View Full Version : Why?

14-08-2005, 05:37 PM
Now then, Sorry if I this has been posted alot of times, but looking through about how you all hate callie

Why say that? I mean, your not the one sitting in a office, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week are you?.. Your enjoying habbo.. Callie, Dionysus, Helkat and many more are working there butts off to keep us entertained... Yes they may pick favourites but they dont meet them in r/l do they?

Yes the newsie and funky friday may be a bit late but they are probaly working on new competitions.. Appreciate the fact that habbo is around. Considering we wouldnt even know the word!... And you wouldnt have something to do if it wasn't here (well maybe cokemusic)..

I dont want to sound like a angry member but I find some threads a bit over draumatic.. Drama Queen! :D

14-08-2005, 05:40 PM
Here Here. Well done and no matter what anyone says I agree! (career choice HM *WISHES*)

14-08-2005, 05:40 PM
i havnt said nce i h8 callie (as i dont) i think they say that because so many things go wrong as l8 prezzies but i bet not of us could do better well maby or lol but not as many that says shes stupid

14-08-2005, 05:42 PM
Thanks for agreeing with me folks :d

14-08-2005, 05:43 PM
Now then, Sorry if I this has been posted alot of times, but looking through about how you all hate callie

Why say that? I mean, your not the one sitting in a office, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week are you?.. Your enjoying habbo.. Callie, Dionysus, Helkat and many more are working there butts off to keep us entertained... Yes they may pick favourites but they dont meet them in r/l do they?

Yes the newsie and funky friday may be a bit late but they are probaly working on new competitions.. Appreciate the fact that habbo is around. Considering we wouldnt even know the word!... And you wouldnt have something to do if it wasn't here (well maybe cokemusic)..

I dont want to sound like a angry member but I find some threads a bit over draumatic.. Drama Queen! :D

NOT EVERYONE "HATES" Callie, You made a False Quote.

14-08-2005, 05:46 PM
Ooops.. Sorry topper!

I did make a mistake.. Let me edit that :)

14-08-2005, 05:47 PM
Lol......I thought u knew ;)

14-08-2005, 05:50 PM
Lol sorry again :d

I hope you all agree

14-08-2005, 05:52 PM
Great news + i could run habbo on my own, how are 30+ years olds going to know what we like?

14-08-2005, 05:55 PM
Now then, Sorry if I this has been posted alot of times, but looking through about how you all hate callie

Why say that? I mean, your not the one sitting in a office, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week are you?.. Your enjoying habbo.. Callie, Dionysus, Helkat and many more are working there butts off to keep us entertained... Yes they may pick favourites but they dont meet them in r/l do they?

Yes the newsie and funky friday may be a bit late but they are probaly working on new competitions.. Appreciate the fact that habbo is around. Considering we wouldnt even know the word!... And you wouldnt have something to do if it wasn't here (well maybe cokemusic)..

I dont want to sound like a angry member but I find some threads a bit over draumatic.. Drama Queen! :D

Oh not another Staff-****-licker. You seem so certain they do loads of work, and care about all the 'habbos'. But they don't. Your paying for their wages - thats all they care about!

Habbo should never have been created. Its a scam. Forcing kids into money-grabbing antics and ruining their lives. People stay in and play on this stupid game and don't have any real friends. Most people who use habbo have no social live. People need to look beyond things, paying real money for absolutely nothing is madness. Give it to me if your just going to waste it on pixels - i;'ll make good use of it.

Wake up and smell the coffee, so to speak. ''Habbo... Ruing peoples lives since 2001™''

14-08-2005, 05:57 PM
I agree with what you said. They work so they can make us feel safe everyday. We should be thankful, it could be much worse.

14-08-2005, 06:32 PM
The reason the newsie and funky friday was late like they said they had Updating problems and could not update the main page. And Phila if you hate habbo so much and everyone who plays it etc have no social lifes, what are you doing here?

