View Full Version : [My Intentions] - Ends 10/06/2011

03-06-2011, 12:42 PM

Discussion Thread can be found here;


Official Clues; will be written in Dark Green and can appear within my posts around the Forum Games Section, or the runescape section, or maybe displayed in my avatar or signature
Competition Clues (can hint the prize + closing date), will be written in Red Italic


03-06-2011, 01:03 PM
The first 'Competition Clue' and 'Official Clues' are now active around the forum;

Note Clues will be posted in a random order, when all codes have been posted it will be up to you to crack the code, and discover my intentions.

04-06-2011, 01:14 PM
The 'old' clues have now been destroyed!

The new ones have been posted.

Good luck!

05-06-2011, 02:06 PM
#2 Clues are no longer available.

#3 Clues are up!

06-06-2011, 05:42 PM
#3 Clues have now been removed.

#4 Clues are up, with a potential to now find the closing date, Keep hold of this date it will be vital later on!

07-06-2011, 05:07 PM
#4 Clues are No long available.

#5 Clues are up


For a Chance to win 1 Million GP, PM Me the Deadline for this competition, it has recently been a 'Red clue' and it isnt todays clue.

Hint for todays clues;

Its right infront of your eyes.

08-06-2011, 05:03 PM
A Huge Congratulations to 'Competitions' Who guessed the correct Date and was picked at random, he has won himself 1million GP.

Todays Clues + THE FINAL CLUE



A Row has already been succeeded

Feeling Confident? PM 'Forum God' With the PM Title clearly stated as; [My Intentions] - (Your Forum Name)

11-06-2011, 11:26 AM
The Competition has now Closed, the Winner will be announced shortly.

11-06-2011, 04:03 PM
And we have our Winner!

A huge congratulations to Kyle who guessed correctly that my intentions was to achieve a Whole column of 99's, (note how im working on smith and mining, Farm and summ later) which contained 8 99's (stats) on my account Wise Wrenchy and a row has already been achieve.

Kyles Prize was; 7 Million RSGP, aswell as 88 Reputation from our sponsors;

Catz, Infectious, Jordesh, Shar, Sct and Myself


Well Done Kyle! :)

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