View Full Version : Excrutiating pain in right side.

03-03-2011, 03:45 AM
Not last Sunday but the one before I woke up in the morning about 9 to get ready for work and couldn't get up. I had a pain in my side that was making me disabled to my bed. My girlfriend noticed I was in pain and breathing fast and heavy as well as shiving like mad.

She tried her best but eventually called 999 who sent a Paramedic in literally under 3 minutes they were in my room. He told me to calm myself and control my breathing, which to be honest was extremely hard at the time...

Anyway, he said my heart beat was really fast... Doesn't take a genius to work that out and that he will drive me to the hospital as I refused to waste an Ambulance's time coming here when I could try sit in his car. Anyway I sat on my bum down the stairs and struggled to get in the car but did. Nearly at the hospital and I wanted to throw up. Paramedic told me not to because he isn't allowed people in his car... wish he told me that before.

I didn't throw up but I got there and got seen straight away, given painkillers, poked and prodded by lots of doctors and then sent home because they didn't know what it was. Didn't even take bloods.

Pain continued so my girlfriends mom told me she would take me to A&E again last Friday and she did at 2pm. I had urine, blood you name it tests. I was put in a clinical decisions unit on a drip. I left hospital at 1am. I was given Tramdol to take on top of others, heres what I take daily.

7am - 2 Paracetamol, 2 Ibuprofen, 2 Tramadol
1pm - 2 Paracetamol, 2 Ibuprofen, 2 Tramadol
5pm - 2 Paracetamol, 2 Tramadol
9pm - 2 Paracetamol, 2 Ibuprofen, 2 Tramadol
Thats 22 tablets a day.

I am feeling drunk and drowsy constantly, stomach cramps and what not.

The pain hasn't gone and I really don't know what to do. If they don't know whats wrong then who does? This is Addenbrookes. One of the top hospitals in the UK!

Oh yeah, and I sat in hospital from 2pm-1am, so 11 hours to be told again they don't know whats wrong. Fun huh?

03-03-2011, 10:23 AM
Honestly man, if doctors can't help you how do you expect people on a Habbo forum to know?

I suppose it might be reactions to how many pills you're taking. Did you eat much at all before this happened?

03-03-2011, 10:27 AM
Ive had an on-going hip problem for about 4 weeks now - stops me from walking comfortable and also playing sport.

Seems like youre taking SO many painkillers and inflammatorys :| no wonder you're feel so bad... The tramadol will have bad side effects too... I suggest a cut down tbh. I was taking cocodamol (2 every 4 hours 3 times a day) and I had the side effects.. dizziness drowsiness etc so i stopped. Not good for you.

03-03-2011, 11:18 AM
I dont think all of those drugs will be doing you any favours tbh :/
All you can do is keep going back to them and push that there is something wrong untill they find out.
There has to be something or you wouldnt be in this kind of pain :/
When you weren't on all of the drugs did the pain vary throughout the day like somethings you did make it worse some make it better? or did it gradually get worse and has been getting worse day by day ? or is it a constant level of pain ?

03-03-2011, 11:26 AM
The tablets made me better, probably because i'm feeling so drunk that I couldn't care less. I've had eating problems in the past that they thought could of been something but nothing they could find.

And when I weren't on the drugs I was in the worst pain i've ever felt, and i've broken, wrists, ribs, foot and what not.

03-03-2011, 11:56 AM
The thing is that when you're not on the tablets and what not it can be worse because of the tablets being taken in the first place. Kind of like withdrawl symptoms in a way. You should really go back to the hospital and say nothing is working, ask for an ultrasound because that might help find the source of the problem. Have you experienced any trauma recently before the stomach pains? That might be the reason why too.

03-03-2011, 12:13 PM
The tablets will mask the pain - ultimately making you feel less pain, but there isn't actually any goodness being done and your problem gets worse...

03-03-2011, 01:51 PM
Yeah definitely what I have is the withdrawal stuff. I didn't take it for a day and I felt like really down, tired and what not so I took it and I was better.

03-03-2011, 04:18 PM

Edited by Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator):
Please don't be rude to others

03-03-2011, 04:41 PM

It's a forum that's purpose serves these questions. I innocently asked because their had may have been a slight chance someone experienced the same problem.

I seek and seek medical help. No-one has an answer so I ask people in general if they have had experienced something similar that may solve my problem.

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