View Full Version : does an expired passport still count as id

31-05-2011, 12:02 PM
basically we get shopping delivered to our door and today he asked me for id, my mum has the car n my licence was in it so I gave him my passport which expired on the 15th. he wouldn't take it cause it's not valid which is ridiculous cause it's got my date of birth on it so why does it matter... plus we didn't even order any alcohol :s

well obv I'm gonna have to phone n sort it out but anyway would clubs/pubs take it as id? I dont like taking out my licence n don't want to renew my passport till I really need to. I've bought alcohol from the shop since it expired so will it really matter

31-05-2011, 12:07 PM
some places wont do it because they need you to be 18 for them to enter ur house, its the same with the gas board nd stuff, it stops you from saying theyre a paedo

31-05-2011, 12:08 PM
It really depends on the place, technically they shouldn't be accepted but if you look on the internet or ask friends there are some clubs which will let you in with it. It really depends on whether the picture still looks like you or not, if it's nothing like you they're more inclined to look at the expiry date and reject you but depends on the place. Banks for instance always seem to check and reject expired passports.

So yeah you can probably get away with it as ID on nights out providing it looks like you but they're totally within theirs rights to reject it.

31-05-2011, 12:50 PM
dont think clubs will but ive used my expired passport that expired last october in a pubs

31-05-2011, 01:00 PM
no, pretty much everywhere rejects them

31-05-2011, 01:00 PM
some places wont do it because they need you to be 18 for them to enter ur house, its the same with the gas board nd stuff, it stops you from saying theyre a paedo
he doesn't enter the house:P i called them up and they said they only need id if you bought anything that requires you to be 18 which we didn't...

looks like i'll just have to take my license if i go out :/ i'm notorious for losing stuff, i lost my provisional the 1st day i used it as id fgs and that same day one of the girls i was out with was using id from when she was 7.... i would rather chance taking out an expired passport n losing it than my license though & yeah i do look like my picture. i don't get id'd in my usual pubs anymore but always always do in clubs so idk. might just chance it.

31-05-2011, 01:30 PM
You could prob get away with it because you got chestlumps and a front bottom but legally they don't count for anything so it's a bit of a gamble. Still have to keep hold of it though anyway because when you apply for a new one you have to send that off

31-05-2011, 01:44 PM
well my friend tried to get into walkabout with an expired passport and they denied it as even though it has his picture, date of birth etc., it's not a valid form of ID as it's expired.

31-05-2011, 01:52 PM
I don't think they'd accept it so if your gonna do that I'd bring like bank cards, student card or electoral id to back it up.

31-05-2011, 03:11 PM
Revolution, Oceana and Walkabout definitely don't accept expired ID :(

02-06-2011, 11:08 AM
I dont think it would. Could be wrong.

02-06-2011, 07:40 PM
they wont accept them, been there and done that what a waste of time I had a rant with the delivery guy :/ - However I think as said above it does depend on who it is and how awkward they want to be. I totally get your point with it has your age on it. I mean thats all that should matter right?

02-06-2011, 08:02 PM
Yes depending on the place, passports usually as long as the photo still looks like you and it's in decent condition.

When I first turned 18 I used my passport from when I was 10 and it worked fine in an o2 academy :P

Get yourself a provisional license or a PASS ID Card (: less likely to loose them on a night out (:

02-06-2011, 08:16 PM
It depends where your going, if its somthing like a concert its fine. If its somthing more serious, you might need somthing better ;)

02-06-2011, 08:21 PM
Yes depending on the place, passports usually as long as the photo still looks like you and it's in decent condition.

When I first turned 18 I used my passport from when I was 10 and it worked fine in an o2 academy :P

Get yourself a provisional license or a PASS ID Card (: less likely to loose them on a night out(:
what's a pass id and how am I less likely to lose it? :p I lose everything! I'm gonna have to use my license for Saturday :/

02-06-2011, 08:37 PM
Pass id is a Proof of Age Standards scheme.. http://www.validateuk.co.uk/

Expired passports work in a majority of pubs as my friend used his. But only got into 1 club out of 7, so depends how strict your area is.

02-06-2011, 08:38 PM
Staple it to your arm

Edited by Infectious (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not make pointless posts!

02-06-2011, 08:48 PM
bars reject all expired id's because lots of people will sell their id's and then get new ones.

03-06-2011, 12:11 PM
Less likely to loose a PASS Id as it's just a card that you can either stick in a wallet / purse rather than have to dig out a passport from a bag :P

03-06-2011, 01:03 PM
Wetherspoons accept them. Here anyway.

03-06-2011, 01:32 PM
I think it depends on the person ID'ing you IMO. I know most pubs around here would accept an expired Passport.

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