View Full Version : Natwest

01-03-2011, 07:21 PM
So long story short.. ******* idiots.

I am trying to set up a new account and get a new card.

Easy. Well, it should be. I filled out their online application - they then sent me some info in the post, and wanted me to send the information back - with me confirming who I am. I did this, and send back the proof of identity it asked for.

Three weeks on - nothing. So I phoned them 'sorry but we haven't received your application. Please fill out a new application and send us the proof of identity again.' After pointing out I had already sent them proof of identity, they asked me to send my birth certificate or passport instead. After telling them they have to be joking, they 'apologised' for any inconvenience and that was that.

Why is it so bloody difficult just to set up a bank account?


01-03-2011, 07:24 PM
Dont be so bloody lazy and actually go into town and go to the bank

01-03-2011, 07:27 PM
Dont be so bloody lazy and actually go into town and go to the bank

How the **** am I being lazy?

In future I shall ignore their sales advisors - they said fill it out online. I filled it out online, and then they asked me to send it back.

Yeah, fine. Now, if you didn't realise the place to send it back to is BOLTON. I don't live near Bolton, so going to the bank where I live is pointless.

If I knew sending an application was this hard, believe me I would have gone straight to the bank and not even considered the online option (which they are trying to get everyone to do).

01-03-2011, 07:40 PM
Wow you can neg rep well done!

U turn round to the advisors an say no I want to open instore cos that's all they are ADVISORS.

jees your simple

01-03-2011, 07:42 PM
Wow you can neg rep well done!

U turn round to the advisors an say no I want to open instore cos that's all they are ADVISORS.

jees your simple

You don't seem to appreciate that if you can do something online (which is supposed to be easier) anyone with half a brain cell would take the easy option. Or are you the simple one?

And yeah I can -rep x

01-03-2011, 07:48 PM
How is it the easy option you *REMOVED*? If it was easy you wouldnt be moaning about it on a forum would you..
You go in the bank and they open it there and then you get a card within 3 days WOWZA easier?
Instead of filling out bare forms online you go into the bank and THEY do it for you all you need to do is give them id and say yh my name is jo bloggs live at blah blah land and my dob is..

So hard..

oh soz i forgot the gay little thing at the end EX OH EX OH GOSSIP GIRLZ

Edited by Infectious (Forum Moderator): Please do not be rude to other users!

01-03-2011, 07:49 PM
Sounds like a epic fail by the bank. :L Doing things like this online always get complicating though, you cant go wrong by popping into your local bank. :)

01-03-2011, 07:50 PM
Sounds like a epic fail by the bank. :L Doing things like this online always get complicating though, you cant go wrong by popping into your local bank. :)


01-03-2011, 07:56 PM
Sounds like a epic fail by the bank. :L Doing things like this online always get complicating though, you cant go wrong by popping into your local bank. :)

Thanks for a sensible reply - believe me if I did it again I would go to my local bank, but since I have never set up and account by myself (parents did the one I have had since I was like 5), I didn't think it would be this complicated.

Hollyoaks, with all due respect, you are not helpful, revenge rep is a bit lame, you do not need to be rude, and to point out my friend applied for a debit card with them, and it has taken them six months to give the details she requires (she keeps phoning asking for what she needs, they say they will send it, then they never do). Also, to hurt your feelings, she originally did the application IN HER LOCAL BANK.

There is no point denying, if you have the option to travel or do it all online, the obvious choice is online. Why do you think supermarkets now offer online services? It isn't because they feel like being generous.

01-03-2011, 07:58 PM
Supermarket is a bit different to a bank though isnt it? Seen as supermarkets charge you like 5£ to deliver?

mmmm think things through kid

Thanks for a sensible reply - believe me if I did it again I would go to my local bank, but since I have never set up and account by myself (parents did the one I have had since I was like 5), I didn't think it would be this complicated.

Hollyoaks, with all due respect, you are not helpful, revenge rep is a bit lame, you do not need to be rude, and to point out my friend applied for a debit card with them, and it has taken them six months to give the details she requires (she keeps phoning asking for what she needs, they say they will send it, then they never do). Also, to hurt your feelings, she originally did the application IN HER LOCAL BANK.

There is no point denying, if you have the option to travel or do it all online, the obvious choice is online. Why do you think supermarkets now offer online services? It isn't because they feel like being generous.

01-03-2011, 08:04 PM
Supermarket is a bit different to a bank though isnt it? Seen as supermarkets charge you like 5£ to deliver?

mmmm think things through kid

So why do people use the service?

It is easier than going to the supermarket. Also, waitrose is free for people who spend over £85 - my families normal shopping is about £160/pw

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