View Full Version : Mournings End Part 2

20-02-2011, 03:36 PM
My brain hurts like hell even after reading a guide :(

Done 4 doors so far but I feel dizzy now so had to tp out and have a breakkkkk

20-02-2011, 03:46 PM
This is one quest i generally could not stand it was soo annoying,
try watching a youtube video, i reccomend;


gl =].

20-02-2011, 03:54 PM
omg i hated this quest reminds me of the spirit temple in ocarina of time

20-02-2011, 04:00 PM
I can't remember the quest, I did it not longer after it came out, but I DO remember that I hated it :(
Good luck!

20-02-2011, 04:05 PM
This is one quest i generally could not stand it was soo annoying,
try watching a youtube video, i reccomend;


gl =].

Yeah I watched that video but it still confused me. Might not be as confusing now I only need to watch her do the last 2 doors.

The thing that really puts you off is when you've got the shadows attacking you all the time and having to have your prayer on. Makes it harder to read the guide checking your prayer or killing a shadow so you can rotate a mirror then you lose what step you were on in the guide :( Haven't made any mistakes so far though but the last two are confusing as hell so might have to watch her do them ones

20-02-2011, 04:27 PM
I personally didn't use a guide but I can advise you to wear prayer-boosting armour over defense-boosting armour. prosthelyte will significantly prolong your stay compared to rune or dragon.

If you're constantly referring back to your guide then it'd be a good idea to drink a dose of prayer pot before you do so so you know that your prayer won't run out. Written guides are usually easier to follow than video ones since you don't need to keep rewinding and can just read it again and again. Try rswiki, their guides are great.

20-02-2011, 04:43 PM
yeah I wear monk robes, helm of neitiznot, holy symbol etc

and offtopic but since when did jagex only give you 28 days member in feb? How much "donated" money do they make out of that each year

20-02-2011, 05:46 PM
omg I'm so ******* pissed off. The first time I did the agility thing for the blue door I did it on the first try.. Gotta do it again to put the blue crystal in the thing


but noooo I fail 30 times in a ******* rowwwww

jagex are trolling me

21-02-2011, 12:44 PM
I found it quite easy with a guide,
couldn't imagine doing it without one though... how did people do it!?

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