View Full Version : Johnny Cupcakes

16-03-2011, 04:18 PM
Yes, I know the name and layout suggests it should be posted in the food section, but believe it or not its actually clothing..

Found out about this make a couple of days ago and love lots of clothes on there already, going to order a couple of things Saturday :)


16-03-2011, 04:46 PM
OH MY GOD, i love johnny cupcakes, like it is all I wear. I camped out for the London opening at the weekend. It's just an unreal brand, you guys NEED to check it out. For sure.

16-03-2011, 10:06 PM
Some of the stuff looks alright, I quite like some of the jumpers.

16-03-2011, 10:10 PM
Oh wow, I think the hoodies look quite cool but similar to other well known brands like Hollister or is that just me? :P

16-03-2011, 10:31 PM


17-03-2011, 11:48 AM
um ew hate brands that r like *ADVERTISE ON CLOTHES AT EVERY CHANCE PLZ* does my head in

17-03-2011, 12:24 PM
Oh wow, I think the hoodies look quite cool but similar to other well known brands like Hollister or is that just me? :P

That's just you, it's nothing like hollister :P

18-03-2011, 07:12 PM
Oh wow, I think the hoodies look quite cool but similar to other well known brands like Hollister or is that just me? :P
nothing like hollister, i would imagine johnny cupcakes clothes are far superior quality

20-03-2011, 10:26 AM
LOLOL Look at me guys I'm wearing a funny t-shirt LOLOL look at me seriously It's funny because it's about cupcakes xD omg look at me it's all colourful and expensive guys you're not looking


I hate everyone that likes this ****. Branded or not branded clothes are clothes.

20-03-2011, 05:05 PM
lol i hate brands like this. their clothes aren't too bad on boys but just look appalling on girls imo

20-03-2011, 05:17 PM
LOLOL Look at me guys I'm wearing a funny t-shirt LOLOL look at me seriously It's funny because it's about cupcakes xD omg look at me it's all colourful and expensive guys you're not looking


I hate everyone that likes this ****. Branded or not branded clothes are clothes.

You have your opinion, but you're wrong. You hate people who like this brand? Okay then. The brand unlike others has a story behind it. The majority of the fans are close to each other, they camp out for special events and the owner of it appreciates his fans and takes time creating clothes. Okay some fans will be scene kids like LOOK AT ME LOLZ IT'S A CUPCAKES, but the majority of fans know the story behind the brand and know what it's about. So read up before you insult something you know nothing about you cretin.

lol i hate brands like this. their clothes aren't too bad on boys but just look appalling on girls imo

Wrong. https://manage.johnnycupcakes.com//ProductImages/JCC/regular/942.jpg


Yeah, they look awful in the clothes.

I'm not trying to hate on your opinion but it angers me when people say they hate brands like this just because.

20-03-2011, 05:17 PM
the logo of the cupcake looks like a ******* on some of the shirts.

20-03-2011, 05:34 PM
they do look awful? lol
imo the whole tee and jeans look is really off putting on girls.

21-03-2011, 02:29 AM
To be honest I think anyone outside of bands wearing Johnny Cupcakes look really out of place

21-03-2011, 11:04 PM
http://s3.amazonaws.com/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_lifjyjvkYZ1qahbuco1_1280.jpg?AWSAccessKeyId =AKIAJ6IHWSU3BX3X7X3Q&Expires=1300835029&Signature=vvoXOsO1npKbrOYAx9PT7udP%2B18%3D

Some of my collection. I think i'm addicted, that right there is about £780 worth of stuff.

23-03-2011, 03:13 AM
it's just boring. there's nothing there that really says anything to me. yawn.

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