View Full Version : Lymphoma

09-03-2011, 10:45 PM

so basically I have found a few lumps on my body and looked it up, it seems to be pointing towards lymphoma, which is cancer of the lymph nodes. Apparntly the only symptom usually is painless lumps on the neck, armpits or crotch. I have some on my neck and like, top of my crotch :S I'm really scared, which is probably natural. I have no other symptoms, but apparntly that is normal for early stage lymphoma.

Anyone know if this could be anything else or have had lymphoma or know someone else with it? the lumps are painless, quite small really, and I have one on my neck, two like equally distanced right at the top of my crotch.. its kinda weird because I thought originally they were just something everyone had but apparntly not ^o)

09-03-2011, 11:15 PM
I'm aware that self-diagnosis (especially from the internet which can be very unreliable) can increase anxiety. Good luck with the doctors, hope it's something minor :)

10-03-2011, 04:03 PM
Probably nothing. I found a lump on my neck last year, went to the doctors and he didn't know what it was so he got me up the hospital for an ultrasound scan and it turned out to be a benign lymph node. Still best to check tho

10-03-2011, 04:12 PM
you're self diagnosing yourself with cancer? just wait until you go to the doctors before worrying

10-03-2011, 05:52 PM
Just last week I had lumps all over my body which were itchy. Mainly on my back, neck and arm. Turned out to be just an allergic reaction to something and was given tablets to stop itching and within a few days they had gone. Dont get to het up mate!

10-03-2011, 05:57 PM
I have one of these on my neck i went to the doctors and it was harmless. You shouldn't really self-diagnose yourself as it could increase your worry when there could be really nothing to worry about

10-03-2011, 06:07 PM
i think yr probably given yrself hypochondria (sp?!) by checking all these self-diagnosis websites. it's probably nothing.

10-03-2011, 06:29 PM
They could just be cysts or even mumps!. It is usually not the worst case scenario. Good luck at the doctors.

16-03-2011, 08:37 PM
Never self-diagnose.... I've got a lump in my neck and a new, developing lump underneath it. Theyre being biopsided in 6 weeks if theyre not gone, i have literally had a blood test for EVERYTHING in existence and these have been going on since mid jan. So yeah, go to the doctors to get it check out

16-03-2011, 09:09 PM
Never self-diagnose.... I've got a lump in my neck and a new, developing lump underneath it. Theyre being biopsided in 6 weeks if theyre not gone, i have literally had a blood test for EVERYTHING in existence and these have been going on since mid jan. So yeah, go to the doctors to get it check out

HAVE YOU EVEN HAD AN ULTRASOUND SCAN? cos that's really bad if they've just given you bloodtests lmao

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