View Full Version : What Apple hopes you overlook on the IPad 2

03-03-2011, 07:40 PM
An extract from the full article from here: http://www.cnn.com/2011/TECH/gaming.gadgets/03/03/missing.from.ipad2.taylor/index.html?hpt=C2

Man on wire

Magicians who use wires in their act don't let you see them, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. In this case, the wire is the same old white cable that you'll have to use to sync your iPad to your PC or Mac from Day One.

Yes, apps such as Audiogalaxy or Air Server let you stream music and video to the iPad via Wi-Fi, but they don't remove the need to hook up to iTunes to back up or sync content for most apps.
In a device that's supposed to be about effortless connecting, and a world that is moving to cloud syncing, this is an increasingly clunky throwback.

Memory man

How much memory will the new iPad have? We don't know, because Jobs didn't tell us. Given that he ticked off all the other major specs of the device, it seems an odd omission. Could it be because its memory is exactly the same as the original iPad -- 256 megabytes?
That would look embarrassingly paltry next to iPad competitors such as the Motorola Xoom or the HP Touchpad, which both boast 1 gigabyte of RAM.
Gadget blog Gizmodo claims an Apple employee quoted 256 megabytes when demonstrating the product, only to have the claim walked back by a PR handler. We'll wait for better proof.
But there is another kind of memory that we know is exactly the same on iPad 2: storage space. The Apple tablet still maxes out at 64 gigabytes. Sure, the competition isn't beating that yet. But given the standard pace of technological improvement, one would expect a 128-gigabyte hard drive by now. Could tablet design have reached some kind of inherent size limit?

Behind the screen

Contrary to what the rumor mill had been expecting, there was no improvement in screen resolution -- meaning the iPad 2 is already lagging behind the iPhone 4, with its much-touted retina display. (An iPhone 5 is expected later this year.)
And while Jobs told us how many frames per second of video the new iPad's cameras would shoot, he didn't mention megapixels. This is not a spec he has been shy about announcing when it came to iPhone models.

Holding back?

In all the hoopla, it's easy to forget that many features announced for iPad 2 were expected -- and were technically possible -- in iPad 1. It was widely remarked at the time that Apple was deliberately holding back built-in cameras, for one, so that the iPad 2 could launch with a larger splash.
Barring some mass outbreak of leaks at the notoriously tight ship that is One Infinite Loop, we'll likely never know the truth. But we do know that one "new" feature touted Wednesday -- the ability to use the mute button to lock the orientation of the screen -- was originally available in iPad 1. The button only changed its purpose when iOS4 was introduced.

So what, if anything, is Apple deliberately holding back for iPad 3? A memory boost? Retina display? Cloud sync? Stereo speakers? (Yes, the iPad 2 is still mono.)
One thing we can be pretty sure of -- there will be another peerless presentation of achingly beautiful tablet technology this time next year.

Well after all that hype yesterday and listening to the apple fanboys in my school, it takes an article like this to remind me that the new ipad ain't nearly as great as Steve Jobs would want you to think.

Personally i think i'm going to miss out on buying the ipad this year, i hope they make some much better improvements for the ipad3 next year.

03-03-2011, 07:55 PM
Actually, he stated quite clearly video recording would be 720p (which is a resolution of 1280x720 iirc).

A shame about the RAM, but really I don't think iOS needs much more at the moment.

In all honesty this seems to be just bashing Apple for the hell of it.

EDIT: Also it's probably very hard to get a much higher resolution to recreate a "retina" display on such a large mobile screen.

03-03-2011, 08:16 PM
In all honesty this seems to be just bashing Apple for the hell of it.

EDIT: Also it's probably very hard to get a much higher resolution to recreate a "retina" display on such a large mobile screen.

I completely agree with the first part of your quote. As for the resolution, that's why I didn't expect retina display. I read that it would therefore have to power 5 million+ pixels or something and it would basically take a lot of battery, etc. Yes it would be nice though :P.

03-03-2011, 08:40 PM
Reminds me of this (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apple). It seems like they deliberately leave off features so they bring out a new one a few months later and get yet MORE profits for something that's in all essence, almost the same.

O/T... Some electronic critics get on my nerves, nothing's going to be perfect, and compromises have to be made - give them a break...

(yes I am aware those two points I just made contradict each other, I'm kind of neutral about apple...)

03-03-2011, 09:20 PM
It has two cores, I want one, but will be content with my original iPad for the moment.

03-03-2011, 09:49 PM
This might matter to someone who already has an iPad and wants the new one, but to someone buying one for the first time... Does it matter? It's the same price as the original so surely any improvement on thr ipad is better than nothing. If that makes sense.
But obviously companies don't promote the less-so-impressive stuff... That's just good business.

I have an iPad, have no interest in the new one. Perhaps if I didn't have an iPhone 4 I'd want it more. But then even if I did.. I doubt I'd use the camera... Imagine holding up an iPad to ake a picture/video in a bar? You'd look like a right ****!

04-03-2011, 04:05 PM
This might matter to someone who already has an iPad and wants the new one, but to someone buying one for the first time... Does it matter? It's the same price as the original so surely any improvement on thr ipad is better than nothing. If that makes sense.
But obviously companies don't promote the less-so-impressive stuff... That's just good business.

I have an iPad, have no interest in the new one. Perhaps if I didn't have an iPhone 4 I'd want it more. But then even if I did.. I doubt I'd use the camera... Imagine holding up an iPad to ake a picture/video in a bar? You'd look like a right ****!

I known that their would be some improvements from the original iPad, though stuff would be the same, So what I decided to was sell my original iPad a month before the event when heavy rumours started to come in on tech blogs, Then Save up the rest and buy the iPad 2.

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