View Full Version : Fringe

07-05-2011, 11:57 AM
Now i havn't always been a huge fan of fringe but i enjoy there story arcs.
Recently i've been keeping up to date with the americans and FFS at the ending (Major season ending spoilers below)

So Peter activates the machine, in the future the alternate universe has een destroyed and our universe is disintigrating, Olivia gets killed, Walter realises how the parts of the machine got put back in time (he sent them back). After all this happens peter goes back to the present and stops what he is about to do. Instead he merges one room between the 2 universes so Peter, nboth olivias and both walters are together. Whilst discussing how to fix both universes Peter slowly dissapears however noone takes notice. It then cuts to a take outside Liberty Island where all the Observers have gathered, One mentions how they dont remember Peter whilst the other replies: Why would they? He never existed, He served his purpose. *Cuts to Black*

Aghhhhh that is unbelivably cruel how could they take Peter out of the series he is awsome

*Finishes Venting

07-05-2011, 12:04 PM
i used to watch fringe, but got bored - but is it worth watching the most recent series again? been reading about the last episode and it sounds pretty good (and confusing) but idk

07-05-2011, 12:11 PM
The last 2 episodes of this season are fantastic, if any one needs to catch up don't bother watching all fo season 1 and 2 just do the first few and last few episodes in each season and you get the gist ;)

I'd recommend this show to anyone who likes sciency ****..... Imagine Dr Who merging With Lost haha it's one giant Mind **** but very good.

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