14-08-2005, 07:05 PM
Now then, Sorry if I this has been posted alot of times, but looking through about how you all hate callie

Why say that? I mean, your not the one sitting in a office, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week are you?.. Your enjoying habbo.. Callie, Dionysus, Helkat and many more are working there butts off to keep us entertained... Yes they may pick favourites but they dont meet them in r/l do they?

Yes the newsie and funky friday may be a bit late but they are probaly working on new competitions.. Appreciate the fact that habbo is around. Considering we wouldnt even know the word!... And you wouldnt have something to do if it wasn't here (well maybe cokemusic)..

I dont want to sound like a angry member but I find some threads a bit over draumatic.. Drama Queen! :D

I dont see hoiw this is news or a rumour, spam... -rep

14-08-2005, 07:06 PM
I agree with you, but I think you could have put it in one of the 'we hate callie' threads rather than making a whole new one about it

14-08-2005, 07:12 PM
The reason the newsie and funky friday was late like they said they had Updating problems and could not update the main page. And Phila if you hate habbo so much and everyone who plays it etc have no social lifes, what are you doing here?

He/she meant it's out late nearlly every week.

And because of Habbo i've lost alot of friends, i'll admit it.

14-08-2005, 07:27 PM
Why say that? I mean, your not the one sitting in a office, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
...Earning money for themselves, buying luxuries, making a living like average people! Why feel sorry for them =/??

14-08-2005, 08:49 PM
I used to feel sorry for them, and think that they didn't deserve a lot of the abuse they get; and to a certain extent I still do.

But if they don't show any respect on a personal level to their users, what exactly do they expect back?

14-08-2005, 08:52 PM
They're gettign paid for doing jack?
Competitions arnt hard, infact makign a room would be fun.

14-08-2005, 08:55 PM
Mee either, Im thinkin of quitting soon, I joined when i was nine and spent about 50$ on it just to get Pw hacked.. so i did it again, and again, until im on my final account, Trixeh, ive sent MILLIONS of email to them while they just sit on their fat bum wholes eating burgers, and ignoring me, No more shall i go on habbo, if i get scammed/hacked again. habbo is addictive. and i swear it made me fatter, and less realistic, i mean i CARED if i didnt have a hc sofa, I CARED if i did say "Hi my shexi Muffin cakes" cuz that was cool, i mean im over it now, but i started losing concentration at shcool, writing U instead of You, and daydreamin of lovely rooms i could make, WELL HABBO, IT AINT GOING DOWN THAT WAY .. EVER AGAIN!

14-08-2005, 08:58 PM
Sulake.com, if you look they've won no awards for .co.uk but nearly every hotel.
What a surprise.
Sack these lazy cu'nts.

14-08-2005, 08:59 PM
Here Here. Well done and no matter what anyone says I agree! (career choice HM *WISHES*)

lol that would be gr8

14-08-2005, 09:20 PM
Oh not another Staff-****-licker. You seem so certain they do loads of work, and care about all the 'habbos'. But they don't. Your paying for their wages - thats all they care about!

Habbo should never have been created. Its a scam. Forcing kids into money-grabbing antics and ruining their lives. People stay in and play on this stupid game and don't have any real friends. Most people who use habbo have no social live. People need to look beyond things, paying real money for absolutely nothing is madness. Give it to me if your just going to waste it on pixels - i;'ll make good use of it.

Wake up and smell the coffee, so to speak. ''Habbo... Ruing peoples lives since 2001™''

Here Here!! I Agree :) I Wish it wasnt Created apart from the Fact that i Wouldnt no My cool friends :(

14-08-2005, 09:23 PM
Here Here!! I Agree :) I Wish it wasnt Created apart from the Fact that i Wouldnt no My cool friends :(
Such as myself.
And Racel.

14-08-2005, 09:25 PM
I like habbo, I like the staff, it does a good job when it can.

14-08-2005, 09:34 PM
Good point spark

15-08-2005, 08:19 AM
I AGREE :o I have screamed at countless persons over that matter, they said the scipting etc. was Justine`s fault :o I lost it.

