View Full Version : [Bobba] Newbies driving me up wall!

Magic Mushrooms
13-08-2005, 08:20 PM
I know it's not my nature to complain because we were all once newbies but noobs are driving me and lots of my friends crazy. I will list a few reasons because if I had to list them all i'll be here all night. Infact i'll do my Top 3. Give me your views on what order they're for you and any other ways they really pee you off.

Coming in at number 3..

There bad mouth. The way they swear, the way they insult for no reason, Argh there so annoying. For example i get called 'Fat Face' because of my chubbiness. It's funny the first time but then it just gets annoying

Coming in at number 2..

There inpatience. For Example if your standing in a que for a game and there is a single place infront of you. The second that space is empty the newbies behind you start yelling MOVE MOVE MOVE and KICK HIM/HER even if the hatch isn't open and the game in progress is half way through.

Coming in at number 1..

The way they scam. Why do you need to scam for virtual furniture. It's sick. The way they do it is funny though. Some have no brains at all so think people will fall for the double furni trick or telling them they'll win a throne when there room is full of brown plasto and they say there throne is in there other room.

I know this is incredibly pointless but I thought I might aswell ramble on to you how much I hate them. That's if you could be reading all this text.


13-08-2005, 08:22 PM
I saw a noob say
'What is a hobba'

13-08-2005, 08:23 PM
when i first came on to habbo hotel i went into the theatredrome and stood there wanting a job and someone came and offered me ajob. He sed to goto his room and i didn't have the faintest idea what he was on about. I sed what. He dissapeared and i went hello? hello? And then he came back and told me what to do! Lol
im stupid don't you think so?

13-08-2005, 08:25 PM
Someone else wanted a job in the Erics eaterieblah blah thingy
She went n changed and put Worker for Eric
Lmao it was so funny

13-08-2005, 08:25 PM
lol he aint real!! lmao

13-08-2005, 08:27 PM
I saw a noob say
'What is a hobba'
That sort of noob is alright. Just the other ones pish you off.

13-08-2005, 08:29 PM
please don't swear i don't like newbies anyway

13-08-2005, 08:32 PM
please don't swear i don't like newbies anyway
Who are you ?
A mod?

Newbies who say
are annooyin

13-08-2005, 08:35 PM
I saw a noob say
'What is a hobba'
That isn't funny `-`, we all ask that at some point..

Magic Mushrooms
13-08-2005, 08:41 PM
Who are you ?
A mod?

Newbies who say
are annooyin

If they dont know how to speak how can they ask!!!

13-08-2005, 08:46 PM
That isn't funny `-`, we all ask that at some point..

O boo hoo
laugh a little

13-08-2005, 08:47 PM
O boo hoo
laugh a little
I am laughing now.. but to something funny.

13-08-2005, 08:56 PM
I didnt say asking what a hobba is
is meant 2 be funny did i

13-08-2005, 09:08 PM
I didnt say asking what a hobba is
is meant 2 be funny did i
I didn't say, you said it was meant to be funny, I just said I didn't find it funny. Anyways "End of".

14-08-2005, 01:44 AM
It`s funny Isn`t it.
Are you all saying you knew how to Move,Communicate ,Move and rotate Items ,knew how to get items and knew Every Basic Motive about Habbo Hotel when you Joined?

I agree with Magic Mushrooms ,these new Generation of Newbies are content on destruction. I mean It`s obvious How to get furniture ,do they bother reading all the Help and safety FAQ`S before Joining? I would nominate a First time tutorial for Habbo Hotel Just like runscape has.
That way we wouldn`t get frustrtaed over the Most ******ed questions they ask.

The Polite Noob`s who can spell ,use grammar and Punctuation I`m always keen to help ,but those who continue to Beg for furniture after he/she is given soem by yourself is Just annoying. Also a Bit of help From Habbo to help these newbies would be Much easier.
When you visit the Homepage there`s nothing but compeition`s etc.. nothing about "I`m new click here so we can help' you etc.. :rolleyes:

Magic Mushrooms
14-08-2005, 08:48 AM
It`s funny Isn`t it.
Are you all saying you knew how to Move,Communicate ,Move and rotate Items ,knew how to get items and knew Every Basic Motive about Habbo Hotel when you Joined?

I agree with Magic Mushrooms ,these new Generation of Newbies are content on destruction. I mean It`s obvious How to get furniture ,do they bother reading all the Help and safety FAQ`S before Joining? I would nominate a First time tutorial for Habbo Hotel Just like runscape has.
That way we wouldn`t get frustrtaed over the Most ******ed questions they ask.

