View Full Version : The Value of the Throne

02-06-2011, 11:20 AM

The Habbox Value is currently 360c, and the Marketplace average is 350c. I searched for the Throne on the marketplace about 10 minutes ago and managed to get one for just 303c, with the minimum available offer currently being 374c. Looking at the price development graph for the Throne, on either Habbox Rare Values or the Habbo Marketplace will show you that they've been slowly decreasing over the past month or so. However, within the last few days they seem to have dropped from around 410c to 360c.

Do you think it will continue to decrease, and if so, how long for? When do you think it will begin to increase, (which is bound to happen at some point)?

02-06-2011, 11:30 AM
I imagine the decrease was partly due to the 75c rare - many people would have struggled to afford it, so sold things cheaper to get the credits - and the item most people would sell if they don't have much (just their 'precious' throne) is the throne.

I would love to see the throne completely crash, 100c each :L Infact the entire super market too - Habbos 'economy' is screwed anyway
I don't play habbo, so can't really say but that is a guess from me.

02-06-2011, 11:32 AM
I've lost interest in trading and Habbo as a whole tbh. I'm only here due to Habbox.

I have 5 thrones which i paid 500C for about 6 months ago and at first i was bothered about the price falling, but then i lost interest and i'm just keeping them as i like them.

I think they thrones are just returning to a price that they were back before the Merge. It's taken them a year to do so but its slowly happening. They got to a peak of 1000C this time last year and have been dropping ever since. There are alot more Thrones on the Merge hotel due to them being released in the catalog on the AU hotel. Before the merge they were 100HC on the UK hotel and HCs were 5C per so thats 500C for a throne. So thrones should have been 500C when we merged, but something wierd happened with them. And then because they were released on the AU hotel this has affected their original value of 500C and brought it down. I think they throne has stopped decreasing so much. It's been floating around 300-400C for months now. I think thats the normal

02-06-2011, 11:37 AM
I've lost interest in trading and Habbo as a whole tbh. I'm only here due to Habbox.

I have 5 thrones which i paid 500C for about 6 months ago and at first i was bothered about the price falling, but then i lost interest and i'm just keeping them as i like them.

I think they thrones are just returning to a price that they were back before the Merge. It's taken them a year to do so but its slowly happening. They got to a peak of 1000C this time last year and have been dropping ever since. There are alot more Thrones on the Merge hotel due to them being released in the catalog on the AU hotel. Before the merge they were 100HC on the UK hotel and HCs were 5C per so thats 500C for a throne. So thrones should have been 500C when we merged, but something wierd happened with them. And then because they were released on the AU hotel this has affected their original value of 500C and brought it down. I think they throne has stopped decreasing so much. It's been floating around 300-400C for months now. I think thats the normal

At one point weren't HC's 12-14c and Thrones 85hc lmao

02-06-2011, 11:39 AM
I hope not, I have 38 of the things :l I hope they at least rise to 400c
But that said.. I probably wont sell them anyway even if they did

02-06-2011, 11:45 AM
At one point weren't HC's 12-14c and Thrones 85hc lmao

Yes they were, not directly before the merge though.

The value pre merge was 500C, then it went crazy for like 2 months after the merge (because of the US value everyone thought they would be worth loads so they were in demand) then ever since people noticed you can find thrones everywhere and so they dropped back to what they were before, plus a 100C more.

02-06-2011, 11:49 AM
Yes they were, not directly before the merge though.

The value pre merge was 500C, then it went crazy for like 2 months after the merge (because of the US value everyone thought they would be worth loads so they were in demand) then ever since people noticed you can find thrones everywhere and so they dropped back to what they were before, plus a 100C more.

Oh yeah, I wasn't thinking directly pre-merge.

I must admit it isn't the values which ruined it for me. It is the lack of furniture shops thanks to the marketplace. It used to be fantastic going in to a furniture shop/running a furniture shop making a bit of profit, finding what you want etc

Now it is boring, too easy and you generally don't make profits trading.

Hate it :(

02-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Part of the reason as to why the throne had something "weird happen" to them is that on the US hotel, they were worth 5,000 coins. There was an extremely low amount of thrones, and the US hotel being one of the larger hotels (compared to SG, AU, and CA) had a higher population of people who wanted them. That's why during the merge, people would buy them for 1,500 coins or some crazy amount like that.

