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17-08-2005, 10:46 AM
[img=http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/1175/heaters4nv.th.png] (http://img354.imageshack.us/my.php?image=heaters4nv.png)

I dunno if this will work, this is my 1st time posting pictures and i am dumb =[ lol

17-08-2005, 10:48 AM
Nope din't work im dumb =[ lol sorry

I dunno if this will work, this is my 1st time posting pictures and i am dumb =[ lol

I can tell

17-08-2005, 10:48 AM
Hi Their.

Please go to imageshack.us upload the picture then get the Hot link for forums, then paste it in your post as you cant put pictures up from your Hard disk drive xP as that can be seen..



17-08-2005, 10:58 AM
Omg =[ummmmmmm just have to click the link for now till i gain brains ;)
http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/1175/heaters4nv.png (http://imageshack.us)

17-08-2005, 11:03 AM
Nice heaters !


17-08-2005, 11:05 AM
Hi Again.

With this.


You can't leave a space... so it would be TheSiteAddressHere

Hope it helps.


Also nice :) 7.10ish :)

EDIT; I see you have done it, - Ste.

17-08-2005, 11:06 AM
Wewt i did it ;D ta guys

17-08-2005, 06:42 PM
it just looks like somthing that was on TwoPixels.co.uk so i am accusing him of rippping (image attached) i thinks its official as it is an exact match if u dont think it is then say so
EDIT: it is official i went on paint cut it out and put it against his heater and its an EXACT fit u do it if u want he is so BUSTED

Edited by AndieJohanny (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse anyone of stealing alterations/images without proof. What you gave is not an "exact match".

17-08-2005, 07:09 PM
Tsk Tsk Tsk

Dont rip :)

Edited by AndieJohanny (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse anyone of stealing alterations/images without proof.

17-08-2005, 07:09 PM
lol, get out newbie stop ripping

Edited by AndieJohanny (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse anyone of stealing alterations/images without proof.

17-08-2005, 07:11 PM
Heh, what a surprise. But what he did of it was nice though.

Edited by AndieJohanny (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse anyone of stealing alterations/images without proof.

17-08-2005, 07:59 PM
Omg can't you tell he just added that in >=[ he is the ripper i have proof i spent half an hour making them also if you look closey i signed the machines !!!!

hes just the lier who wants to bad rep me >=[ only little children do things like that and lie about thing not 17 year olds !!!
get a life why take it out on others and the site link you gave is obviously one you own or work on. if you have procon you will realise it was added to that site today he's the fraud >=[ grow up.

17-08-2005, 08:02 PM
Omg can't you tell he just added that in >=[ he is the ripper i have proof i spent half an hour making them also if you look closey i signed the machines !!!!

hes just the lier who wants to bad rep me >=[ only little children do things like that and lie about thing not 17 year olds !!!
get a life why take it out on others and the site link you gave is obviously one you own or work on. if you have procon you will realise it was added to that site today he's the fraud >=[ grow up.

er right. whateverr. ripped

Edited by AndieJohanny (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse anyone of stealing alterations/images without proof.

17-08-2005, 08:02 PM
Theese alts are NOT rip offs of the grey thing he added i can sware on the holy bible i have never seen that alt before now.

17-08-2005, 08:13 PM
woo stop wait a min i've read it wrong, i thought you was saying i copyed the whole thing and rubbed out the grey machine soz.
but i can swear on my life i have never heard of two pixles or w.e it was and i have never seen that alt before... i started off from a mocha was planing to make a treasure chest then changed my mind to make the heaters, besides the alt he added was a mini bar this is an heater ;l

Edited by AndieJohanny (Forum Moderator): Please don't double post. Wait for someone else to post before you do.

17-08-2005, 08:17 PM
Lol thanks for the grey rep :)

17-08-2005, 08:18 PM
Omg can't you tell he just added that in >=[ he is the ripper i have proof i spent half an hour making them also if you look closey i signed the machines !!!!

hes just the lier who wants to bad rep me >=[ only little children do things like that and lie about thing not 17 year olds !!!
get a life why take it out on others and the site link you gave is obviously one you own or work on. if you have procon you will realise it was added to that site today he's the fraud >=[ grow up.
2 things:
1.u sound like my grandma
2. that picture of the sprite machine has been on twopixels for over 2 months so ur a ripper mate and also i added it in so u could see u ripped it and i neither own or work for two pixels MAKE UR OWN ALTS U USELESS PILE OF DONKEY TURD btw RIPPER!!!!!!!!! btw i wouldn't acuse anyone of rippin without proof and i have that proof so IN YOUR FACE

Edited by AndieJohanny (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse anyone of stealing alterations/images without sufficient proof.

17-08-2005, 08:25 PM
Yes they look alike but i anit no ripper you noob >=[ i'd never evan heard of the site i don't go on unpopular sites as there normally scam sites, btw you don't know me so i wouldn't call me names

17-08-2005, 08:32 PM
Omg can't you tell he just added that in >=[ he is the ripper i have proof i spent half an hour making them also if you look closey i signed the machines !!!!

hes just the lier who wants to bad rep me >=[ only little children do things like that and lie about thing not 17 year olds !!!
get a life why take it out on others and the site link you gave is obviously one you own or work on. if you have procon you will realise it was added to that site today he's the fraud >=[ grow up.

*que ripper making another account to back himself up*

Edited by AndieJohanny (Forum Moderator): Please don’t accuse anyone of stealing alterations/images without proof.

17-08-2005, 08:36 PM
It is not ripped theres some similar parts and some that are not similar.
Dont call anyone a ripper with out step by step proof.
Edit: If your gonna call someone a ripper show the site not name it in the first place.

17-08-2005, 08:47 PM
Technically they are not hard to make, as she said, 1 Mocha and cut it etc. I could make stuff like that in seconds. Her one might not be ripped because there is a shine effect on the top of the machine which isn't on the Sprite Machine. Plus, on the top around the corners they are shaped differently and as a bonus, the doors and so on have been removed, but a ripper wouldn't waste this much time doing stuff like that and besides, it is just the base of a mocha...

17-08-2005, 09:20 PM
Exactly were you been gomme missed you and if you think about it only reason there same size is because if you cut off the top of a mocha the base is always gonna be the same size so you all owe him/her a apology

17-08-2005, 09:33 PM
:o really good 10/10 well done :)

17-08-2005, 09:41 PM
Ty, i did not copy this alt as i have never seen it, to thoose that have posted the last few replys im gunna give you Rep+ as it goes to show there are SOME decent ppl out there.

If i had of created a mini bar i would understand been accused of ripping, this is an heater created in the same way as the mini bar was ( Cut down mocha )
This was my first ever alteration post on the forums
shame the majority of ppl who shout there mouth off before they think had to ruin it.
btw you don't have to "broadcast" your "Accusations"
Find out the facts.

Thank you again to thoose who posted the last few threads, shows there are decent ppl out there.

17-08-2005, 10:08 PM
lol ty n i love your avatar too :')

whos the kid with an attitude?


18-08-2005, 08:57 AM
how da hell is that ripped the sprite machine maybe looks the same but ithas diffy edes bigger and more curved diifernt affect
so u ppl tht think its riped STHU ur da noobs

18-08-2005, 03:07 PM
...=/ You lot are idiots, except Dudeitsme, Gomme and Bielby, if you lot had eyes, you could see they are completely different, the shading is different, highlighting and tone. They are both based on the mocha and it isn't a hard thing to think up, so I expect this was a huge coinsidence.

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