View Full Version : Do you think Habbo should bring back Habbo X's or something simular?

14-04-2011, 12:11 AM
I've been thinking about a couple of things that would maybe improve Habbo, and I would like your opinions please. :)

I understand that Habbo X's were gotten rid of, and maybe partly because some X's abused their "rights" or didn't pull their weight.

But I think something simular to the X's should be brought to Habbo.
I think that either users could apply.
Or users could nominate others.
Or instead of applying, certain helpful and friendly users are picked. (I think this idea is better).

Then who ever is picked is put through a trial period of about a month and monitored closely.
Maybe users could rate the trial X's on how helpful they have been?
But I don't think the X's should get anything they could abuse. They wouldn't get anything special.

Habbo staff should also prehaps make an "official" helpdesk, or better yet move the HxHD to the official rooms. And Habbo X's would mainly help out there and the Welcome Lounge, aswell as going around the hotel to make sure users are safe and happy. I also think the X's could watch over some events to makesure theres no scamming (or users could request for an X to watch over a game or trade by using the CFH button).

Also maybe on the CFH menu there should be a request to call and X for help if it isn't urgent.

I just think maybe something simular should be brought back because I have seen alot of helpful users around Habbo. And I know that some users would really like to do something good for the community.

I keep saying X's but I'm thinking about something a bit different, more professional? These are only rough ideas.

I know some users also think it's a good idea to bring them back.
But I would like to know what you guys think, or if you have any different ideas. :)

I know alot of people didn't like the X's or guides, but please don't hate me or get mad for asking this question.


14-04-2011, 11:07 AM
Think the only thing that would appeal to people with this is the elitism side of it, knowing you got picked out of everyone on Habbo. This is the main reason why I believe guides failed, since everyone could do it, why bother??

I don't know whether I'm pro or con for the elitism, as I would be ecstatic if I got picked to be this new X, but just as bummed if I didn't, and there will always be 'I can do the job better' thoughts of rejected applicants

14-04-2011, 11:26 AM
No, Habbo X's have been and gone - time for something new

14-04-2011, 12:08 PM
I dont think they should, if they were brought back they will just be people saying 'oh im a habbo x you better move out my way'. LOL.

14-04-2011, 12:08 PM
Xs have been and gone and also i don't think people play habbo in the same way as they used to so there is no point the new system needs to fit in with the new habbo so it have to be internationally friendly and people don't need as much help because it's built into the game but i think peopel are starting to play longer so they all have to be taken into account. Are the guides coming back?

14-04-2011, 01:30 PM
I think that something simular to them should be brought back if they aren't brought back totaly. They shouldn't be nominated by others as some hardcore players will just use clones and multiple accounts to get picked.

The requirements should be i think at least 3 or 4 years on habbo, a good clean record and a good application.

14-04-2011, 01:38 PM
They should have player moderators to replace the current terrible paid ones and they should call them 'Hobbas'. I think it's a well awesome idea that isn't open to abuse in any way and would have far superior elitism to habbo Xs

14-04-2011, 01:42 PM
I think.. If I get the rights to ban someone.. I'll abuse the rights for sure. Moderators are doing their job(They're pathetic but at least they're better)

14-04-2011, 01:49 PM
Hobbas - Removed for seriously abusing their rights, they had too much power tbh.
HabboX's - Removed, from what i understand was an issue with giving underage people tools to do a basic moderation job.
Habbo Guides - Removed because knowone cared about it. Everyone was allowed to do this and do the novelty wore off after not so long.

I think a better system would be a combination of Habbo's last two attempts. Make it so that people have to apply for the job and Habbo carefully pick out a select few, then they get given a badges, mention on a Group Page, can attend Meetings. The only 'Tool' they would have would be the tool that Habbo Guides had, where it alerts you to a room where someone needs help. They shouldn't get any other rights to do anything.