02-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Habbox values are irrelevent so it doesn't really matter what anybody here thinks, but in answer to your question no it doesn't mean they're going down. You got lucky is all.

02-06-2011, 11:54 AM
Habbox values are irrelevent so it doesn't really matter what anybody here thinks, but in answer to your question no it doesn't mean they're going down. You got lucky is all.

Clearly they are going down when they weer 400c average in marketplace the other day.

Also, this might be HabboxForum but that doesn't make our opinions invalid, fool.

02-06-2011, 11:56 AM
Oh yeah, I wasn't thinking directly pre-merge.

I must admit it isn't the values which ruined it for me. It is the lack of furniture shops thanks to the marketplace. It used to be fantastic going in to a furniture shop/running a furniture shop making a bit of profit, finding what you want etc

Now it is boring, too easy and you generally don't make profits trading.

Hate it :(

Yep that is why i know longer 'play' habbo anymore. I'm just here for the community.

I had a very successful shop back in 2005-08 (more in 08) and i'd be online for an hour or 2 near enough everyday with my shop open, with hundreds of petals and Majs and 'casino rares' as we called them back then. It was really fun and exciting to watch the values changes on Habbox and stuff like that. It's sad really what the Marketplace has done.

With the Marketplace now, basically there are no rares as we classified them before. A rare was something released into the catalog under the rare section only for a short period of time. Now because of the marketplace EVERYTHING is in the catalog.

02-06-2011, 11:56 AM
Habbox values are irrelevent so it doesn't really matter what anybody here thinks, but in answer to your question no it doesn't mean they're going down. You got lucky is all.

I am aware that I was lucky, but either way; they have still been decreasing recently.

02-06-2011, 11:56 AM
I Think I Should Sell My Thrones Just Incase They Drop Like The Hc Sofas Did

02-06-2011, 12:07 PM
I Think I Should Sell My Thrones Just Incase They Drop Like The Hc Sofas Did

If you sell them slightly cheaper than normal, then they will go down more and more.

If everyone gets scared, and rushes to sell them - I promise you a fall in value.

02-06-2011, 12:10 PM
People recently have been 'rigging' rares that they want to become cheaper by putting them up for 1 credit and quickly buying them back, which makes the average decrease. If you look at the graph of the throne (and typos), some days, the average drops rapidly due to this.

The throne will probably go back up again unless people keep doing this, which is unpredicatable :P

02-06-2011, 06:05 PM
Ive got one as a donation that i need to change into creds for habbox comps (i had 2 but some idiot had an idea called hx monopoly... moron :P) so im gonna keep it and hope it goes up a bit :D

02-06-2011, 06:07 PM
Ive got one as a donation that i need to change into creds for habbox comps (i had 2 but some idiot had an idea called hx monopoly... moron :P) so im gonna keep it and hope it goes up a bit :D

Was it your throne (as in one nobody donated?)

02-06-2011, 06:18 PM
Was it your throne (as in one nobody donated?)

No they were both donated. I'm not entirely sure they were donated to Habbox but I don't have any interest in furni anyway.

02-06-2011, 08:06 PM
I gave up keeping track with the values of the thrones, because 2 days ago it was in the marketplace for 350c and then honestly, about 3 hours after, it went to 400c meaning that I had to wait to buy a throne because of the fluctuating price.

I think it will continue to go down but it will eventually stop because Thrones are still pretty rare and Habbo did get rid of a lot of them when they deleted all the accounts of rich habbos.


02-06-2011, 11:38 PM
I Think I Should Sell My Thrones Just Incase They Drop Like The Hc Sofas Did

I hope they do drop, i want one! id willing to pay 100-150c for one

---------- Post added 02-06-2011 at 04:40 PM ----------

I gave up keeping track with the values of the thrones, because 2 days ago it was in the marketplace for 350c and then honestly, about 3 hours after, it went to 400c meaning that I had to wait to buy a throne because of the fluctuating price.

I think it will continue to go down but it will eventually stop because Thrones are still pretty rare and Habbo did get rid of a lot of them when they deleted all the accounts of rich habbos.

