View Full Version : Hang on a minute think....competition!

17-08-2005, 05:58 PM
Sorry if this has been posted before:
Hi, as you may know on the www.habbohotel.co.uk homepage there is and has been for quite a while a COMPTETION to WIN an IPOD or IDEAL HABBO ROOM by creating a new Habbo account.

But think...... could this just have been done to boost habbos numbers!
I say this ason the www.sulake.com website there is a quote and I quote:
'we have now reached over 4 Million Habbos on the UK hotel'
I wonder how that happened.....? errmmm competitons such as the above that make people create more accounts!
That is all, Thanks
Simeon1011, Rare Values Reporter Wannabe

17-08-2005, 06:04 PM
Sorry if this has been posted before:
Hi, as you may know on the www.habbohotel.co.uk homepage there is and has been for quite a while a COMPTETION to WIN an IPOD or IDEAL HABBO ROOM by creating a new Habbo account.

But think...... could this just have been done to boost habbos numbers!
I say this ason the www.sulake.com website there is a quote and I quote:
'we have now reached over 4 Million Habbos on the UK hotel'
I wonder how that happened.....? errmmm competitons such as the above that make people create more accounts!
That is all, Thanks
Simeon1011, Rare Values Reporter Wannabe

Shut up with ur posh lingo

and yes it prob is

17-08-2005, 06:07 PM
You make it sound like a bad thing?
Its a good thing were getting more people, more money = more stuff.

17-08-2005, 06:08 PM
Sorry if this has been posted before:
Hi, as you may know on the www.habbohotel.co.uk homepage there is and has been for quite a while a COMPTETION to WIN an IPOD or IDEAL HABBO ROOM by creating a new Habbo account.

But think...... could this just have been done to boost habbos numbers!
I say this ason the www.sulake.com website there is a quote and I quote:
'we have now reached over 4 Million Habbos on the UK hotel'
I wonder how that happened.....? errmmm competitons such as the above that make people create more accounts!
That is all, Thanks
Simeon1011, Rare Values Reporter Wannabe

Lmao wow that sounds a bit cheeeky :p

17-08-2005, 06:09 PM
when habbo stop getting money they might just think about sorting habbo put

17-08-2005, 06:13 PM
I'm just saying thats why there was a comp

17-08-2005, 06:18 PM
We must of been stupid to not realise it, but it backfired when everyone made clones.

17-08-2005, 06:19 PM
We must of been stupid to not realise it, but it backfired when everyone made clones.
I wasn't saying u were stu[id

17-08-2005, 06:22 PM
Lmao i dont think that comp will even be stopped

The Professor
17-08-2005, 06:41 PM
I havent noticed it.

17-08-2005, 06:57 PM
they never give out the prizes anyway i have many accounts some i forgot the pass to and some are just my clones. they probably email the winner saying send us your address and habbo name so if we won we wouldn't know which habbo and people who register for the ipod will probably only go on once

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