View Full Version : Blue Screen Of Death

22-02-2011, 07:18 PM
Ok so I was on my desktop computer today (dell) and it was being extremely slow. Me being the idiot I am I thought the explorer.exe process was internet explorer so I ended the process. Of course it was this and my tool bar disappeared I realise I'd done something wrong so restarted my pc. Now normally after this a pc should restart fine. Well my computer has issues. I get the bsod the stop code is 0x000000ED but according to mattg this must not be a result of me ending that process which I will highlight is the ONLY process I ended. So I'm wondering if anyone here has a solution as apposed to chucking my computer out the window.
Ps I can't get on safe mode blue screen is there too.

22-02-2011, 07:30 PM
I done that once but it didn't do anything like that I think

22-02-2011, 07:34 PM
If I were you I'd just reinstall the OS. It seems like something either happened to your OS such as a virus or the HDD failed.

Ending explorer.exe is harmless, it was just a coicodence.

22-02-2011, 07:35 PM
The stop error suggests there is a problem with your hard drive. I doubt that closing explorer.exe (alone) would kill your computer - as I have ended the process many a time when my computer has crashed.

How old is the computer?

22-02-2011, 08:58 PM
I think we got it 2003 I have a new laptop but the charger broke today so yah :///

23-02-2011, 02:08 AM
Ending explorer.exe is harmless, it was just a coicodence.
Unless of course whilst stopping the process, explorer was writing to the same sector as a driver and corrupted the sector.

23-02-2011, 09:17 AM
Unless of course whilst stopping the process, explorer was writing to the same sector as a driver and corrupted the sector.

Doubt it though

23-02-2011, 10:24 AM
Actually, I'm surprised no one googled the stop code, including myself.


24-02-2011, 11:23 AM
Ok so I was on my desktop computer today (dell) and it was being extremely slow. Me being the idiot I am I thought the explorer.exe process was internet explorer so I ended the process. Of course it was this and my tool bar disappeared I realise I'd done something wrong so restarted my pc. Now normally after this a pc should restart fine. Well my computer has issues. I get the bsod the stop code is 0x000000ED but according to mattg this must not be a result of me ending that process which I will highlight is the ONLY process I ended. So I'm wondering if anyone here has a solution as apposed to chucking my computer out the window.
Ps I can't get on safe mode blue screen is there too.

The stop error suggests there is a problem with your hard drive. I doubt that closing explorer.exe (alone) would kill your computer - as I have ended the process many a time when my computer has crashed.

How old is the computer?
You may need to install your system again. That, or system restore.

If it continuously fails to boot, it's your HDD.

27-02-2011, 10:33 PM
I saw this error code on a ThinkPad that had been dropped. A new HDD fixed it.

27-02-2011, 10:38 PM
Ty vm everyone not sure what were going to do as it's nit our biggest priority since the laptop has been fixed but your answers have been amazing for when we do fix it in the near future ='] I will do the +reps tomorow when on the laptop =] xx

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