15-08-2005, 09:44 PM
i'm not really a 'callie fan'. I have specific reasons of not liking her.

16-08-2005, 11:23 AM
agreeed ^^ i hate people who are like


16-08-2005, 11:26 AM
Oh not another Staff-****-licker. You seem so certain they do loads of work, and care about all the 'habbos'. But they don't. Your paying for their wages - thats all they care about!

Habbo should never have been created. Its a scam. Forcing kids into money-grabbing antics and ruining their lives. People stay in and play on this stupid game and don't have any real friends. Most people who use habbo have no social live. People need to look beyond things, paying real money for absolutely nothing is madness. Give it to me if your just going to waste it on pixels - i;'ll make good use of it.

Wake up and smell the coffee, so to speak. ''Habbo... Ruing peoples lives since 2001™''

Ok then if you hate the staff you must hate habbo cos if it wasnt for them habbo wouldnt be very good and it keeps you safe from peodes~

To all you people that say it waste go get a life beacuse your here beacuse its a HABBO fan site ! So if you hate it then why come here and go on habbo?
Ungratful little s****.

16-08-2005, 11:35 AM
what you all have to realise is that they are a buisseness and we are the customers.

if you order fast food and its late then you would complain about it and expect the manager to change something to make it better.

its only 1 example but the newsie being late is pretty much the same thing. the only difference is that callie couldnt care less. in which case we have the right to say that it is badly managed.

if you see callie as just another habbo then you are badly mistaken. she is the hotel manager and as such she has a responsibility to make sure all of her customers are happy with the service they are providing!

16-08-2005, 11:36 AM
To all you people that say it waste go get a life beacuse your here beacuse its a HABBO fan site ! So if you hate it then why come here and go on habbo?
Ungratful little s****.

Why should people go get a life?. Infact you should get a life and stop criticizing peoples personal opinions. Or aren't we allowed to have the freedom of speech around you.?

16-08-2005, 12:40 PM
Why dig up threads, from like, 2 days ago. If it's aimed at me i didn't dig it up. Read through the pages to see who did.

16-08-2005, 12:46 PM
Now then, Sorry if I this has been posted alot of times, but looking through about how you all hate callie

Why say that? I mean, your not the one sitting in a office, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week are you?.. Your enjoying habbo.. Callie, Dionysus, Helkat and many more are working there butts off to keep us entertained... Yes they may pick favourites but they dont meet them in r/l do they?

Yes the newsie and funky friday may be a bit late but they are probaly working on new competitions.. Appreciate the fact that habbo is around. Considering we wouldnt even know the word!... And you wouldnt have something to do if it wasn't here (well maybe cokemusic)..

I dont want to sound like a angry member but I find some threads a bit over draumatic.. Drama Queen! :D
Lmao Hardley "/

16-08-2005, 04:43 PM
what you all have to realise is that they are a buisseness and we are the customers.

if you order fast food and its late then you would complain about it and expect the manager to change something to make it better.

its only 1 example but the newsie being late is pretty much the same thing. the only difference is that callie couldnt care less. in which case we have the right to say that it is badly managed.

if you see callie as just another habbo then you are badly mistaken. she is the hotel manager and as such she has a responsibility to make sure all of her customers are happy with the service they are providing!
Callie done give a bobba about us, she just makes up purchase stuff so she can get money, like she cares :l I mean like 200 habbos get hacked a week AND DOES SHE CARE, NO ,and when buddy got "hacked" she was like OMGZ!11!111! MUST GIVE FURNIE BACK!1!!!1111!

16-08-2005, 04:46 PM
http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/2228/4450fa.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

16-08-2005, 07:12 PM
Ok then if you hate the staff you must hate habbo cos if it wasnt for them habbo wouldnt be very good and it keeps you safe from peodes~

Sorry to pi.ss on your fire mate.. but i can refer to 2 instances where i had to contact staff becuase of a truly disturbing chat log i read, whilst i was a hobba, regarding a paedophile talking to a kid. Oh.. and didn't you hear about the dude in jail writing to the girl he met on habbo? The police had to apologise, and the family claim compensation as a paedohpile, in jail, managed to send a letter to the girl he arranged to meet on habbo.