Another great idea would be to instead push Helpdesk rooms a little more, they are lost on the navigator. Maybe Habbo could shortlist maybe 3-5 decent, active, popular helpdesk and place it on the 'Staff Picks' part of the navigator. And say something like... 'Need Help? Come to one of our Helpdesks'.

This way they wouldn't have to deal with an application process, they wouldn't have to give certain Habbo's different rights and they would have a decreased about of people writing into the Call For Help, with silly little questions.

Would be a boost for Habbox Helpdesk too.

14-04-2011, 01:55 PM
I think.. If I get the rights to ban someone.. I'll abuse the rights for sure. Moderators are doing their job(They're pathetic but at least they're better)

Habbox habbos weren't mods. They pretty much didn't have any mod rights.

14-04-2011, 02:19 PM
I think they should mix some of the roles/requirements from both the hobba and habbo X schemes

Habbo X (or whatever theyd be called) requirements:

- Over 16 years with proof of age required
- No bans on account
- at least 5 years on habbo
- A good amount of habbo playtime (most of these requirements were from hobba scheme)


-A badge for recognition obviously
-rights to kick from rooms inc. public ones
-ability to mute
-ability to respond to help requests as a new tool (Habbos sending messages for advice only)

14-04-2011, 02:23 PM
I really hope the moderation skills are improved somehow, whether it's player moderators or new moderation standards.

I've just logged out of Habbo because of the absolutely terrible moderation standards. I was tripping people in a snake maze and this girl was going crazy telling me to die/she will murder me/throwing every bit of abuse possible at me. I reported her numerous times and nothing was done about it, she wasn't banned or it didn't look like she was warned. Telling you to put the person giving you abuse on shutup is not the right way of dealing with a situation like that.

It's so frustrating when nothing is done about these situations, yet these 'people' (they might as well be bots since they don't do anything about most situations) are being paid for this.

But the reality is that Hobbas/Habbo X's/anything similar probably won't ever be brought back :facepalm:

14-04-2011, 02:38 PM
It would be nice for Habbo to introduce something like Habbox's where they actually interact with us.
As most of you old timers know, the Old Moderators you saw randomly walk in your room, just to check up on things personally, you'd end up having a convo with them, building a relationship with them; this sort of bonding helps with overall support, as we are befriending the moderators and in return we tend not to play up as much because we respect them.

Whereas now, you'll find that we see no moderators Habbox's any player support roaming the hotel. You occasionally see the UK advertising team, Grecian9 and TinyRedFrog, but they are almost always far too busy to actually sit down and talk to you. It's the little things that help, from the spelling errors in the hotel alerts, to the laughs and bonding of both habbo's and moderators/player supports. It makes us realise that these people are HUMAN! Whereas now? - Well you always get an automated response that is clearly copy and pasted.

Bottom line for me is yes.. I would like to see HabboX's back in the line of duty, but it's never going to happen.

14-04-2011, 02:44 PM
I've been thinking about a couple of things that would maybe improve Habbo, and I would like your opinions please. :)

I understand that Habbo X's were gotten rid of, and maybe partly because some X's abused their "rights" or didn't pull their weight.

But I think something simular to the X's should be brought to Habbo.
I think that either users could apply.
Or users could nominate others.
Or instead of applying, certain helpful and friendly users are picked. (I think this idea is better).

Then who ever is picked is put through a trial period of about a month and monitored closely.
Maybe users could rate the trial X's on how helpful they have been?
But I don't think the X's should get anything they could abuse. They wouldn't get anything special.

Habbo staff should also prehaps make an "official" helpdesk, or better yet move the HxHD to the official rooms. And Habbo X's would mainly help out there and the Welcome Lounge, aswell as going around the hotel to make sure users are safe and happy. I also think the X's could watch over some events to makesure theres no scamming (or users could request for an X to watch over a game or trade by using the CFH button).

Also maybe on the CFH menu there should be a request to call and X for help if it isn't urgent.

I just think maybe something simular should be brought back because I have seen alot of helpful users around Habbo. And I know that some users would really like to do something good for the community.

