View Full Version : Potential theory.

13-05-2011, 10:02 PM
This theory relates to buddhism, loosely based on schizophrenia. Once you have developed each stage you are able to see the other stages and until then are oblivious to the others, until you fully understand them.

Now there are two ways to look at life, X and Y. X - One is an oblivious life where you want nothing more than the traditional rat race lifestyle, this would be because your not thinking for yourself and have been hold what to believe and how you should live your life, material possessions rule your life and you are bound by society. The second can be divided into Stage One, which develops into Stage Two. Y-SO is living a realisation, where you see that life has no meaning and that "We are all stardust" - So therefore can be construed as purposeless. This can lead to misery and where Stage X will think your life lacks direction, you will know, that it is not you, but the world that lacks direction. This stage could be said to lack morals, but "morals are another word for restraints" and "the elite should not let morals cloud their judgements".

However, Y-ST will lead you to the realisation of that life has no meaning, but, that is not what you should be led to believe. Life can prosper and that you should try find the joy in your life. Humanitarianism could fall into either the X or Y-ST.

You can choose to help others about their little controlled patch that they call life, or you can teach them to develop, but risk them not being able to understand the full concepts of a developed stage and this could lead to depression.

Jesus quoted "beware of the false prophets". This could mean charlatans could believe that they have reached the final stage of actualisation, however, they can still be unsatisfied. However, it is "only in the ways of love that any logic exists" - John Nash.

- "The Theory" extract, 2011
This is what I get for searching google for hours on end.

23-05-2011, 05:26 PM
I got confused after ''Does this make sense'' - Has it got something to do with 3 life choices?

25-05-2011, 03:40 PM
tbh, after reading it. It doesn't make too much sense - bad grammatical rant.
I'll amend it sometime when I feel motivated?

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