There has since been another case:


Habbo is far from safe, idiot.

To all you people that say it waste go get a life beacuse your here beacuse its a HABBO fan site ! So if you hate it then why come here and go on habbo?
Ungratful little s****.

Dude, i'm not the one who spends my lfie on habbo. I don't even use it anymore since i was banned. Just sell my furni on ebay (but fat Impetuous keeps on sending me threatening emails saying my account will be frozen - but after 11 i'm still going!) and check the news on habbox. I'm not the one with thousands of posts on a stupid fan-site forum. Stop kidding yourself.. go out and find some freinds. And don't call me a snob, you pr.ick.

16-08-2005, 07:16 PM
wow, you really spoke your mind :p lol!

16-08-2005, 07:16 PM
People need to stop saying that it's only because of the staff that the hotel is running.

Nobody is irreplacable.

16-08-2005, 07:21 PM
No-one "hates" Callie, she just needs to get her priority rights. Instead of ruining the rare trading system, by releasing rares willy-nilly and "accidentally" giving out white rollers, she needs to sort out real things, like the newsie, helping those who genuinely need help. Not chilling with her "pets"

16-08-2005, 07:50 PM
they might sit there at the office 8 hours 5 days a week big deal my dad works 16 hours a day 7days a week , and they probly sit there eating junk mucking about

16-08-2005, 09:00 PM
Oh not another Staff-****-licker. You seem so certain they do loads of work, and care about all the 'habbos'. But they don't. Your paying for their wages - thats all they care about!

Habbo should never have been created. Its a scam. Forcing kids into money-grabbing antics and ruining their lives. People stay in and play on this stupid game and don't have any real friends. Most people who use habbo have no social live. People need to look beyond things, paying real money for absolutely nothing is madness. Give it to me if your just going to waste it on pixels - i;'ll make good use of it.

Wake up and smell the coffee, so to speak. ''Habbo... Ruing peoples lives since 2001™''

I agree, most people actually think they are here to protect you and care for you. In Sulake's mind the game is just a chatroom and if you lose the PIXELS they just claim that was an added FREE BENEFIT that you lost and your Habbo club memebership is still active for your use of conversation in the hotel. The game has evolved and alot of people do spend thousands on this game for the purpose of a rich status with loads of rares. But, despite the facts here some kids that are depressed and don't have many friends use the furni as tranquility and taking it from them is like taking someones friends away and I'm just stating that because some kids do take it that seriously.

18-08-2005, 10:19 AM
No-one "hates" Callie

Want to bet? Oh and don't go moaning about bringing back old threads, it was two days old. It only looks old because of all the pointless RUBBISH people post!

18-08-2005, 10:51 AM
I hate all the office staff - they are all rude.
And dont give me any rubbish like "dont go on habbo then" - Because i dont go on habbo to speak to those idiots!

18-08-2005, 10:54 AM
I hate all the office staff - they are all rude.
And dont give me any rubbish like "dont go on habbo then" - Because i dont go on habbo to speak to those idiots!
True Jack only goes on to see me ;]

18-08-2005, 01:53 PM
True Jack only goes on to see me ;]

Sure do ;) ;)

18-08-2005, 02:01 PM
I hate all the office staff - they are all rude.
And dont give me any rubbish like "dont go on habbo then" - Because i dont go on habbo to speak to those idiots!

Finally, someone who agrees with me. The sooner Glitterkat leaves, the sooner Habbo Hotel can try and get anywhere close to how good it was back in late 2001, early 2002.

18-08-2005, 02:09 PM
Sack Callie

Get Dionysus

18-08-2005, 02:10 PM
Finally, someone who agrees with me. The sooner Glitterkat leaves, the sooner Habbo Hotel can try and get anywhere close to how good it was back in late 2001, early 2002.
true we need 19 - 20 years old who know what we like and need and sack all the old staff and ip ban Jack then habbo will be great :D

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