Thrones aren't rare, they are pretty common if you think about it, i'd say 1/4 of the habbo population has either owned or still owns a throne, same the with peetal patches they aren't rare, people just think they are

03-06-2011, 06:39 AM
Thrones aren't rare, they are pretty common if you think about it, i'd say 1/4 of the habbo population has either owned or still owns a throne, same the with peetal patches they aren't rare, people just think they are

This is where I don't get you.. whether they dont seem rare or not, they're still classed as rare - because that's just how they are. Petal patches are quite rare.... whether the majority of people have them or not it doesnt matter, they're still rare if their not in the catologue.

03-06-2011, 11:00 AM
This is where I don't get you.. whether they dont seem rare or not, they're still classed as rare - because that's just how they are. Petal patches are quite rare.... whether the majority of people have them or not it doesnt matter, they're still rare if their not in the catologue.

I think he meant in a sense of how common they are. Meaning they are not 'Rare' in a sense of how many their are.

Like certain things we class on Habbox as super rare, such as those flat screen tv's given out at christmas one year, they are classed as a Super Rare because they weren't sold in the catalog, but in terms of how common they are, they are certainly not super rare.

It's rather confusing to explain, i hope you understand what i mean :S

03-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Habbo trading has been ruined for ages, in my opinion its due to the marketplace, people want to sell as soon as they can so they put there item in abit cheaper then the current one, which has a knock on effect, and puts things cheaper and cheaper, although this is good for buyers(for the time being), the price of what they bought will still decrease, and with things like thrones which are a valued furnis in habbo and people want them, so people know they can get credits for them, just depends how patient they are...

04-06-2011, 03:20 AM
I think he meant in a sense of how common they are. Meaning they are not 'Rare' in a sense of how many their are.

Like certain things we class on Habbox as super rare, such as those flat screen tv's given out at christmas one year, they are classed as a Super Rare because they weren't sold in the catalog, but in terms of how common they are, they are certainly not super rare.

It's rather confusing to explain, i hope you understand what i mean :S

This is infact exactly what i meant, thanks Dan

04-06-2011, 11:05 AM
I wonder if they'll re-release the Throne AS a 75c rare. Although I doubt it.

Thrones were only ever expensive because they were a currency, and now that currency is gone they are coming in line with how much people are willing to pay along with demand.

04-06-2011, 11:09 AM
It seems everybody has a throne these days, they defiantly don't seem as rare as they used to be.

Even though releasing it as a 75c rare would ruin the throne, it'd still be the best seat in Habbo Hotel imo. I'd buy a good 10 :)

04-06-2011, 11:11 AM
I wonder if they'll re-release the Throne AS a 75c rare. Although I doubt it.

Thrones were only ever expensive because they were a currency, and now that currency is gone they are coming in line with how much people are willing to pay along with demand.

To be honest now a days the only currency is credits, used to be Hc Sofas, Thrones And Credits, and tbh thats whats most of us are used to, so for use it will seem as trading is ruined.

04-06-2011, 11:47 AM
Never owned a throne but I can definetely see that they are becoming cheaper.

05-06-2011, 05:43 PM
Thrones aren't rare, they are pretty common if you think about it, i'd say 1/4 of the habbo population has either owned or still owns a throne, same the with peetal patches they aren't rare, people just think they are

I agree with you on the 'not being that rare' comment but disagree heavily on 1/4 having owned/own a throne at some point and 'all habbos seem to own thrones', there are so many habbos with so little furni or none at all that id say the figure is more 1/50 at the very most.

I think people spend so much time in the rooms of the richer 10% of habbo they forget how little most habbos have/will ever have.

tbh, I have always seen thrones as a classic furniture peice, i think they will rise sharply years from now, but not for a good while.

06-06-2011, 01:45 AM
I agree with you on the 'not being that rare' comment but disagree heavily on 1/4 having owned/own a throne at some point and 'all habbos seem to own thrones', there are so many habbos with so little furni or none at all that id say the figure is more 1/50 at the very most.

I think people spend so much time in the rooms of the richer 10% of habbo they forget how little most habbos have/will ever have.

tbh, I have always seen thrones as a classic furniture peice, i think they will rise sharply years from now, but not for a good while.

i see what you mean, infact your way of sying it makes so much more sense.

06-06-2011, 12:03 PM
I left when I found out that my two thrones which were worth loads at the time went down and my 3 rooms full of HCs decided to be worth like 1c.

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