View Full Version : Internet problems

11-04-2011, 10:39 PM
Today, ive been having some problems with Teh Interwebs. A page will load in firefox, then stop and go to an error page saying that the internet connection has been reset and it takes quite a few refreshes to actully get onto the page.

I have reset the router and internet (There were no problems while playing Battlefield on the pc)
Scanning for virus'

Its doing it on my laptop aswell as my PC, and apparently its happening to my dad aswell.

Anyone else had any similar problems? or ideas on how to sort it?
Im on Virgin Media btw.

11-04-2011, 10:47 PM
https://my.virginmedia.com/service-status/details;jsessionid=A3ECDBFE7EF14E3046FD4F9E31A4863 C.tomcatmy6

Use that to check if there are any problems affecting your area. I'm also on VM, and I'm always experiencing problems. I don't much rate them as a service.

11-04-2011, 11:04 PM
It says there are no problems, but i dont know. I mean, im playing Xbox fine now; and the internets still saying its been reset.. What is going on.

11-04-2011, 11:34 PM
It could just be that your connection is running slow for an insignificant reason, and it may automatically correct itself by tomorrow. So I would advise waiting it out and if it doesn't correct itself, call VM (its free for customers using the VM phone service) and be persistent, don't take 'It seems to be running correctly' for an answer, ask for a second opinion or a supervisor at that point.

11-04-2011, 11:37 PM
Yeah, i love phoning them up, I had to phone about them capping my internet at 3gb between 4-9, which hadnt happened before january, yet they said the policy has been in for 4 years.. Lol.
I'll do that tomorrow if it doesnt clear up.

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