View Full Version : Pet Fight - The Results

08-04-2011, 06:40 AM
The time has come to announce which species is The Ultimate Habbo Pet!
Woah! Ok, we had no idea you guys felt so strongly about this. We thought it was going to be a tight competition, but it turns out we were wrong.
Thousands of votes for the Ultimate Habbo Pet were placed and one breed truly chewed up and spat out the competition. With a whopping 49.82% of the votes, the Dog has taken out the title!
An oldie but a goodie, it looks like Dogs truly are a Habbo’s best friend :D
Big thanks to everyone that took part in the Ultimate Pet Fight. All the Dog supporters will soon receive their badge.
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Yesterday the pooches were crowned top dog, but do the cats have eight lives still left? A big thank you to everyone that sent in entries for the Grand Finale Debate.

Do you already have a clear favorite? Perhaps the winners below will swing your vote? Take a peak at each of the arguments and place your pick in the competition form. The winning Pet will be announced tomorrow!

Bear Supporter - x-sweetcherry-x
Ahh, the bear. One of the most amazing mammals of all time. There are Black Bears, Brown Bears, Polar Bears, and my favorite, Yogi Bear ;) But why you ask should the bear deserve to win? Well, why not! They’re so cute and cuddly (well, not really)! And they’re friendly to everyone (yeah right)! All in all, the bear is the greatest pet Habbo has ever introduced! Just make sure to keep an eye on your pic-a-nic baskets ;)

Cat Supporter - Erik777
Cats are always given the raw deal. Everyone loves dogs. Why? Because somewhere along the line someone decided they liked dogs better than cats and it’s been the going trend ever since. Cats are amazing creatures. They’re smart, they’re friendly and they’re adorable to boot! Cats may not be considered “man’s” best friend, but I consider them mine. And I know my cats feel the same way about me.

Croc Supporter - Sperko
The Crocodile is a mighty fearsome creature, dominating the pixel world and ownin’ all those cats and dogs. The Croc is the best! No doubt about it. Those sharp teeth and little pixel feet are the scariest of them all. Crocs also taste good… but don’t tell anyone that ;)

Dog Supporter - ,Yummeh
Dogs are classic. They were around before all these other “pets”. Ever heard of a frog being called man’s best friend? No? That would be because the Dog has been playing that role for millions of years. Which animal chose us? The Dog! Now it’s time for us to pay it forward. Dogs overcame the natural fight-or-flight instinct to live with us. We fed them when they needed us, and in return they protects us and are forever loyal. Who can say that about a spider?

Frog Supporter - Fuski
Frogs deserve to win no croak! Their mamba command alone deserves to win! This ribbiting pet has kept everyone entertained for weeks and if you don’t vote for the frog you haven’t got the froggiest!

Lion Supporter - Socks,.
The Lion should win because it can lead… and animals need a leader. It also is not afraid and will fight for what it wants. It will protect others and defend itself at the same time. If it wins the other pets will have to treat The King with respect as he will lead them and protect them from all the other pets!

Pig Supporter - .:.twil:ght
Pigs are filthy, dirty, cheeky, annoying, naughty, random, small, cool animals. They have rad noses and cool squiggly tails. Plus without them there would be no bacon. That is why they deserve to win. PIGS RULE!

Rhino Supporter - hockeyalex09
You cannot mess with the rhino! The rhino beats every other animal because they have one thing the others do not... A horn. Just think about it, Unicorns and Narwhals, both awesome animals because of their horns! Horns beat having 8 legs or big claws. If you see a charging rhino coming at you, you will be much more intimidated than some wimpy old Lion claws. Rhinos are super strong and are very fast considering their weight. The rhino can beat any other animal in a one-on-one fight. So if you want a REAL pet to guard your house and your stuff, you definitely want a rhino.

Spider Supporter - AAUF-RC
Tired of “cute and cuddly” all the time? Where’s the excitement? The action? The personality? I don’t know about you, but we need a change. We need... SPIDERS! Where else can you find a pet as creepy, weird, and crazy as the Spider? The Spider is the most creative creature ever to hit Habbo! It’s stronger than the bear, crazier than the cat, scarier than the croc... I can go on for hours! They keep away all those pesky flies from your trashcan and it’s the only pet that can eat your spoiled leftovers (saving money FTW!). So if you every get tired of your cats and dogs, spice it up and get your own Habbo Spider. My Spider “Thriller” could use some play dates (:

Terrier Supporter - Resitate
Why should the Terrier win? It deserved to be separated from normal dogs, and there’s a reason for that. Firstly, they’re by far the fluffiest pet. Not to mention they actually come in realistic colours. Who’s seen a pink cat or a green dog? Let alone purple rhinos and blue lions...

Terriers? Look at the name, they’re based in Scotland and they live everywhere!
T - he white menace.
E - nvy them, they rule the Habbo world.
R - eally want to disagree?
R - ats beware! This dog will hunt you
I - n Habbo Terriers rule. No questions.
E - veryone should agree.
R - eally far above the rest.
S - o vote for the Terrier!

Think you can beat it? Go ahead and try. They’re obedient. They play football. They sit in Tubmasters, heck! They do whatever you ask them to! They’re flawless, they’re perfect.. you can’t beat the Terrier!


Woo, im guessing most of you guys voted dogs too :) Well done


08-04-2011, 08:58 AM
yea i got it :) :) haha woooooooooooooooo

08-04-2011, 09:00 AM
Yep :) got it

08-04-2011, 12:09 PM
Yeah I got the badge too :) I knew dog was a sure winner

08-04-2011, 12:19 PM
Well, I didn't get it :P.

11-04-2011, 10:14 AM
Nor did i get the baj :(

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