The Polite Noob`s who can spell ,use grammar and Punctuation I`m always keen to help ,but those who continue to Beg for furniture after he/she is given soem by yourself is Just annoying. Also a Bit of help From Habbo to help these newbies would be Much easier.
When you visit the Homepage there`s nothing but compeition`s etc.. nothing about "I`m new click here so we can help' you etc.. :rolleyes:

Well Explained, + Rep

Although there is a kinda help thing on the homepage I think it should be more friendly and good to read instead of paragraphs of text. And on the Hompage they should have a banner at the top saying, NEW? CLICK HERE or something instead of crazy frog advertisments :$

14-08-2005, 09:00 AM
Well Explained, + Rep

Although there is a kinda help thing on the homepage I think it should be more friendly and good to read instead of paragraphs of text. And on the Hompage they should have a banner at the top saying, NEW? CLICK HERE or something instead of crazy frog advertisments :$

Well when it was my first time, I understood it, and new the basics of the hotel, you just have to read and you'll be fine, but lots of people hate reading that's why...

Magic Mushrooms
14-08-2005, 09:02 AM
Well when it was my first time, I understood it, and new the basics of the hotel, you just have to read and you'll be fine, but lots of people hate reading that's why...

I was fine aswell i'm saying most people now just want to play the game.

14-08-2005, 09:06 AM
Who are you ?
A mod?

Newbies who say
are annooyin
how can they say, how do i talk

theyre just being stupid

14-08-2005, 09:20 AM
I was fine aswell i'm saying most people now just want to play the game.

Yup :P

14-08-2005, 05:23 PM
-Sighs- The noob years xD
I've seen noobs ask for rites in public rooms.
And I've seen a noob in the lido ask if anyone could see his console on
the big screen, now that cracked me and my friend up.
When I was a noob I didn't dress like a noob o.O
I just acted like one.
I remember thinking that asl was the swear
(Which I won't say :P)

14-08-2005, 05:31 PM
Yea You can't blame em tho they gotta get used to it xD

14-08-2005, 05:33 PM
I hate the **** with real high credit codes calling me a noob? wth is that all about? lol :)

make noobs history

14-08-2005, 05:34 PM
If they dont know how to speak how can they ask!!!

Cuz, Their just being Silly

14-08-2005, 05:35 PM
I No ;oo Hehe They Do Make Me Annoyed Alot

14-08-2005, 05:38 PM
Go to a newb ' im a hobba/MOD' They all crowd around and make rooms about ya :D so funny..

15-08-2005, 12:30 AM
lol ty m8 i must try that some time :D

15-08-2005, 01:12 AM
Go to a newb ' im a hobba/MOD' They all crowd around and make rooms about ya :D so funny..

Lol that's cheeky, but a real newb wouldn't know what a Hobba is ;) They'd be asking what that cool badge is.

15-08-2005, 03:21 AM
And if the Newbies dressed into something fitting and not the default look ,People would know they are new and not someone`s clone begging for furniture.

I do recommend a section on the front Page saying what romos will help them ,what the icons are (wallet ,the question mark) etc.. and Have it organised..Basic to advanced tutorials.

15-08-2005, 03:50 AM
Yeh seriously newbies jus came at swearing at me for no reason , so i dont think they have the wrong side of fun, not very good example ghmm

17-08-2005, 12:42 AM
They don`t Understand the filter as well.
Here`s A classic example

Newbie" BOBBA You guys ,omg I cant say BOBBA ,BOBBA`N Hell
Me: Calm down It`s called a filter
Me: -walks away-

17-08-2005, 11:29 AM
One Said Im Going Too Punch You Too Me Then Came Upto Me And Said Punch And I Went Why Say Punch -Kiks In Shin- :D

17-08-2005, 11:35 AM
We're all newbies at one point, just some people learn faster than others.

17-08-2005, 11:36 AM
i got rep that was meant 2 be grey saying something like
i saw ur mum sumert..
I know hu it was from
And they are going 2 get bad rep now

I hate newbies hu think we are as stupid as them and try 2 scam us

17-08-2005, 01:51 PM
I know it's not my nature to complain because we were all once newbies but noobs are driving me and lots of my friends crazy. I will list a few reasons because if I had to list them all i'll be here all night. Infact i'll do my Top 3. Give me your views on what order they're for you and any other ways they really pee you off.

