View Full Version : What do I do?

02-04-2011, 08:11 PM
So yeah, me and my best friend decided we should take the friendship to a next level like in some friendships people kiss each other and that

Well I posted like a while back that I kissed my best friend he had a girlfriend blah blah blah and since that i've been proper in love with him he kissed me again on thursday and I just fell for him even more, he's amazing, great personalty, funny, caring etc and yeah I think i'm basically in love with him.

So anyway he was talking to me the other day about his girlfriend and from what he was saying and the way he sounded it was like she wasn't interested in him anymore or he was getting bored of her idk that's just what it sounded like to me, anyway here's my problem;

Everyday when we see each other we just always look in each others eyes and in drama lessons when we do that there's just a moment there we move closer to each other then come back to reality. My friend says that he might like me too but I'm not sure, but what I am sure off is that I really really want him but I don't know what to do coz of his girlfriend, do I wait and see what happens if he is getting bored of her or do I attempt to move on ''/

I'm really confused with what to do lol

02-04-2011, 08:46 PM
Just ask him? From what you have said he seems pretty interested so I say you should go for it. :P

02-04-2011, 09:00 PM
Yeah the best thing for you to do is be up front about it to him to find out his feelings towards you Abby because you don't want to try and get with him if he isn't interested because that means you would be wasting your time. But from the hints like staring at you and actually kissing would make you assume that he likes you but its always best to ask :D

02-04-2011, 09:10 PM
god when i try stuff like that it always turns like proper awkward LOL

I might say something monday see what happens

thanks guys xoxox

02-04-2011, 09:31 PM
I would wait to see if he does split with his girlfriend first. :)

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