View Full Version : Royal Flush - Ends 7th April

02-04-2011, 06:39 PM
http://www.habbofansite.net/fontgen/index.php?text=Royal Flush&style=74

I've mentioned it about 500 times now (and it still makes me laugh) but Alex got trapped in a toilet. It wasn't a royal toilet, I just wanted a catchy title and make you all think of poker. Royal or not, it must have been embarrassing! For this competition, post about the most embarrassing moment in your life where you just wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole. The funniest will win! Good luck!

Prize: 5 credits + 10 rep

02-04-2011, 09:20 PM
This one time, i was at mcdonalds, and me and my friend Nadine, were playing with the ketchup, because we got heaps of packets, and we were squirting them all over the table, then i went to the bathroom to wipe it off my hands, and when i walked out this guy i really liked saw me walk out of the bathroom, and he looked at my skirt and said "You leaked..." And i looked down and there was ketchup on my skirt and he thought it was period, before i could explain he had walked off with his friend... I still haven't lived it down...

03-04-2011, 08:28 AM
In science I was recording types of food and there acid level. So I walked over to the tuna. Then to my friend, I sang to the tune of ruby by the kaiser chiefs, tuna tuna tuna tuna ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Just as the class went quiet...
They sang that at me for about 3 months afterwards.

03-04-2011, 11:20 PM
The time was 2:36 and school had just ended. I was really eager to leave the campus: one, because school sucks and two, because my mom was picking me up in the ghettoest van imaginable and I didn't want anyone to see it. Of course being the great mother she is, she parked the hunk-a-junk right, smack dab in front of the school where it could be seen by pretty much everyone and their mother. no pun intended. So there I am already embarrassed that i had to be seen in front of the piece of crap. I go to get into the thing via the sliding door. I open the slider and it decides not to stop. Yeah,it just kept sliding and fell off its higes all together and clunked right onto the ground. I had to go to the wood shop and ask for a screwdriver to fix it. It, to this very day, haunts me when I sleep.

04-04-2011, 05:27 AM
Last year, I was in school, gym class, I was running. And then, I tripped and slid over. That's not all: my gym shorts AND MY UNDERWEAR got ripped. SOMEONE MAKE ME INDESTRUCTIBLE CLOTHES :l

04-04-2011, 02:56 PM
Once in music, I was playing the keyboard with my friend ( headphones were on ). My other friend came from across the classroom and hit me because he felt like it. He it me hard on my head I quickly reacted and got up to get him forgetting i forgot to take my headphones of. I couldn't get very far because of the headphones and the whole class looked at me. Embarrassing!

04-04-2011, 06:45 PM
It was my birthday and all my mates was around ;]
Then my dad go drunk and dressed naked :OOOO
and he ran up the street shouting 'LOOK AT ME IM A REALY LIVE BOY'
I was so imberrased all my mates was disgusted

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