View Full Version : The 4th AS Level

03-03-2011, 05:09 PM
I got a piece of Literature coursework back today and sadly it wasn't what I expected. I thought I'd done pretty well with it but obviously not :P

Anyway, chances are next year I'll be doing English Language, Psychology and Sociology... hopefully to do something English related at University. Or I might totally change my whole direction and go down the Psychology route :P
I'm just wondering how important the Literature AS Level will be when applying to University (considering they only concentrate on the three main A Level grades), or does it differ depending on the nature of the course and venue?


03-03-2011, 06:17 PM
I got told to do English at University you have to do English literature and English language.

03-03-2011, 06:22 PM
The AS won't count towards whether you get into uni or not unless your course is one of those based upon UCAS points, most good unis just state specific grades and request 3 A levels usually one subject specific, anything before that won't count really. A good result may aid your UCAS application, but not by much.

03-03-2011, 06:34 PM
I got told to do English at University you have to do English literature and English language.

Not true. I do English lit only - some unis have told me that both is a bit of a put-off, as you would be too wide in your English learning (her words not mine)

Most uni courses (as I think I said before) want ONE English, as the majority of courses are "English" and don't focus on one or the other section - either A2 will do. There are certain requirements of subjects, but the vast majority of english placements want one or the other, not necessarily both, as that could be something you pick up on later (I think I'm going to take language modules, but I do literature now). As Oli says, it's more that you have 3 subjects, not the subjects themselves really.

03-03-2011, 06:45 PM
Woo, that's put me in a bit better mood, thanks guys :P Yeah, the careers lady went through a couple of entry requirements to some of the possible Universities and it said you just need either Lang or Lit to fit the criteria. Good point about it being a put off Laura, I originally thought it would be best to do both if you're wanting to do something English related but I suppose they do like someone who's rather broad in their abilities too. I think I'm okay with continuing with Language, Psychology and Sociology :)

We're starting personal statements soon too... so much going on :'(

03-03-2011, 06:48 PM
Yeah as others said they only consider 3 A2 levels. So even if you take 4, they only look at your best 3. So I wouldn't worry about it Matt.

Out of curiosity what Uni's will you apply to?

03-03-2011, 06:53 PM
Trying to stalk me lol

I'm not sure yet, I'm only beginning to look in to it. There's some rather inviting schemes (if your parents have never been to Uni, etc) at Leeds University which lowers the grade boundaries needed for a place. For example, if I wanted to do an English course then instead of AAA it might be lowered to ABB for example (which would be rather nice ;)).
So yeah, hopefully a redbrick university nontheless.

03-03-2011, 06:54 PM
Woo, that's put me in a bit better mood, thanks guys :P Yeah, the careers lady went through a couple of entry requirements to some of the possible Universities and it said you just need either Lang or Lit to fit the criteria. Good point about it being a put off Laura, I originally thought it would be best to do both if you're wanting to do something English related but I suppose they do like someone who's rather broad in their abilities too. I think I'm okay with continuing with Language, Psychology and Sociology :)

We're starting personal statements soon too... so much going on :'(

I got my info from going to/phoning the unis - I wanted to have th best possible chance! Do you know what sort of places you're looking at?
Personal statements... blergh. Took me like 48756235876 drafts D:

03-03-2011, 06:59 PM
To add in something from my experience, when you actually get to Uni what you did at A level is highly irrelevant - I study Psychology & Human Neuroscience and I did do Psychology at A level however one of my closest friends on my course did not, and she's not been at any disadvantage, if anything what I have been taught at Uni contradicts A level stuff :P

03-03-2011, 07:08 PM
Trying to stalk me lol

I'm not sure yet, I'm only beginning to look in to it. There's some rather inviting schemes (if your parents have never been to Uni, etc) at Leeds University which lowers the grade boundaries needed for a place. For example, if I wanted to do an English course then instead of AAA it might be lowered to ABB for example (which would be rather nice ;)).
So yeah, hopefully a redbrick university nontheless.

Nice. Good luck :)

04-03-2011, 04:28 PM
To add in something from my experience, when you actually get to Uni what you did at A level is highly irrelevant - I study Psychology & Human Neuroscience and I did do Psychology at A level however one of my closest friends on my course did not, and she's not been at any disadvantage, if anything what I have been taught at Uni contradicts A level stuff :P

Yeah first year is seen as a 'booster year' for everyone to be on the same page ready for the 2nd year in my degree too so I wouldn't worry too much about not having both. Although I heard you asked what an oxymoron was yesterday ;) haha oj good luck

04-03-2011, 07:56 PM
Pfft! I was getting Us and Es in my Literature essays at AS and I stuck with it! Ended up with a B and I didn't even read the book ;) Got a C in the exam and an A in the coursework though haha

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