View Full Version : Clearing the truth and rumours about me...

16-08-2005, 12:50 PM
Firstly, before anyone starts going on about this isn't news or rumours...I just want to say that I have got permission from crashb555 OK. :)

Now, back to the topic...

This thread is to basically clear up the truth and rumours commented about me.

Firstly if you are a person who despises me, dislikes me, or practically does not care about me or what I think, then don’t continue reading as you’ll only be wasting your time and I don’t want you to waste your time.

Due to the recent events everything’s become quite stirred and blurred and facts, news and rumours have been spread throughout Habbohotel via many sources such as fansites, gossip, forums, stories and by word-of-mouth.

With security being breached again and housekeeping being entered upon those that have trespassed, many Habbos (mainly the rich and the famous) have been hacked/owned (whatever you want to call it).

Prior to those Habbos being owned/hacked, there was speculation on whether I had been hacked or not as you saw my Habbo picking up all my stuff and taking everything away and locking up.

Well at the time I was tutoring a younger friend of mine that I know in real life that was pretty much doing his work so I just went to read some Habbo gossip, check my emails and read the daily news.

Anywho went I was looking on the forums I came across many threads about Habbos being hacked and //MSG came back. So I pretty much stopped what I was doing and just read and flicked through it. I figured I was going to be next to being owned/hacked. I was lagging lots and that was pretty much slowing everything down. With the usual scripting going in my room and all the PH boxes coming out of nowhere and stuff, I decided it was time to retreat and to be safe and avoid publicity.

Everyone was staring at my Habbo picking everything up, without locking the room and everything. I had no time for locking and kicking and stuff as I was lagging so bad there was no time to waste. I was not panicking, but rather impatient…

Everywhere I went few people or many people or just one would ask about my account or what’s going on with me. I had to repeat it because I wanted to keep low profile and also didn’t want to repeat myself elaborately so I decided to just say that I do not want to speak about it. Many understood, but others wouldn’t shut up lol. :P

Anyway, as time progressed, my trial examinations were approaching so I decided to get myself safety banned to prevent myself from going onto Habbo and to protect my account. Though I know I could easily get owned whatever, at least I know it stopped me as I just wanna always speak on console as I’m always on hotel view lots lol.

Yall probably know by now that I obviously was not owned/hacked. Mind you the story isn’t over yet…

Anyway when I returned to Habbo, which is probably the 10th or something the date I returned…I came to find that my safety banned account had been accessed on the 6th of August. I’m not sure by who and I don’t wanna give the blame but yeh I just wanted to say that my account was accessed, I don’t know what the term is but obviously I wasn’t safe.

Anyway life goes on. Habbo is meant to be for fun, so I’m gonna go back to the way things were and just see the good and bad of Habbo. I believe now that if krews, individual hackers and so forth wanted to own me, they could. I’m not gonna run as many of my friends did what some people on the forum suggested to do – Move account to a secret furni. Some will hide successfully, others not. I’m not one of them. I really hope I don’t get hacked though as I just wanna have fun and chill with my mates and I haven’t really got anything against anyone except for this one ‘club’ dude that just completely brown noses you, and then backstabs you and fakes his hackings and stuff.

Anyway to clear up a few things, I never said I got hacked. People said I did. I said to everyone I didn’t wanna talk about it, others have faked their hackings but not me…

I wasn’t hacked, but during my time away my account was accessed. I only hid because I was busy and also was trying to protect myself but I guess the hacking was an incentive to also get away from Habbo for a bit which was great as I needed that time to study.

Just have fun guys, it’s what Habbo is all about. For the hackers and stuff, I’m actually stunned that I have to take my hat off to them because they some thought Habbohotel was safe and many was safe, and they proved us wrong and gave us lots to do and think about. I don’t really have a beef with them, so I’m staying out of this as I don’t want trouble.

(by the way I’m not taking sides anywhere anyone, I don’t want a side. I was just speaking about myself and clearing up the truth and rumours lol)

If you’re gonna post guys, please don’t go post stuff how I said I was hacked, because I never did. People did, not me, I never chose to talk about it, and even put “please don’t ask about my other Habbo…:P” on another Habbo I had used (as many knew).

Thanks guys for your time. I look forward to catching up with my very long time friends and very close friends.

:) Have fun guys!

