View Full Version : A new Cataclysm thread.

18-02-2011, 11:34 AM
So i've started playing Wow a bit again and i am now level 82.

So what are your opinions on the new expansion?

I haven't gotten to the new end game content yet so i can only comment myself on what i've experienced so far.

When i first logged in everything seemed totaly changed, not really sure if it's for the better however the new guild system does seems really nice. When i started leveling i was surprised at how fast it was to get to 81, i had expected it to take many days since there are only 5 new levels this time around. Once i hit 82 though it seemed to really slow down.

As for the quests, there are some nice new types. Like the in air jousting. I also love how in hyjal the front line of the battle moves forward with phasing. That said there are still too many old quest types, and i expected more new type quests for cataclysm.

So what do you all think?

18-02-2011, 09:21 PM
I found leveling 80-85 to be disappointing, I didn't enjoy as much as I thought I would, being a leveling lover and all.

My main focus is PvP and with the major discipline buffs I'm loving arena atm, although I feel a nerf coming on soon :(

18-02-2011, 09:30 PM
What's the new end game raiding like? Are there many new dynamics?

18-02-2011, 10:56 PM
New dynamics as in new mechanics? Hardly any from what I've read, since BC 90% of the fights has been the basic core mechanics, with terrible gimmicks thrown in.

That being said, the content lasted for much longer than the first tier of LK, so they must have learnt from previous mistakes

18-02-2011, 11:10 PM
Yeah i meant mechanics sorry :P

To be fair, in wotlk there were quite a few new mechanics for later patch raids. I did a bit more of hyjal today, and i have to say i'm really enjoying it. The phasing, war feeling and storyline are all making it a very fun experience. :)

19-02-2011, 12:19 AM
Yeah I prefer hyjal, and for me, LK raiding reached a pinnacle at Ulduar, which has to be my favourite raid instance in the game. Trial of the Crusader was a complete joke, and so was ICC, even the hardmodes felt really bland to me (Apart from Lady Deathwhisper, she was mildly entertaining)

19-02-2011, 11:33 PM
Cataclysm has been pretty basic really. Generally alot of the time people are now just spamming trade for Ulduar/ICC Drake Runs. (Since its a joke how easy it all is now).
Some guilds are breezing through the content, others are struggling. (Guess that all comes down to player skill, preparation, patience blah blah blah...)
Levelling is fairly easy to be honest. (from my pov anyway noticed you pretty much just do all the quests unlock the Quest Achi for that area then move on till you reach TLHL and hit 85) Since patch 4.0.6 you don't even need to locate the dungeon entrances anymore.

All in all tis teh Cataclysm is deffo designed for the Causal player no matter what people say.

20-02-2011, 12:53 AM
Since patch 4.0.6...

Patch 4.0.6: The rise of the disc priest and the fall of the Feral.

GG 2s :(

20-02-2011, 02:13 AM
End game raiding is awesome. Glad they stepped away from faceroll WotLK, no more pugging more than 2 bosses! Currently 7/12, with many fun mechanics and fights. :D

As for the quests. I loved them all, mainly because I love the lore behind it all.

20-02-2011, 04:07 PM
I'm loving Cataclysm at the moment however after leveling 2 toons to 85(or near) the zones have become so boring and way toooooooooooooo linear. I haven't yet started raiding but will do soon hopefully.

02-03-2011, 07:27 PM
I'm loving Cataclysm at the moment however after leveling 2 toons to 85(or near) the zones have become so boring and way toooooooooooooo linear. I haven't yet started raiding but will do soon hopefully.

I kinda like how the new leveling zones are linear (If you are talking about what i think you're talking about). It really cuts down on travel time. I remember how in tanaris and other zones you would spend forever travelling rather than questing. I think the new underwater zone is a bit confusing though. It feels so big and i find that i still don't know the area no matter how many times i visit it.

I tried out leveling a worgen, and so far the starting area has been very good. The whole feel of apocalypse in those early levels is fantastic.

02-03-2011, 07:43 PM
I kinda like how the new leveling zones are linear (If you are talking about what i think you're talking about). It really cuts down on travel time. I remember how in tanaris and other zones you would spend forever travelling rather than questing. I think the new underwater zone is a bit confusing though. It feels so big and i find that i still don't know the area no matter how many times i visit it.

I tried out leveling a worgen, and so far the starting area has been very good. The whole feel of apocalypse in those early levels is fantastic.

Theres a big gap between structured and over-structured, I personally feel they made it too linear, whereas before I could get a big group of quests and choose what I did first and what not.

02-03-2011, 07:56 PM
Theres a big gap between structured and over-structured, I personally feel they made it too linear, whereas before I could get a big group of quests and choose what I did first and what not.

Well i remember in many old zones that i might get one quest in say the most northernpoint of the zone, and then i would have to go to far south just to do one quest and no other on the way.

05-03-2011, 07:31 AM
Well i remember in many old zones that i might get one quest in say the most northernpoint of the zone, and then i would have to go to far south just to do one quest and no other on the way.

I think people overstate this, while some of the questing experience wasnt great I don't think you would ever be in the situation where you only had 2 quests in a zone and they were at opposite ends unless you screwed up somewhere. With the exception being Ungoro crater and Desolace.

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