends and counsellers , I can't trust anyone because my trust was all taken away

I see how your mum could react now, so I guess telling her is not an option - or at least not what happened. But tell her how you feel? You're upset etc?

But I don't understand why you can't trust anyone? 1 person abusing trust doesn't mean another 100 will. The thing you've got to do here is not let that 1 person put you down...

I know it's an awful comparison - but take Eminem - his mum abused him (and his trust) whilst he was a child. But he learnt it's better to let the emotions and feelings out to people he trusted, and didn't let that 1 person pull him down.

You can't let the 1 thing that happened ruin your life. If you want to be able to move on - you have to learn to face it.

13-02-2011, 12:28 AM
I see how your mum could react now, so I guess telling her is not an option - or at least not what happened. But tell her how you feel? You're upset etc?

But I don't understand why you can't trust anyone? 1 person abusing trust doesn't mean another 100 will. The thing you've got to do here is not let that 1 person put you down...

I know it's an awful comparison - but take Eminem - his mum abused him (and his trust) whilst he was a child. But he learnt it's better to let the emotions and feelings out to people he trusted, and didn't let that 1 person pull him down.

You can't let the 1 thing that happened ruin your life. If you want to be able to move on - you have to learn to face it.

Thing is
My dad. He ruined my trust. I trusted him with everything. Then my mum tells me what he's done. And that's when you think the whole world is against you. Thats when you start crying yourself to sleep. That's when you go for suicide. The pain is too much, and I have never really been a 'talk about my feelings' person. Only feelings I talk about is being pissed off with people, and that's mostly shouting and swearing.

13-02-2011, 12:43 AM
Hence why you need to realise it's 1 idiot in a million nice people. You can't let your Dad or anyone else drag you down.

13-02-2011, 12:59 AM
It's not always easy to talk especially to people close to you who you don't want to hurt by letting them know what's going on - even though it's not your fault, parents will of course feel responsible if their children are this down and so it's quite understandable that you don't want to make her feel like that. However, if you can't talk to her (or even if you can really) you should see a doctor and tell them what's happening in your head. They are there to help, and if it's severe as your case sounds like it is then they're the ones who can either prescribe you antidepressants to try or get you into some sort of professional therapy to work through your troubles.

13-02-2011, 09:11 AM
Hence why you need to realise it's 1 idiot in a million nice people. You can't let your Dad or anyone else drag you down.

You're right, and I need to get that into my head. Thanks Robster ;D

It's not always easy to talk especially to people close to you who you don't want to hurt by letting them know what's going on - even though it's not your fault, parents will of course feel responsible if their children are this down and so it's quite understandable that you don't want to make her feel like that. However, if you can't talk to her (or even if you can really) you should see a doctor and tell them what's happening in your head. They are there to help, and if it's severe as your case sounds like it is then they're the ones who can either prescribe you antidepressants to try or get you into some sort of professional therapy to work through your troubles.
But I REALLY don't want my mum or my sister to find out, because I hate it that I feel like this and I hate it even more that my mum doesn't know and that I can't tell her because it will break her. And Even more and I don't know what my sister would do if she found out..
But thanks anyway Jesus :]

13-02-2011, 02:59 PM
Amanda Anything thats bothering you you know you can skype me at anytime or fb me at anytime me and the whole forum are here for you

13-02-2011, 03:23 PM
Mand, firstly you need to know that none of this is your fault. You need to just relax Mand, and it will be best for you to talk. There is always a way around these issues. Why don't you say to your mum that you'd like to speak to her, sit down together with a cuppa or something and just ask her how she feels and then let her know how your feeling and try and help eachother out - might even be a plus to have your sister there too!

You should just sit there and speak about it Mandy. As humans we have to express our emotion otherwise sometimes things may become a little too much. If you'd ever like a chat in confidence Mand, then I am here - you have my msn. :)

13-02-2011, 04:08 PM
Amanda Anything thats bothering you you know you can skype me at anytime or fb me at anytime me and the whole forum are here for you

Thaaanks Ben :]
Mand, firstly you need to know that none of this is your fault. You need to just relax Mand, and it will be best for you to talk. There is always a way around these issues. Why don't you say to your mum that you'd like to speak to her, sit down together with a cuppa or something and just ask her how she feels and then let her know how your feeling and try and help eachother out - might even be a plus to have your sister there too!

You should just sit there and speak about it Mandy. As humans we have to express our emotion otherwise sometimes things may become a little too much. If you'd ever like a chat in confidence Mand, then I am here - you have my msn. :)

Thaanks Charlie, but I don't knoww I mean my confidence level has shrunk so much. And also, I can't trust anyone
But thanks for the support xo

13-02-2011, 04:20 PM
school, go to a nurse or someone, you have complete confidentiality with them, talk to someone who won't be upset by what you say.
Just remember none of this is your fault, and you can't not trust anyone else because of what one person did, if you want pm me and i'll be here for you, the whole forum are here for you.

13-02-2011, 04:27 PM
school, go to a nurse or someone, you have complete confidentiality with them, talk to someone who won't be upset by what you say.
Just remember none of this is your fault, and you can't not trust anyone else because of what one person did, if you want pm me and i'll be here for you, the whole forum are here for you.
Yeah, I was gunna talk to a teacher. I got up to him, but then I just couldn't do it.
And thaanks for support :]

13-02-2011, 07:18 PM
you can talk 2 me


13-02-2011, 09:58 PM
you can talk 2 me

Thankiess Matt :)

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