16-08-2005, 12:51 PM
phew that took long

16-08-2005, 12:52 PM
Jesus thats a lot 2 read

16-08-2005, 12:52 PM
Well I read a bit and got bored

Erm... Atleast you made a thread :d

16-08-2005, 12:57 PM
I read it... And wasted my time o.o

16-08-2005, 01:03 PM
No problem guys...I've just had so much to clear up that's all. :)

16-08-2005, 01:06 PM
I support you whatever Blueweesh.

16-08-2005, 02:16 PM
I support you whatever Blueweesh.

lol ok :D :P :)

16-08-2005, 02:19 PM
I read most of it.

Then I got something in my eye >_>

16-08-2005, 02:22 PM
I read most of it.

Then I got something in my eye >_>

Glad you took the time..
I hope that's only dust in your eye!

16-08-2005, 02:27 PM
*Eyes Collapse*

Nice thread Bjay,glad to have ya back,Can we clear up an incident tho please?After A Few days of f/ring you cos your console was full you could finally accept it and came to call me Mr. Helsing, However a time at Jas' room you came and I said Hey Bjay and you said "Do I Know you" Or summit like that and was adamant that you didnt know me.It was before August so what happened?

16-08-2005, 02:38 PM
I read it. Pretty much said everything I already know, so meh.

16-08-2005, 02:43 PM
I read it. Pretty much said everything I already know, so meh.

Good :)

16-08-2005, 02:48 PM
Long post!

16-08-2005, 02:49 PM
I read everything you said.
Wow I haven't known you for a while Bjay,
but hopefully everything will be alright for now :(

16-08-2005, 02:53 PM
Very emtional I have to say

16-08-2005, 02:55 PM
Lol Bjay.

I don't know why everyone jumped to conclusions and assumed you were hacked anyway. People these days are too over-excitable =.='

16-08-2005, 02:56 PM
I gotta agree with dat

16-08-2005, 02:56 PM
i read it all and found nothing of interest .

16-08-2005, 02:57 PM
Lmao first of all , should really ask, did u understand it mate

The Professor
16-08-2005, 03:04 PM
Dont know ya, so not gonna comment. Congrats on not being haxed anyway.

16-08-2005, 03:04 PM
You'll always be my friend! I hope we can catch up, we havent spoken in ages!
Speak to me any time you wish. Cami xx

16-08-2005, 03:05 PM
I knew it I was in the room at the time then you gave me an idea so i done the same thing :rolleyes:

16-08-2005, 03:07 PM
:o sounds very sad :(

16-08-2005, 04:28 PM
blimey how long did that take to read lol? talk about life time story :D *joke*
at least u r safe!

16-08-2005, 08:51 PM
I found myself in quite the same situation. Even if you had faked your Hacking it wouldn't be up to anyone to criticize you and if they do so it's because they truly wanted you to have been hacked because of their jealousy and envy for your account / status. I never said I was hacked to anyone and I too managed to escape without being violated. All I can say now is that I hope they don't ever get back onto housekeeping. I feel sorry for many of the people that watched their hard work go down the drain because of Habbo staffs incompassion and lack of understanding what the term security consists of. Congratulations Bjay on managing to avoid the monsters and hopefully we see some admission of guilt in the future from the Staff at Habbo Hotel. Alot of friends are gone and alot of the places where I felt at home are no longer there for me to chill in, at least you now have one of the remaining popular super rare casinos that was here before and after the terrorists invaded our hotel.

16-08-2005, 08:57 PM
I found myself in quite the same situation. Even if you had faked your Hacking it wouldn't be up to anyone to criticize you and if they do so it's because they truly wanted you to have been hacked because of their jealousy and envy for your account / status. I never said I was hacked to anyone and I too managed to escape without being violated. All I can say now is that I hope they don't ever get back onto housekeeping. I feel sorry for many of the people that watched their hard work go down the drain because of Habbo staffs incompassion and lack of understanding what the term security consists of. Congratulations Bjay on managing to avoid the monsters and hopefully we see some admission of guilt in the future from the Staff at Habbo Hotel. Alot of friends are gone and alot of the places where I felt at home are no longer there for me to chill in, at least you now have one of the remaining popular super rare casinos that was here before and after the terrorists invaded our hotel.

Terrorists :D Looool Ther stupid Scripters.. Dusnt take a rocket scientist

16-08-2005, 10:04 PM
All I can say is good look in getting the safety ban removed if you haven't already, as you probably know, i've been waiting quite a while myself...