I keep saying X's but I'm thinking about something a bit different, more professional? These are only rough ideas.

I know some users also think it's a good idea to bring them back.
But I would like to know what you guys think, or if you have any different ideas. :)

I know alot of people didn't like the X's or guides, but please don't hate me or get mad for asking this question.


you know nothing at all, please have habbox's or habbo staff to consultate with before even suggesting this idea. Habbo x's were tooken down as it was illegal to have people under the age of 18 work with teenagers/children, and it's not a charity so they couldn't 'volunteer' it's true fact what i'm saying lol, silly idea lol.

14-04-2011, 03:35 PM
you know nothing at all, please have habbox's or habbo staff to consultate with before even suggesting this idea. Habbo x's were tooken down as it was illegal to have people under the age of 18 work with teenagers/children, and it's not a charity so they couldn't 'volunteer' it's true fact what i'm saying lol, silly idea lol.

Ok, I wasn't too sure on the reason they were taken down, but I have seen some people on this forum say it was because some X's or Hobbas abused their rights.
You could have just let me know this wasn't correct instead of saying I know nothing. I've been part of habbo since about 2005 so I think i know a little bit about Habbo. :)
but thanks for letting me know anyhow.

Everyone else: Thankyou for your opinions, keep them coming :)
Also, I didn't mean completely bring the X's back, but something simular. But I personaly do not think they should have any MOD tools at all. Apart from being able to be called with the CFH.

Also I like the idea of having to have a clean record etc. But when I first started Habbo I was only about 11 or 12 and didn't fully understand some of the rules so did get banned a couple of times, as I'm sure a few others have aswell. But even so, Habbo / Sulake or who ever would be able to see who the decent users are. :)

I agree with the ideas that MODs should be more "hands on" and for people to be able to talk to them in public rooms ect. but they are very busy remember. :)

Also thankyou everyone for being polite about this, I know some people wont like my ideas, but thats all they are, just ideas. :)

15-04-2011, 09:11 AM
I was an X on Habbo UK, on my other account.

It was a really good program and I'd love to see something simular come back. Yes people had complains about it, but these were mostly the "rebels" who either got rejected or just hated the X Team.

The whole community that it created, with events and workshops worked great. The time I spent on the X team was the best I've ever had on Habbo, it just made it more worthwhile. If they brought something simular back again, I'd definitely apply for it and want to be apart of it.

Hopefully they can incorporate it within Help Desks as before the X team this was the main source of help, and was quickly killed off after the X team launched.

Those suggesting tools for the X team, It would never happen, we weren't allowed the simplest of tools, like being able to alert Habbo's and our room over-ride was quickly taken away if I remember. The X team didn't need tools, our "job" was to help, not prance around with our badge and abuse tools.

Personally I feel the X team failed after Redtiz left, when she left a lot of people lost faith in the team after 0rca took over. It was too strict and not as much fun as it was before. I still belive that if Redtiz was still in control of the X team it would still be here today.

The main reason I left the X team before it ended was because of 0rca, she just ruined it.

15-04-2011, 03:35 PM
Ok, so some people belive that something Simular should be brought back. Please will people explain what they would like to see. What about the name? Would you want this group of helpers to be called Hobbas, X's or Guides? Or something completley different.

I think seeing as we are going for something that should be slightly different from X's etc. there should be a new name. I've been thinking about smething like "Habbo Helpers" or something like that (sorry if thats terrible! haha)

Also how many should be chosen? What rights or tools, if any, should they have?

And please don't forget to vote on the poll. :)

15-04-2011, 08:24 PM
No thanks,
maybe habbo/sulake should look at hiring some new/better hotel moderaters before hiring some little kids who want their 15 minutes of efame.

15-04-2011, 08:57 PM
How about MODs who go round hotel rooms that can interact with users? Or personally reply to some CFHs. Because when ever I make a CFH I feel like I'm getting a computer responce.

And we aren't on about hiring "little kids". I beleive most people are in agreement that they should be "long time" users. :)

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