View Full Version : 'Next' XP Weekend

18-02-2011, 04:51 PM
Just thought i'd inform everyone who might be interested.

This hasnt been confirmed, however Runescape Normally hold 'xp weekends' / Bonus xp weekends.

Every 6 months, our last XP Weekend lasted from 3rd - 6th September, basically making it possible for another xp weekend next month.

Im guessing it will be within the 1st Week of march however i may be wrong.

Just thought i'd give a quick heads up :P

18-02-2011, 04:59 PM
Woo I love XP weekends. I'll actually be able to get somewhere :O

30k till 82 wc -.- slowness cos i get distracted lol.

Great news thanks Aiden.

18-02-2011, 05:04 PM
i'll be boting thought this ;D

18-02-2011, 05:09 PM
That doesnt surprise me Tom! :P

I'll be doing herblore... as usual on xp weekends

18-02-2011, 05:16 PM
I'll be doing wc :D!

18-02-2011, 05:18 PM
i'll be boting thought this ;D

how many bans you got so far? ha

18-02-2011, 05:30 PM
how many bans you got so far? ha
one which was on an account i didnt care about and it wasn't got botting :P

18-02-2011, 05:36 PM
one which was on an account i didnt care about and it wasn't got botting :P

Bots that are members now days very rarely get banned.

18-02-2011, 05:55 PM
aiden you silly hati and fenrir and replacing these

18-02-2011, 08:04 PM
I haven't been on for any of the XP weekends so far so it should be interesting. I'll probabl just train dungeoneering or slayer.

18-02-2011, 09:00 PM
hopefully it happens ill prob go for 99 con or somethin

19-02-2011, 02:49 PM
hope its true, im on a mission to get wc to 99 up at 74 just now LOL might take me a while though

19-02-2011, 03:01 PM
hope its true, im on a mission to get wc to 99 up at 74 just now LOL might take me a while though

Same here, I'm at level 87 but I just can't stick at it lol

19-02-2011, 03:05 PM
Im the same matt lol just have to keep yourself occupied doing something else while randomly clicking trees every couple minutes lol.

im on yews at the moment but will be moving to magics pretty soon :P

24-02-2011, 05:18 PM

We’re happy to announce that an extended Bonus XP Weekend will be running from the 11th to 13th March 2011! Members should stock up on planks, potion ingredients, raw materials and more in preparation to get the most out of the three days.
Once the Bonus XP Weekend begins on Friday 11th March, the XP modifier will come into effect for all members. The modifier will begin at x2.7 the rate of XP you would earn from standard training activities, and will drop to a new multiplier every 30 minutes of game time. The table below should help with any preparations you want to make:
Game time (mins) XP Multiplier
Up to 30 x 2.7
30-60 x 2.55
60-90 x 2.4
90-120 x 2.25
120-150 x 2.1
150-180 x 2.0
180-210 x 1.9
210-240 x 1.8
240-270 x 1.7
270-300 x 1.6
300-330 x 1.5
330-360 x 1.45
360-390 x 1.4
390-420 x 1.35
420-450 x 1.3
450-480 x 1.25
480-510 x 1.2
510-540 x 1.175
540-570 x 1.15
570-600 x 1.125
600+ x 1.1
The ‘XP’ button will change to ‘XP+’ when the weekend begins, tracking how much XP you rack up over the course of the weekend, and it will have a tooltip to show you what your current XP modifier is.
Summoning XP will be boosted by a set percentage of 10% over the course of the four days; all other skills will follow the schedule noted in the table above.
To get a clearer idea of what actions will and will not be modified by the Bonus XP Weekend, and for more information in general, please read this developer blog (http://devblog.runescape.com/view_post.ws?page=1&post_id=114).
Mod Fetzki
Head of RuneScape
Ok maybe its not within the first week of march ;p

24-02-2011, 06:43 PM
Woo XP weekend :D! *clears diary*

24-02-2011, 07:10 PM
I'll probably high alch 'til my finger goes blue

24-02-2011, 07:15 PM
construction here i come

24-02-2011, 08:25 PM
I expected them to cap prayer, too :o

I'll probably just go about my normal stuff... apart from plant some magic seeds the day before.

I'll make lots of money selling my herbs though!

24-02-2011, 08:30 PM
everybody save up your resources and dump them the day before bonus weekend for mega profits :D

i might get like 70-80 herb or just zmi rc

24-02-2011, 09:17 PM
I expected them to cap prayer, too :o

I'll probably just go about my normal stuff... apart from plant some magic seeds the day before.

I'll make lots of money selling my herbs though!


What activities will NOT earn me bonus XP?

Quest XP rewards
Items/locations that already give bonus XP (e.g. ancient effigies, strange rocks, genie lamps, tomes of experience, goldsmithing gloves, Ectofuntus, POH altars, etc)
XP rewards at the end of activities/distractions (e.g. Tears of Guthix, Soul Wars, Pest Control, jade vine, skeletal horror, giving sq'irk juice to Osman, etc)
Anything which allows points to be exchanged for XP (e.g. Dungeoneering tokens, Penguin Points, Brimhaven Agility Arena tickets, Slayer incentives, Mrs Winkin's World of Seeds shop from Vinesweeper, etc)
Any XP earned through the Assist system

Unfortunately thats what wont work ;p

24-02-2011, 09:19 PM
Ah, I just read what you quoted in the OP

24-02-2011, 11:26 PM
so will this stack with penance horn or not?

25-02-2011, 12:01 AM
Ooh exciting stuff! I don't know what I will train though, hmm :(

25-02-2011, 12:47 AM
I dont know what to train now...Woodcut. Attack, str, or dung :(

25-02-2011, 02:17 AM
so will this stack with penance horn or not?

no it said that all items like that won't work during the xp weekend or til your 10 hours have been used or whatever.

I might get my agility to 60 and then attempt to get my magic to 80 then 85 til my 10 hours are oop :O

25-02-2011, 04:28 PM
dont bother getting agility when you can get x2 any time you like with a penance horn. get something that you wouldnt ever get x2 exp in or one that costs lot of money :)

25-02-2011, 05:09 PM
What is penance horn? :o

dont bother getting agility when you can get x2 any time you like with a penance horn. get something that you wouldnt ever get x2 exp in or one that costs lot of money :)

25-02-2011, 05:14 PM
double exp in agility, fm, mining.

lasts for about 500k bonus exp (1m total exp) for mining and agil and 1.5m (3m total) for firemaking


26-02-2011, 01:09 AM
Really wish I'd paid attention to this thread and stocked up earlier, could have made amazing profit from merchanting. I managed to buy my training materials before prices shot up though.

26-02-2011, 12:45 PM
I generally didnt know the truth when i posted; was just an early update and even i was cautious of stocking up because with my luck it would of been false :P

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