View Full Version : [Bobba] Skammed, First Time in Three Years.

16-08-2005, 03:31 PM
Yup, i was skammed today.
I was in a game of revenge and I had just won a ice-cream master. I clicked Accept in the trade box and had it in my hand then got d/c. I tried to re-log on but it kept saying WRONG PASSWORD/NAME. So i logged on as my other account [that shall not be named]. I searched XingQi and sure enough someone was on my account. I went to a room and I saw MY ACCOUNT BEING USED AND PICKING UP MY FURNITURE. I screamed, why are you on my account. The person just kept on picking items up into the hand.
I then went to my email address where you are meant to get the email me the pass thing. Here is what mine said:
"Someone (it might, or might not have been you) has changed your Habbo
email address to a different one.

If it wasn't you that changed it, then it might have been a scammer.
You can change your email address back just by clicking the following
link: %url% The change will be automatic!

WARNING! If you do this, your Habbo password will be AUTOMATICALLY
changed to a new one, which will be sent to the email address:

Hotel Manager

Stupid thing was, it posted no link. -.-'
Now every so often i see the skammer on my XingQi account in my rooms. For instance now I am in my top room and the skammer is in the door.
It's so unfair.

16-08-2005, 05:38 PM
THat Sounds like u got hacked, not scammed. Or Some1 guessed ur password and Dob. (unlikely). and yes there is a link there u cant see it. i used it tons of times when i got hacked in march. i kept forgeting the password. i know how it feels. but also its more horrible when they were ur best friend in r/l

16-08-2005, 06:34 PM
how come i can't see it?
is there a way to make it so i can see it?
[wants to see it]

16-08-2005, 06:44 PM
Yeah Hacked is a more Better word for that.. sorry to hear.

16-08-2005, 07:13 PM
ive forgot my password :( n now habbo has stopped sending emails to AOL..so im stuck..

17-08-2005, 04:44 PM
Unlucky, hopefully you didn't loose too much. Get your account back?

17-08-2005, 07:06 PM
Can't get it back?
The email thing doesn't show up, and the DOB doesn't either...
I sent an email and have received no reply yet.
I lost all my rares, if I search the name I can see norms which is better then nothing! [If i can get it back]

17-08-2005, 07:47 PM
You got owned, nope there is no way you can it back..

17-08-2005, 08:02 PM
I got hacked love, on Lilchloedarlin account, the scammer comes on and says " ill give you this account if you give me your age" and im like No! i lost about 8 rooms of furni [as i owned a hotel] its still there if you surch my name

18-08-2005, 05:49 PM
sorry to hear. :[
but it's annoying, cause i go online and the scammer is on my account.
Like today I saw the scammer in my room on my account -.-'

18-08-2005, 06:04 PM
I searched XingQi and sure enough someone was on my account. I went to a room and I saw MY ACCOUNT BEING USED AND PICKING UP MY FURNITURE. I screamed, why are you on my account. The person just kept on picking items up into the hand.

That happened to me ¬.¬, the person was obviously extremely worried as s/he picked up the few rares he could see and ran...

THat Sounds like u got hacked, not scammed. Or Some1 guessed ur password and Dob. (unlikely).
There are programs that let you see an accounts D.O.B and Email.

23-08-2005, 02:41 AM
THat Sounds like u got hacked, not scammed. Or Some1 guessed ur password and Dob. (unlikely). and yes there is a link there u cant see it. i used it tons of times when i got hacked in march. i kept forgeting the password. i know how it feels. but also its more horrible when they were ur best friend in r/l
I got owned my my m8 i grew up with he was going on my account and taking furni every night and i found out his pass and took it back ;)

23-08-2005, 09:37 AM
somone probly guess your pass and went on packlogger n saw you dob or you keylogged :l

25-08-2005, 01:43 AM
I GOT HACKED GOOD THING THE HACKER DIDNT STEAL MY AGE SO I STILL HAVE MY ACCOUNT NOW I GOT ONLY SOME FURNI! Also hackers gdont know there stealing money they atleast took $190 worth of furni out of my friend and $20 dollars out of me. :( :( :( :sad:

25-08-2005, 10:57 PM
It won't show up if you're using certain things such as say aol... it does work on hotmail though... make a hotmail account and forward the message to it, see if it works :)

26-08-2005, 09:18 AM
Have done, doesn't work though....

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