16-08-2005, 10:12 PM
Terrorists :D Looool Ther stupid Scripters.. Dusnt take a rocket scientist

Scripting has nothing to do with this whole scenario. A moderator was keylogged and had access to the Hotels vital information. This would be just the same type of scenario as stealing the Bank managers keys to the vault.

16-08-2005, 10:32 PM
I only know you over the forums, but by what you say it gives me the sense you are a nice person with a good sense of humour. Hackers are losers. Although, if you got hacked, they would do nothing about it. However, coolmandan gets hacked, (no offence) and he gets furniture replaced. Pffft.

16-08-2005, 10:51 PM
I don’t really have a beef with them, so I’m staying out of this as I don’t want trouble.
Don't try and talk gangster, it makes you look like a fool..

16-08-2005, 10:54 PM
Don't try and talk gangster, it makes you look like a fool..

How do you know Bluweesh isn't a gangster? Beef isn't such a gangster related term anymore, it's widely used by many people.

17-08-2005, 12:29 AM
Well done Bjay ,Your a Legend
No Matter how hard the speculation your involved in your always Your own happy self.
No matter how Much I`m alway complaining and threatning to leave you`ll say these famous words
"Just relax :)" "Habbos for fun"
Thank`s bjay Look forward to the casino :)

17-08-2005, 01:35 AM
I read it, it eas boring cause i already knew it all. ;)

17-08-2005, 05:47 AM
Don't try and talk gangster, it makes you look like a fool..

Ahh don't worry I wasn't trying to be gangster! It was just the word that was used by this person in [udc] crew I think, and he was saying that word and telling me stuff and yeh...Duno what else to call it really...

17-08-2005, 06:01 AM
Ok I Dont Get It.. why Do Habbos Hack.. I Swear Like Sulake Needs To Do Somthing About This.. I Think This Hotel Has Turned Into Poo.. Hackers Are R*tarded.. I Dont Understand ... Habbo Isnt even About The Furni.. And Why Should It Cost Money To Buy It. Its like 10 Dollars A Year To Host a Webpage.. And You Spend You Money Then Its Gone Just Like That ;o Thats Why I Dont Buy Credits.. I Kinda Poor ;].. I Dont wanna Be Hacked.. I Just Buy Hc..

17-08-2005, 07:26 AM
So overall, you could of just said you didn't get hacked?

17-08-2005, 07:31 AM
Bjay, atleast I now know what happened (It's steven)

17-08-2005, 07:37 AM
So overall, you could of just said you didn't get hacked?

Yes but with the details and stuff that answers most of the questions that were asked like where have I been, what's going on, why'd this and that happen and so forth. Sorry to make it detailed :P

Bjay, atleast I now know what happened (It's steven)

Sorry I kept you in the dark Steven. I pretty much did that with everyone, heh. Just didn't wanna talk about it yet :P

17-08-2005, 08:11 AM
wow, a bad rep saying xbox is rubbish and so will 360 =/

17-08-2005, 08:13 AM
wow, a bad rep saying xbox is rubbish and so will 360 =/

Huh? What's wrong? :s

17-08-2005, 09:46 AM
All I can say Is Welcome Back Bro.
Though I won`t be on as Much, Your going to remain one of today`s Most Popular habbo`s.
Always Here for you Bjay :)

17-08-2005, 09:54 AM
JayBay <333.
Already knew most of that, but still kept me entertained ;)
It wasn't really that long, it was interesting =[


And Velkome vack ;)

19-08-2005, 01:06 PM
:) Whoever said about faking to be hacked
He never actually did
Because If you ever asked him he would say he never actually said he did
He said he didnt wanna talk about it
Well now hes safe with all his furni well done bjay
as u can see everyone respects what u did

19-08-2005, 02:26 PM
I'm glad you weren't hacked, you didn't deserve to be. :)

19-08-2005, 02:42 PM
Wait a minute... who r u again?
Naah, hey bjaay! Thats intresting and um. Yayayayayay u aint been hacked and Yayayayayayayay ur still hawt!

19-08-2005, 02:46 PM
Wait a minute... who r u again?
Naah, hey bjaay! Thats intresting and um. Yayayayayay u aint been hacked and Yayayayayayayay ur still hawt!

Please remove your Sexist Avator or ill Give you sumthing to cry about :8

Bwuahahahahaha :eusa_danc

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