Coming in at number 3..

There bad mouth. The way they swear, the way they insult for no reason, Argh there so annoying. For example i get called 'Fat Face' because of my chubbiness. It's funny the first time but then it just gets annoying

Coming in at number 2..

There inpatience. For Example if your standing in a que for a game and there is a single place infront of you. The second that space is empty the newbies behind you start yelling MOVE MOVE MOVE and KICK HIM/HER even if the hatch isn't open and the game in progress is half way through.

Coming in at number 1..

The way they scam. Why do you need to scam for virtual furniture. It's sick. The way they do it is funny though. Some have no brains at all so think people will fall for the double furni trick or telling them they'll win a throne when there room is full of brown plasto and they say there throne is in there other room.

I know this is incredibly pointless but I thought I might aswell ramble on to you how much I hate them. That's if you could be reading all this text.


Someone was shouting in the theatredrome: Someone sacrifice themself for callie and then later someone shouted: I will get a hobba to ban callie if she doesnt come

17-08-2005, 02:33 PM
classic noob acts what i've seen
*harry can i have a job**shouting*
*wots furni do u mean furniture*
*can i have some of your creds*
*whats a fansite?*
*where are the stickies? wot do they look like*

we all done it, although most didnt ask for the 3rd time -.-''

18-08-2005, 06:09 AM
Yea It`s good to not encourage them dude ,If you start Playing along they get angry and don`t stop.
Then Hobba`s see your being offensive and Ban you...

Magic Mushrooms
25-08-2005, 09:51 AM
I see you all hate noobs.

Another story about noobs.

I walked into a room called Rare Storage because I need to swap a few rares. I found out it was a falling furni. I thought this was a bit unusual and decided to watch the game.

There were no stickies explaining the rules or what the prize is. I asked the owner what the prizes where and he said all the rares in the corner. There was a tubmaster, Violet parasol, a pressent and trophy.

I watched for a while until there were 2 people left. One of them just lost and said shell rev. the guy said its a 0.5 rare. she paid. i tried whispering to her to tell her shell be scammed. Noobs once again dont take info from no body.

When the time for her prize. The guy said hell throw in 2 more hc.. if she paid him a 0.5 She managed to come to her senses and no take the 2 hc.

He picked up the prize and kicked her. He laughed and said. Who wants to win a hc. How stupid? We just saw him scam.

The scammers Name Is Elitemeet although it was a girl using her brothers account. Or so she/he says.

So if you wanna have a nooby convosation go to Elitemeet.

25-08-2005, 10:55 AM
It's not that we don't like Newbies, it's the fact they don't read the guides and are annoying

25-08-2005, 10:56 AM
Hey dont be tight there new so stop being a lot of tight people

25-08-2005, 08:06 PM
normally i'd go into the "we're all n00bs at one point" speach, but these noobs arn't like what we were... we wern't complete idiots so worried about pixels that we need to steal them from others.

26-08-2005, 04:31 AM
You're bound to get newbies on a chat site such as Habbo. That of course does not stop them annoying the hell out of you.. but some n00bs genuinely want to learn. out of the flocks of them you've gotta get at least a few genuine ones.. even if it's only about two. We have to put up with them. They're a part of Habbo and what are we going to do, ban them for being new? =/

Magic Mushrooms
28-08-2005, 02:59 PM
You're bound to get newbies on a chat site such as Habbo. That of course does not stop them annoying the hell out of you.. but some n00bs genuinely want to learn. out of the flocks of them you've gotta get at least a few genuine ones.. even if it's only about two. We have to put up with them. They're a part of Habbo and what are we going to do, ban them for being new? =/

Not ban them for being new. Ban them for scamming, swearing and hassling. Thats what they usually do. They should be banned and then they might learn. :)

28-08-2005, 03:28 PM
I Particulary Dont Like Noobs Myself, But We Were 1 At One Point Or Another Wern't We? For All We Know In A Couple Of Years Those "Noobs" Could Be Hobbas Laughing Down On Us, But They Arnt Always Innocent, They Should Read The FAQ And Look At "How Not To Get Scammed" "How To Get Furni"
Etc. If We Want These Annoying Noobs To Stop We Should Help Them.

28-08-2005, 03:52 PM
some of them are annoying, once when I worked at a helpdesk a noob came up to me

[in noob language]

noob: HIYAZZ

hehe it did make me laugh a bit :p

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